Yes! But does it spark me joy?
I, Robot was a great movie and Will Smith did a great job delivering it to us.
Every great scene produced an even greater meme.
It was one of the first movies I can think of that introduces AI.
Before I get into AI, I know what some people might be thinking. Wow, you are shining the spotlight on Will Smith. Why would you do that?
To those who are thinking, wow he ripped off Maria Kondo. Don't worry, I am referring to her now. But points to you.
Now, on the topic of Will Smith, I do not care what he did to Chris Rock. Do I condone it? Do I justify his action? Do I understand the consequences?
Honestly, all of that is pointless to me because it doesn't really matter.
It has no impact on my life. The fact that we care so much about the lives of celebrities. Like hello? They are just another human being, go on with your lives and stop getting distracted.
But more to the fact, it doesn't take away from their works being great.
Unfortunately, the media does a great job of providing us with entertainment.
But the main function of the media isn't to entertain but to distract. Because that is what the media provides us, it is a distraction from our everyday lives.
The media as a function is designed to distract us from the bigger issues in the world. Even when the media is trying to educate us, it has to be entertaining.
A great example of that is "The Patriot Act". No, I am not referring to the Act passed in the USA. I am referring to the comedy show by none other than "Hasan Minhaj". A show that was designed to educate viewers, however, because our current society has such a low attention span, we have to make it into entertainment.
Hasan probably went this is some stuff I would love to educate people on but it so boring, oh I know, I will make people laugh and then it will make it more digestible. But this is a formula almost all comedians follow when handling serious shit about the world.
This is also why some people joke and say, our comedians speak more truth than the actual truth. Because guess what, the media is designed to make money and distract. The more time they can spend on one story the better. So they spin one story 10 different times.
I personally believe that if it wasn't entertaining I wouldn't have watched it. But that is so sad. Especially since, we have to make things entertaining for us to learn something, be informed and become a tad more intelligent.
This is why people say stuff like, oh I am in Math or Statistics or Accounting. But it is so dry, so I am only in it for the money. I do know a lot of people who love it. Now I get it. It is proven that if you enjoy something then it further accelerates learning. However, when you combine entertainment with education you are actually creating more distractions and that does more harm. Because you are being told unconsciously only chase after things that are fun to learn.
I think one can enjoy something without it being entertainment. Not everything needs to be lighthearted and all jokes, at times you have to be serious. You can still enjoy something and not be entertained by it but rather be amazed or interested in it. I think what the media has taught us is that the best way to educate is to communicate it in a way that captivates our attention. Well, the media has captivated our attention on AI. Because everyone has a million opinions on it and is eager to want to talk about it.
The creation and evolution of AI-based applications have us distracted. We are distracted because we do not know what to make of the multitude of information we get at our fingertips, from what we read, see and hear.
Every day the debate on AI is on two different spectrums.
AI is great or AI is bad.
I am on the spectrum of AI is great.
Everywhere you hear, AI is going to make certain jobs obsolete, or certain demographics are in trouble or our productivity will drop.
The fact is AI will make us more productive and in a way with proper education AI will and should be able to make us all more smarter.
Let's think about it logically. We do a lot of mundane tasks in our lives to achieve certain results. The truth is, that only 20% of those tasks have an actual effect on the result you want to see. The first 80% is just brainstorming, planning, editing, drafting and then you can put it into action. I just said 5 actions. The implementation process is where the true results are and where we should spend the most amount of our time to get the results we want.
However, we as a society spend money and time on the 80%. That is why at times you hear people jokingly saying, oh they are just planning and planning but nothing gets done. But there is always some truth to comedy. There is truth in that joke too. Planning achieves nothing, doing does. Because planning, editing and drafting mean nothing if we don't have something tangible attached to it.
That is where AI comes in, AI should be able to cut out all the noise and get straight to the results.
New jobs would come out on the horizon because now there would be a need to fulfill those new tangible results we have created through those 20%. However, people are too distracted to want to learn moreover our attention span is too low to even want to sit through a new AI program and even learn it to the fullest.
ChatGPT is the most talked about AI application, yet how many of us took the leap of faith and went ahead to buy 4.0 and learn its full capabilities?
The hard truth? Don't want to become obsolete? Then don't be lazy and keep up. Because everyone else is putting in the same amount of work. I can assure you that if you put in the work it will pay off in some shape or form.
AI will make us smarter, we just have to be willing to first abandon what we think we know and learn a new way of learning.
The future will in short be the art of learning applied at a greater scale, where more jobs will come from the discovery of new skills being required due to the creative minds creating newer applications and processes.
How about you, what's one AI application you are learning and what is one AI you want to learn to its fullest?