Yes Or No
In a word, YES or No. To every question, decision, situation, circumstance, and obstacle, the answer can be Yes or No. The primary function of the word is one which speaks to a decision in the affirmative. There are two distinct answers to each question. Yes or No. Anything else falls somewhere between these two responses. Possible answers such as Maybe, Possibly, Not Sure, Probably, Doubtful all speak to sense of Indecisiveness. Each challenge that we face requires an answer. Each one of our questions is going to be followed by an answer. Each one of our doubts, fears, triumphs, victories, or set-backs are as a result of an answer to the question. Examine the following questions to see how you might answer in your own situation.
Am I performing at the most optimal level?
Am I confident?
Is it possible?
Am I doing my best?
Am I improving?
Am I moving forward?
Am I moving backwards?
Do I feel encouraged?
Do I feel discouraged?
Only you can answer Yes or No. Your mindset, actions, and attitude speak to the level of passion you exhibit when answering Yes or No. Today, the benefit of moving ahead or remaining stagnant resides in how you answer the Question. Perhaps things have not shaped up the way you envisioned. Perhaps you are moving around in circles without a specific destination in mind. Upon reflection, it could be based on the answers to the questions asked when you make a choice. Today, consider saying Yes to the following.
Yes, I will try again even though I have fallen before.
Yes, I will get out of my comfort zone and try something new.
Yes, I will let go of those things in my rear view mirror.
Yes, I can do this.
Yes, I accept full and total responsibility.
Yes, my choices are on me to pursue a level of success not seen to this point.
Saying Yes to yourself opens the pathway towards results that will truly benefit you. Yes, there are bumps along the way. However, by saying Yes to yourself, you create a new way of looking and developing that will open doors not seen possible to this point.
To Your Yes!!