YERAME – The Pilot Training for young entrepreneurs of rural areas
On the 17th an 18th of April CEIPES ETS has carried out a Youth Rural Entrepreneurship pilot training to provide 10 young people aged 18-30 with essential knowledges on entrepreneurship in rural areas.??
This step is the first of the programme of the Project YERAME – Youth entrepreneurship in rural areas and Mediterranean Countries which foresees also a mentoring program for young people interested on developing a business idea in their territory and a contest which at the end of July will assign 3 economic prizes to the most valuable ideas across the countries participating to the Project.??
The contents of the Pilot Training has been developed by the partners following the EntreComp Framework – The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework developed by the Joint Research Centre, in partnership with?DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission to equip European citizens with clear and accessible tools for supporting their employability.???
The YERAME’s partners have created contents and Units of training upon the competences that in the European context have been identified as essential in a career of an entrepreneur.??
To reach people from different areas of Italy the training has been held online. The results of the evaluation after the training have revealed a good level of satisfaction of the attendees who in most cases heard for the first time about EntreComp and the rest of concept presented during the training. Three business idea came out from participants who also expressed their willingness to keep on developing them in the framework of Youth Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas in Mediterranean Countries - YERAME ’s activities.??
For further information on the Project’s activities and results please consult YERAME’s website.??