The EU, Macron, Yellow Vests, France- Is a better situation possible for all?

The EU, Macron, Yellow Vests, France- Is a better situation possible for all?


I write articles and plans to seek to address some of the most complex issues in the world. I have covered many issues including, Korea, famine, refugees, migration, cleaning up the sea, drought in Cape Town, NHS in the UK, Affordable housing and many other subject areas. This time I look to provide answers to the massive Yellow Vest protests in the EU. This autonomous movement was initially created due to tax increased on fuel. Yet, there has also just been signed a 1.3 million petition demanding more action for the environment. To the outsider these may seem in contrast, however there a viable way to reduce taxes, improve support, help and opportunities for many and to very much improve the environment simultaneously. How to feasibly do this I provide an initial concept plan here.

These protests have been seemingly without solutions other than concessions and it is better to put out concepts for consideration and hopefully someone somewhere will see that this may be the illusive answer both governments and the public can embrace. 

Yellow vest protests are are all over much of France and in Belgium, Sweden, Germany, the UK and other countries too. People are on the streets with banners asking for something else. They feel economically and socially pressured with tax increases, monetary and family pressures coupled with concessions for some not most. Can everything be a little or a lot better, yes of course. It's easy to solve many of the issues of the world today with more kindness, cooperation, information and the really true desire to want to build upon that natural tendency towards unity, mutual support and cooperation. That's how communities and countries can become better than they have ever been.  

Ghislain Coutard started the yellow vest protests. He said I use it everyday. "It was to complain about high taxes. We are taxed for everything, we only have one life and give it all away." Today there are listings of 25 demands and 42 demands that I have not seen translated into English. To summarise what those demands cover it is more democracy, less taxes, a fairer system for all, protection of the environment, increase in pensions and more local opportunities and businesses. The demands are much more further reaching than that and whilst in theory some or all could in theory be answered by a government. My view is that there is a potential win-win that is feasible for a government to do and this could improve many people's lives through cooperation. 

One method can provide up to 100 benefits for communities that fit within the subject areas of the demands made by the yellow vests. It is a proposal for self help community centres. There is much written and published about these in more detail in my books. If these centre's were established they would help people have better lives, more community support and help. Whilst I do not say this is the full answer. It can be a very significant improvement for many from what exists today firstly and secondly. It would be straight forward for government to be able to provide the means to establish these without vast costs and people would benefit from them from the first day. The process of how they are created though is very important for them to reach their full potential and governments would best have advice on how to do this.    

The dynamics of so many people's lifestyles today are this, If you have a good job, you have no time, if you have no job you have time but no money. Costs go up and have done for decades, income remains the same or goes down. Almost everyone is being squeezed by the system and this does not feel much like the future we voted for. The pyramid has grown thin and tall, and over the past fifty years people's lifestyles have become unfulfilled. We are all so much more than either our job titles. We are all extraordinary, unique and special human beings and all special in our own ways. Yet, add to that higher cost of living, fewer opportunities, manufacturing outsourced, techno-monotony, social pressures, telephone operators that are machines, corporations paying less tax than single parents, automation taking the jobs of people, socio-economic and environmental pressures, add to that miserable weather and the sense of dissatisfaction is palpable. Everyone feels squeezed and people feel this system is not theirs they are merely disassociated observers. The promises of the 70's, 80's and 90's were never fulfilled. Could it be today the youth with smart phones and i-pads have seen enough pictures and films, they want to engage in the world in a way beyond work, home, job, work and the daily pressures. They want more answers in their cities and in their lives. All the nostalgia keeps telling us how much better everything used to be. Properties are too expensive, and generally there is a sense of not belonging.  

A time in evolution where from here the world improves a lot or is likely to get much worse? Three of the largest wars have been reduced and one prevented from happening in Asia. The best achievement in world peace could be starting to happen. Yet, to have got to this stage in time the cost has been enormous. There have been so many wars, and the result of them has been disruption disruption in many parts the world that have created what are called popularist movements, yet they are reactions to such unpopular political decisions that have been getting made repeatedly. Reality is that whilst the right and left have typically presented as opposite ends of the spectrum, increasingly they are finding that whilst they will disagree on some issues, they do in fact have more in common with each other than the agendas that have been playing out by leaders. The left and right are opposed to wars, want refugee issues resolved by stabilizing the countries refugees are originating and that requires peace. They want investment in their own countries who have been neglected for decades due to the policies of past leaders. people know that there are agendas behind the decisions being taken by their leaders and want this to stop. They want leaders to be their for their people.  

In a world of so many problems, so many pressures, stresses and not enough help and support there for us, we need something new that works for more of us. It would be an excellent first step for their to be a leader that admits, there are so many issues in the country, I need the people's help to solve them. The problems of the country get solved at the same time as people improving their own lives. That is if the facilities are made available for people to participate together, cooperate, solve issues and extrapolate.    

Yellow vests are kept in cars in Europe. They have become a symbol for what many today see as at least an urgency. Is it symbol of wanting something better of discontentment or of hope, frustration, a can-do attitude or of unity? I think it's all. We live in a high octane world in terms of the daily delivery of problems, we find problems on the internet, television, in our mail boxes. We find problems everywhere. We are assaulted by things we have to do the moment we get up. We obediently run around solving all these things and then relax for a bit, wake up and do the same the next day. We do that day in, day out until we cannot do it any more. Then we become someone else's problem and are looked after if we are lucky. We live in a world where nobody really engages with the big problems, it all seems just too big, yet only because they all seem too big does not require that we do nothing or little. Yet, when people get together and ideas get coherently defined into plans, they are measurable, workable and supported miracles happen, we do solve problems. So many of us feel powerless as individuals to make changes and whilst I would question that notion and say well that's what you have been led to believe. The truth is that when you take a look at all the interconnected issues in the world and separate them and look for answers we can really start to solve them in ways never previously considered feasible.

We have become so good at compartmentalizing the best ideas and being experts in one area and giving ourselves a label to suit, yet we are all so much more expansive as people than our specialties. We all have talents and abilities we do not even know about, even if we know ourselves really well we may only know 5 or 10% of our true capacity. Why? For one reason only, we rarely have the chance to try out and test ourselves sand learn so many areas of human potential we may otherwise be good at. Not one of us on this planet is good at everything, yet most of us a good at more things that we believe ourselves to be. How often do we try new activities? if we did more often we would find our talents. if we found more of our talents we would be able to define more opportunities. New opportunities can came from society or they can come from cooperating in new ways and having centre's available so we can learn how to discover our true selves and potential better. Is this not more wholesome and realistic than expecting answers only from the system? Why not create the conditions for people to help themselves more.   

We can do more than we think if we have the opportunity to learn and to try. I established a restaurant without knowing what I was doing at first. I learned quickly listened to others and soon it was voted one of the best restaurants in the region. In that restaurant was a young man that had been homeless. I gave him a roof and three meals and he helped with washing up. The first day he began that job I said to him; did you know you are the most valuable person in this restaurant. He said what are you talking about I'm just the pot washer. You are the are the head chef, you are more valuable than me. I said not so. You may think that the customers are more viable than you too or the waitresses or the kitchen staff, but no. you are the most valuable person to this restaurant and do you know why. He looked at me puzzled and said no, why. I said because myself and all the other staff are busy thinking immediately about what we are doing. The customers are in their own worlds and thinking for themselves. You have time and space to think. You are doing a type of meditation washing up, you are a clever and very resourceful person and you have more time to think than any of the people in this restaurant put together. Your thoughts can change and improve anything and everything, your thoughts can improve the experience of being here for any of us. Your thinking is what can make the experience of working here better or of eating here better. Liam agreed. During the course of the next months Liam provided many excellent ideas, thoughts and insights we all discussed these together as a group. Liam helped us very significantly win The Good Food Award. Liam had been living under a bridge before without a way out, we gave Liam a little bit of help and helped us and that cooperation that meeting benefited us and the wider community with a great little restaurant. Michael was sitting outside a supermarket with his hand out on the ground. I said to him "what do you want?" He replied, " I want a Euro." I said, "Do you want a Euro or do you want a job?" He said I want a job. "I said how much do you want to earn for the job?" He said "I don't mind, I just really want the job" Michel worked with me for many months living in my camper van, he saved up money. He then left to work for someone else then met a German lady, moved in with her and then started to run a building company with her. He today employs between 5 to 10 people and is considered one of the best builders in the area. The approach that I have is transferable it works on a very local scale or can work on a broader scale if given the chance properly. Liam and Michael are both wonderful people and both of them had their own very personal issues when I got to know them. Both of them when given support and help went far beyond anyone's expectations including their own. I learned as much from them as they learned from me. Michael is still a friend today. If this can work for two people and improve their lives it can work for any number of people. It is only our limited perceptions and lack of facilities today that otherwise prevents this.

The human creative, unlimited, infinite embodiment of what it really feels like to be stretching our imaginations reaching high into the expansive and unique planet of ours. Yet, life for so many of us is actually generally without all the bells and whistles and can be unfulfilling. The limitless power of the imagination and contact with others should bring us a deep and profound sense of wonder, connection and communion. We have vast groups of human beings that are in cities, there are millions there and yet one connecting to one can seem so hard. Surrounded by as many strangers as there are stars. How did it ever come to be that you can be with so many people and yet the bridge from one persons wisdom, creativity and intelligence to another persons wisdom creativity and intelligence is stifled by invisible walls. I look to the Yellow Vest movement and see something else for the first time. I see people saying enough of the social screws holding us down, we want something better. Can it be, much better. We can connect with each other not just behind social media platforms we can connect more directly. Whilst we see all the sensational images in the media. What the real sensation seems to me is something happening that seeks desires and craves for something more in the way of life fulfillment. Yes, it's about too high taxes, too few opportunities, not feeling like you are treated more like a part of a herd than actually being heard. The internet has made us all smarter in many ways, yet the smartness is not in the phone it is more in the human consciousness. The human awakening that tells us that collectively we can make this world so much better than it is right now.

President Macron and the Yellow Vests appear to be on differing sides in all this, what is clear is that President Macron has been a great leader on the world stage, he has been inspirational and yet at home his policies have not been as fair. President Macron has apparently been giving unfair advantages to some. All that is required is giving unfair advantages to others. Like young people for example, maybe they should have an advantage over all generations that have gone before in terms of education, facilities available to them. What about the homeless, they deserve some help and support too, however to do that requires only working with the sense of togetherness that has been created, engaging in it in a new way so that win-win for all can be created. What about elderly people, they have already given so much to the world, should they not have a few unfair advantages. Places to go where there can be the occasional free lunch and a supportive chat from other people that can benefit from their great wisdom too. To do that would be so special and yet really only requires some clever accountancy work and a few favours or almost out of date food supplies to make it a reality and create the something amazing for these people, even if it's only sometimes. How about an unfair advantage for single parents, they have so much of an additional burden being alone and with their children so much wouldn't they benefit and their children too if there were more social facilities aside from schools where the children can play together and the single parents can improve the quality of their life, even if just with a coffee and a piece of cake. Some people feel very important when they go to a place of prestige with their partners and they spend alot of money in front of their partners. Imagine if there was a place they could go too and they could buy a medium sized coffee for 1 Euro or they had the chance to buy a very, very special cup of coffee for 1,000 Euros.

The fact is some people in our society have money they want to give some away and that coffee is the philanthropists choice. They would recognize the wisdom in the donation. Knowing that there 1000 Euro coffee could go towards over 200 good causes all at once, for helping the local community, saving some rainforest, sponsoring a family, sending a child to school or the cinema, fund a range of local social enterprises, boost some local crowd funding campaigns, help save wildlife, help local children, plant a few local trees, contribute towards providing an elderly person with assistance moving a chest of draws, provide funding for street children and help an orphanage the other side of the world. Some people have a lot of money and that gesture they could make drinking that cup of coffee could make a huge difference. It could actually even be a deal clincher. I say yes to the deal, if you buy me one of those cups of coffee, so I can go home feeling great. The reality is that what capitalism in itself has become, it fills less and less of the gaps, yet some people do have good intentions, some financial resources and some both. There just needs to be more bridges made between the haves and have not's. If they could buy this new special product that currently does not exist in this world, they would be making the world a better place they would be conscious of the great work that is being done by many and financed through this for a better locality. They are creating solutions to issues charities can ever solve enough. We do need to invent new ways to bring back humanity and kindness back to civilization and this could be one. That 1000 Euro cup of coffee would be a powerful gesture of social conscience, a very special and unique altruistic experience or a meaningful gift. This type of scheme may not be everyone's cup of tea, however it is one of many ways people can contribute to making the community better for many and if there is real unity in people together giving a little of what they have spare whether it's time, resources, money or a commitment to try to find ways to be supportive of others in new ways together then we can create much better communities, we can have a new enjoyable experiences together in this world and we can help each other more in the process. But it's really not just about giving, if we do this together with what we are happy and comfortable giving, sharing our own unique special skills together then we begin to make a very major step towards making everything a little better for all. It's about receiving and the up to date progress of projects in the community will finally make local newspapers so much more inspirational. We do that and find a greater sense of the intrinsic beauty in others and in the community and in the world. Cities will seem less dull and even on a rainy day, people will feel brighter, more positive, more connected, they will feel that the society that is not built around just the rich people or the technology it has really been improved upon. it is built for those that care too. Cities have become more human friendly. When they sense this they will feel more connected, not just to the little electronic box in front of them but to the people next to them. They will feel more likely to be socially engaged and therefore everyone benefits together.

There is no pressure for giving you give only what you want, and if we do this together then the local city can feel more local and less in-personal, less selfish, less cold and more fulfilled with hopes and dreams. This will not improve the locality over night, it may take a month or two, however so much is possible if we put our heads, hearts, minds and spare resources together for help and support of each other.

So when President Macron sets admirably high targets for achieving environment goals, he has taken a worthy action. However, the way to fulfill this can be completely adapted. More can be achieved, how to do that is feasible with the thinking and strategies I have been innovating and refining for years. However, the ideas will be expanded and improved upon, they will define whole new paradigms of what really is possible. Generosity around us will make us feel good about ourselves and others. Yet is all this niceness really worth it? Well the answer is certainly yes. Every psychology study suggests when we feel happy and positive, feel like we a re in a safe and supportive environment we perform better in every field. So these uplifting types of environments will actually improve quality of life for others, but also for ourselves. The more positive atmosphere will enable us to feel calm and when we are calm we make better choices and decisions. Therefore these cities can really become smart cities. Not smart due to technology that causes us to detach more so smart due to the positive stimulation of the environment bringing out the best in us. When we are happy and positive we have endorphins triggered we function better, achieve more in our lives for ourselves and others. This will provide us with a new sense of purpose in our lives and just when we think what have I really achieved this year. helping 200 good causes in one go is enough to make any year feel like it was really worthwhile. Yet, the person that buys the 1 Euro coffee may have been the listening ear that someone needed at the time, so everyone gives a little of what they want and what they can and the result is better for all.

The unity that is possible is there, there just has to be a very easy way for people to participate, get involved and feel a part of the process without feeling they are over taxed or over burdened in their lives. No in fact the opposite can happen where if people are helping locally and nationally they get many layers of advantages for doing so and feel good. We live in a very complex human society that is within a very much more complex natural ecosystem. The two have been at odds with each other for centuries, however now we can find ways for one to work towards helping the other, however we need to be really clever in how this is done. It needs to be gentle for people to engage in this and gentle for companies to adapt in this way too. It can be, and the power that drives that is a sense of unity combined with a sense of collectively carried the load a little or a lot, whatever we can afford to provide without too many considerations. When it comes to the using of the planets resources, none of us are all good or all bad. We are all on a sliding scale and if all of us do a little bit of what we can together then this becomes a new, fulfilling and exciting theme in our lives. It is something beyond work, home and family and yet can be a part of that too and can improve many aspects of our lives and all at the same time. 

The reality is that we have been living in Edward Bernays mass consumer "happiness seeking bubble" for many decades. He is the man that invented Public Relations, PR. He used his uncles knowledge, Sigmund Freud to convince us through his clever advertising that the more stuff we buy the happier we will be. He has had the narrative in the consciousness and psyche for decades. It was questioned in the 60's and then forgotten in the 80's. The 90's asked what's next and now today's generations understand the limits of our world and how that affects us all and the future generations and there is a desire to give back, to be a little socially aware and conscious. It's the conversation around every household table on some occasions. There has been a great leap beyond, the entrainment of people's awareness that they are only a few steps away from life's great bounty and can get there by more consumer collectables. The de-cluttering of homes has helped de-clutter the mind. The veil has been lifted and a deeper sense of experience in this world can be found, shared, explored and embraced that makes life a little more fulfilled, more meaningful and more charitable all as a part of our life's experience. We live in a post grab-all-you-can consumption sweet shop sort of world. The cities, countries and the world has its limits and so do the pressures that can be added a spoonful at a time upon peoples shoulders. The yellow vests I see as more than a movement against something and more as a movement for something, for something better than what they have, what they want is a part of the journey. I do not believe it is tax concessions will solve this alone it requires imagination and a commitment to want to produce a lifestyle solution that works better for all from what we have today. It is the questing for an evolution in the way that the entire society can benefit and grow from and within. It is not about tinkering at the edges, there is the deep desire and deeply profound human knowing in today's world that it really is feasible to make life better for more people than ever before. The need, desire and call is for a major improvement for all. 

People are attuned to wanting to have families, yet the economic constraints in today's world increasingly give people a choice either career or kids. To be able to have a job and bring up children and have a home is increasingly out of reach for many people. To have the average lifestyle of a family in the sixties, seventies and eighties is out of reach to so many. Yet, when there could be more jobs and opportunities created people are increasingly being replaced by machines. People cannot be taxed so highly the only way forward is with machines. Is it not machines that have to fit into our world and not the other way around. The constant pressures of technology are starting to create an anti-technology movement that is harking back towards the vintage, the classic, the real. Technology detox holidays. The true life experiences where we connect with each other in meaningful pre-internet ways too rather than over the internet alone. Standing on the street and demanding a better society is what people are seeing is the only obvious way they can improve their lives. Working hard doesn't work, being punctual, reliable and determined doesn't work, being too optimistic or too pessimistic does not work. So what does work? Through the media of the past decades we have been told there is a way through to happiness and greater fulfillment in this life, however the prescribed path of how to get there is ever more illusive in reality, it's has become seen as just an illusion. Some police and toll booth workers removing their helmets in sympathy, solidarity and support. People leaving their yellow vests out in their cars to show support, putting them in shop windows. It is a time where improvements in the world are easiest and potentially feasible now. 

The protests have been mostly peaceful and yet there have been disturbances and heavy handed police tactics and clashes on both sides. What needs to be considered though is that these protestors are not standing up for one cause or another, they are standing up for their entire future lives. There is the drive, the desire and the potential to change the vision and direction of society. These people need to have some real assurance of genuine hope and opportunities created in their lives. It's not about spoon fed solutions, more so having the facilities and the means to make their lives better. 

President Macron, has been a very good leader Internationally, however these protestors feel like in France he made so many election promises and then he became the President only for the Rich. His accomplishments with Climate Change have gained worldwide respect. What was achieved in Paris has been built upon. To follow up his commitment to Climate Change he created these taxes. Whilst he has now stopped these tax rises and increased the minimum wage. There is something else substantial that can be done what can be defined is a plan of how he can also give a great many new levels of new benefit to all of French society as a whole. Whilst there are Yellow vests calling for him to stand down. The better course of action perhaps could be to actually use this mobilization as the first step towards transforming the society to embrace and together help address and solve a great many social and environmentally issues simultaneously to really help France achieve it's renewable energy goals, to help define a new more in tune society that is not going backwards it's very much going forwards. I believe President Macron could rather than see the movement as a problem, see it as an opportunity to understand how people are today, how they are feeling and for him to try to attune very precisely to what the mood is and see how best to transform this unity of frustration and disenfranchisement with the system and use this to create a better set of answers. Then present this better system to other countries too. Transform this from a lack of a solution orientated narrative into a solution based way forward for all. Establish a national programme to improve the lives and lifestyles of every single person in France. How is that done? How is that achieved? It's easy with a good plan and if together we make it all up a little as we are going along, and refine and extrapolate then every step becomes a little more progress.

Unfair advantages and concessions for the most wealthy are only a part of the problem. Increased taxes for the poorer another part however cooperation in communities has great value to assisting all, yet to facilitate that requires that governments help embrace this cooperation rather than misunderstand it or see this as something so different from what we already know. If you take cooperation from the internet, the internet is 1000% reduced or more. If you take business from the internet, the internet is 1000% reduced or more. We have cities filled with business and cities are 1000% less than the could be because cooperation is not valued in cities as much as it is on the internet. The dynamic of both cooperation and business working together produces an effective economy through the internet and can create trillions of new economic and social benefits spread out into communities. With cooperation added to participation and unity we can create something better than before and enjoy the process. We all benefit, we all grow. It is not about the 99% or the 1% it's about the 100%. The city as it is today with such a focus on business alone is 1000% worse off, with enlightened leadership that can be improved upon. 

The Ecoplaza thesis has been in existence for years, yet not one government has properly embraced this, yet the benefits to the least well off in society are probably greater than the benefits the internet provides or any form of welfare policy can provide. When you establish ecoplaza in a city, a town or a rural area you create a hub for all to be able to engage in, this that has the same creative potential as the internet itself, yet would be even more inclusive to all the want to participate. If created really effectively then the improvements could be as significant as the dotcom boom was for the internet. All that is required for Ecoplaza to flourish and achieve great potential is for a leaders to be visionary enough to have the faith in the creative potential of the people of their country and make way for facilities that enable people themselves to help each other and benefit themselves by doing so in the process. These facilities can be created in disused buildings, regeneration projects or even a barn or a field. The potential is huge. 

People-plaza community help centres People/EcoPlaza 

People-Plaza's, Eco-plaza or Art plaza's are designed to help local communities and are orientated around giving and cooperating towards the benefit of all participants and local and International environment simultaneously. Art-plazas are leisure facilities, the like of which presently don't exist in their optimal form, however there are examples of new types facilities that are close to being Art-plazas. An art plaza is a centre where arts, sustainable development, entertainment, crowd funding, design, culture, learning, training and philosophy combine. Eco-plaza would offer various new methods of donating to charity and to local social entrepreneurs. Eco-plazas also offer a new way to donate to charities and worthwhile local initiatives not just in terms of money but in terms resources and mentoring. Thus converting local positive intentions and selfless actions into practical local and International benefits. Eco-plazas provide balance in an over technology orientated society. So people can put social media to one side and get back to real socializing again. Actions in an eco-plaza transform into local and International benefits and renewable energy is a focus within eco-plazas. Eco-plazas would be created in redundant buildings, a community effort using local skills, resources and upcycling available waste materials. The Internet has proven conclusively that a combination of cooperation and business can create much more together than any one of those alone. If the business aspect was taken from the internet, the internet would be many times smaller and equally if the cooperation element was not on the internet it would be the same. So therefore the combination of small local businesses combined with cooperation yet accessible not just online but in a physical local location would very much improve communication and opportunities for all. The potential facilities in an Eco-plaza would be potentially unlimited since they would be places where skills are exchanged. imagine a centre where you can try making a clay pot, abseil, present an idea, or invention, discus how to help the elderly of the town, hear stories of the past, learn how to make sushi, play backgammon, learn how to save fuel, try weaving a carpet, aromatherapy, learn to build a straw-bale house, design a webpage, make stained glass, deliver an effective speech, mix music, make a mosaic, do voluntary work or paint with watercolours, and a wide array of other activities. These centres would be established with the intention of helping everyone in the community by the community itself. Each set up locally and each independent of others yet in communication with others. People would be able to create careers travelling from one people-plaza to the next teaching what they know. This if applied nationwide following a specific formula for how they are created can all be created simultaneously in the widest variety of locations, some rural and some city based, some in small towns in traditional buildings others in modern warehouse type facilities. The beauty of Eco-plaza is the fact that firstly there are no limitations, secondly everyone benefits from having them. This is not an ideal for the poor or the rich. it is an idea for everyone. The economic model within artplaza is one of the most interesting aspects. The theme is local, local produce, local crafts, locally sourced food. However, there would also be products available that support forest projects Internationally. There would also be a range of prices for products sold. This way local people with financial resources can donate significantly anonymously towards local people wanting to do local projects and therefore a vast local financial resource is created. Today there are two main options when it comes to getting a new idea financed, go to a bank or set up a crowd funding campaign. After Eco-plaza there will be another major local financial resource for local people with good ideas that are also in alignment with renewable energy and ecological objectives. Eco-plaza therefore is an incredible way to create a whole new infrastructure of local economic, social and entertainment opportunities. The best way for President Macron to even go beyond his climate goals is to instigate Eco-plaza nationally in France. This way the people that feel like they want and need a more human and people based society have the means to create that themselves. One person unemployed with a great idea chats to another person that wants to invest in a person and an idea. The government does not need to produce all of the new jobs and opportunities, simply provide the locations and encourage people to participate themselves. As soon as people go to Eco-plaza they will begin to see the benefits. Their children will have great new local facilities, people will be able to have a local vacation at Eco-Plaza, even if it is for a couple of hours per week. People who work long hours will have better quality leisure time. People who are seeking training and education will have a new place to find this locally, that does not require complex enrollment processes, they just arrive and go their when they want. People who are unemployed will have a new place to find employment, exchange and learn new skills, find supportive people that can mentor them. Eco-plaza really is a one size fits all method of solving hundreds of social issues all at once. Eco-plaza is the best way to help our societies worldwide adapt to the need for more supportive and caring communities. Communities that are together, helpful and supportive in times of natural weather disasters and centres to find, refine and extrapolate the next technological frontiers. If a new invention works in one ecoplaza it can potentially go to other eco-plaza's. Films can be screened and people can become more interconnected and caring in their communities. people-plaza is a form of self-help in the community for everyone that can give help or needs help. I write about this subject with great passion because I have established trial centre's. All of my findings here are based upon very thorough research. All of this can be completely supported with evidence and examples. I sincerely believe, that Eco-Plaza offers one additional potential answer to the yellow vest movement and I also believe that art-plaza is the single most urgent and important component to Western society not only adapting to a much more people friendly system but also to meeting the greatest challenges of all and that being to bring a sense of optimism and harmony to many local communities and the wider world.


 What improvements to the EU if Ecoplaza is instigated as a national programme.

1. An end to rough sleeping homelessness. (This is feasible through Bubblehomes. They can be constructed for less than 1000 Euros). 

2. Affordable housing for all. This is accomplished by starting at the bottom, solve homelessness and then introduce housing that is affordable for all young people.

3. Regenerate the community.

4. Improve health.

5. Fund positive innovation, putting the Uk back in its rightful place as the leading innovative county on Earth, and thus rebuilt industry for all.

6. Reduce pollution through innovation.

7. Improve recyling and new ways to empower and teach upcycling.

8. Improve thinking and connect this to government for the benefit of all.

9. Improve Social entrepreneur knowledge and uptake of good ideas that help companies and communities.

10. Promote pride in the local area, the accomplishments of the past, present and lay the support mechanisms to provide support for the future.

11. Increase community facilities.

12. Enhance volunteering to provide experience and opportunities for employment.

13. Improve efficiency through opening up to the public council resources.

14. Fund new green inventions.

15. Increase International opportunities.

14. Create local opportunities.for employment.

15. Improve the skill set of all throughout the country.

16. Help. Pubs, Libraries and farms diversify and therefore become most economically stable.

17. Create thousands of green jobs, starting with a local operators initiative which enables people to start Bike-share schemes in every town and city creating 1000 green jobs in the first day.

18. Improve education. This is firstly achieved by providing super food drinks to all students, making them the most healthy students of any county in the world. This is obtained by them producing their own super food drinks..

19. Benefit all charities- This is obtained by encouraging links between charities and providing them with the best innovation information in the world. 

20. Improve all transport, giving more green transport options to all nationally.

21 Help the elderly, provide means for them to participate in wider society for the benefit of all.

22. Reduce depression- This is through greater participation and the the utilisation of resources to provide many real opportunities and connect people together. 

23. Help the disabled- This is achieved by the disabled being able to give to society and generate significant benefit from their input. This generates a more connected society by creating the facilities that enable all to derive benefit as well as improvements to the wider group of people known as the population of the UK.

24. Save and create forests. This is facilitated through community wide schemes and through farmers providing land and the use of grass verges throughout the county to provide tens of millions of acres of land that can provide space for forest gardens and reduce the dependency upon food banks. 

25. Engage the community. This is achieved through people participating for both personal, mutual and collective benefit simultaneously, everyone's life becomes better together.

26. Create more enjoyment, fun and happier lives for all. This is achieved by providing new links in community so people can meet each other and find mutual benefit from interacting together.

27. Reduce stress- Many are stressed for a diverse range of reasons ranging from too much responsibility, to bullying in the workplace, to unemployment and not enough opportunities. Big Strategy operating nationally can reduce this stress considerably. The latent creative potential of many becomes realised and enhanced the country.

28. Build more income streams for NGO's. The charity world and NGO's have not gained the support and funding they used too. Support has fallen away because donors feel the whole system is rigged. The Big Idea would increase pubic understanding of the role NGO's play and enable them to showcase projects in a way that communicates the reality of the situation and what they are doing to help/ Big Idea provides a new genuine platform and a range of facilities to expand upon their good results. It also provides the means for them to work better together to achieve more using less resources.

29. Improves and saves resources.

30. Increases biodiversity,

31. Increases green leisure spaces and facilities,

32. Improves understanding of local heritage,

33. helps the elderly,

34. Reduces depression,

35. Improves the lifestyle of everyone, the people with the most difficult circumstances benefit the most,

36. Creates new incentives to start positive projects.

37. Increases the resources and results of charities.

38. Improves CSR.

39. Increases exercise therefore improves health.

40. Provides new forms of diversification for businesses, so improves the economy.

41. Increases organic and home-grown produce.

42. Increases renewable energy.

43. Improves recycling of resources.

44. Improves access to training and skills.

45. Helps the elderly and students.

46. Increases low cost food options and reduces dependency upon food banks.

47. Utilises waste ground and spare buildings.

48. Increases local education for all and employment.

49. Aligns the country to be the most advanced country in the EU in adapting to climate change.

50. Provides a climate changes adaptation model for other countries to replicate and so can be the most effective method to adapt to climate change.

The list of benefits is actually twice as long as this list, however I think by now you get the idea that there is nothing like this in the world to date and the advantages and benefits to all are limited only by imagination and skills.

Whilst Eco-plaza provides one exceptional improvement, much more can be improved with some of my other strategies.

The issue of traffic, congestion, saving money and reducing pollution in France. How can Paris and some other cities improve travel for all, reduce pollution, reduce costs of travel for all without even having to think about tax? Add a new form of transport, The Shuttle. 

Solution 1.

How can Paris reduce it's ....... traffic, travel time, stress, increase family time, improve productivity and reduce pollution!

Commuting in Paris is what so many people spend so much time doing. A 1.5 hour commute each way amounts to 720 hours per year. Making and eating breakfast before that at 20 minutes per day is another 80 hours per year when working a five day week. So that is an average of 800 hours per person per year. Multiply that by the number of people commuting and the amount of time spent eating breakfast and travelling time is millions of hours and millions of hours of traffic and pollution. That time is non-productive time, it is time not spent working nor relaxing. It is wasted time whether it is on a crowded road or on a train. It is time that every commuter wishes he could save and expenditure that commuters wish they did not have to spend. If a commuter is asked would you prefer to spend more time commuting or at home. There answer would be unanimous.

Is it feasible to have a rethink about all this wasted time and the pollution it produces come up with a better option for paris? An option that;

 1. Reduces travel time and therefore gives commuters the option of more time at home, with their families or working. 

 2. A way to reduce stress for these commuters and yet increase productivity. 

 3. A way to help de-clog the roads from morning and afternoon commuter traffic and therefore reduce pollution and increase everyone's lifestyles at the same time? 

 4. A way that enables the goals to reduce pollution to not only be met but to be significantly exceeded. 

Yes, there is and here I will explain how it is feasible to reduce travel time for many commuters by 30 minutes per day and breakfast time by ten minutes per day. How the net effect of that then reduces travel time and pollution and fuel cost for all.

Most people who use cars to travel to work travel one person per vehicle. Many live in places where car travel is the easiest option for getting to work or they travel partly by car and partly by public transport. Those that do this all tend to go to the same travel hubs and then try to compete for a parking spaces which wastes more time and money.

So much time is wasted sitting in traffic jams, looking for parking spaces, too many cars on too little road begs the question is there a way to overcome this? Yes, is the answer to provide certain days for certain number plates to encourage car sharing? Yes, that is one small answer, yet there is another better answers and here it is;

Hybrid Shuttle

The ring road going all the way around Paris can potentially provide an answer. There is another ring road inside of that. There are then major roads going directly into the centre from the outer road that all intersect with either the inner ring road. Imagine the two ring road systems and all of the roads going into the centre and the pattern that is created can be likened to a spiders web. All of those roads can potentially combine to create what amounts to another public transport system.

Imagine there are new large car parks constructed around the outer ring road. These would be shuttle depot car parks. Commuters that would normally be sitting in traffic would have the option of pulling into a Shuttle stop and catching a Hybrid Shuttle. The Hybrid Shuttle would travel on the motorway normally and then in traffic it would travel down the hard shoulder. Therefore the fastest mode of transport on the outer ring road during peak travel time would be by hybrid bus. Commuters stuck in traffic and late would have a new option to speed up their travel time. Every car driver that uses the transport mode would be reducing the overall car volume on the motorway and therefore speed up everyone's travel time.

With the mini bus route going into the centre of Paris, the closer it gets to the centre, the more public transport options there are. So Shuttle would be particularly useful for anyone wanted to travel on the main roads going into London and all of the main roads in have other public transport options on the way. So whilst commuters are travelling into the centre and not having to think about driving themselves they would have more time to either relax or to work.

Breakfast or Dinner at The Shuttle Depot.

At Shuttle stop car parks on the outer ring road, could be good quality services that provide breakfast buffets. Therefore when people commute into work, they have the option of taking breakfast on the way, which would save them ten minutes per day food preparation and washing up time. With this option being available for Dinner too, there is the option to eat at the services for dinner.

If commuters travel time can be reduced by 20 minutes each way to work, many people would take that option if they have the spare financial resources to do that. That creates more employment. For every less car with one person travelling on the motorway reduces pollution and also reduces traffic so everyone's journey time is increased and more steady, less traffic less pollution all round. If this new public transport service was available, it would create employment. There would be additional services such as car washing or in larger car parks there could be electric vehicles collecting commuters from their cars and taking them to the Shuttle. Overall the outer ring road in morning and afternoon experience would change so much for the better for everyone. If 20% of people used this new mode of transport the reduction in all traffic on the outer ring road would be very significant. This would free up much of the traffic in all the towns within the Outer ring road. The overall net benefit would be faster travel for all at a regular speed and that reduces everyone's travel costs, time and pollution levels. There would be a measurable health improvement for all people travelling on the outer ring road, more time for people at home and more time for work and communications for those that take the Shuttle service. Therefore aside from all of the lifestyle and social enhancements there would be economic enhancements, which if considered over a significant proportion of the people travelling into the capital city can make a very significant boost to the economy from what is today wasted unnecessary pollution creating travel time.

 Travel and commuting are stressful activities, the Shuttle model reduces that stress for parents and that reduces stress for children. Therefore, the result is a happier, healthier, greener and more productive Paris.

So where are all the time savings?

10 Minutes saved in the morning on breakfast.

15 Minutes saved on morning travel.

15 Minutes saved on evening travel.

What are the benefits of this overall?

Faster travel and commuting time for everyone.

More time for commuters at home with families and therefore more support for children.

Less pollution.

More productive travel time.

More public transport options.

All public transport modes within London such as underground and buses less crowded. 

This strategy can work for Paris, however this strategy can be potentially be feasible in any city where there are outer ring roads. These cities include Nantes, Rennes, Lyon, Bordeaux. If these cities had this scheme then there would be an improvement for people all over France. The less congested cities the greater the improvement to travel all over the country. However, there can be other improvements too which encourage greener travel, for example discounted tolls or incentives if people are using car share schemes. I believe that it really is feasible for France to meet the needs of the people and the environment simultaneously..   

When these two measures are combined with the other 75 improvements that were introduced into London and the UK as part of "An Integrated Transport System", many measures did improve the lifestyles and travel options in London. It did create greener transport and lifestyle improvements. With this helping London then it can help other countries now.  

However, solving the transport and travel situation is only the first step. What about the call for better education, more opportunities, more people based politics, improved democracies, lifestyles and job opportunities for people. Can all of this be answered through this? I believe so, however it requires thinking that human potential still hasn't reached it's full potential and if it is ever going to the cooperation will be a part of the process.  

The potential benefits to France, Belgium and other countries can be very significant, this is just an introduction. This may not answer all the requests for a better, fairer, more sustainable and improved society but it does answer some of the issues in ways not presented before. Can this work? Some of it for sure. The most complex issues begin with an element of trial and error. This is a part of the process, and part of what it is to grow mentally, physically and practically as individuals and localities. 

Overall our world is increasingly complex and the issues are increasingly getting worse. We have to turn the tide of this to really make things better for all. My work is very extensive indeed in finding new ways to achieve social benefits in the easiest and most beneficial way. Big improvements can occur, yet without disruption, in fact with greater coherence. Leaders of countries can perhaps respond to the yellow vest movement in a positive way with an orange vest movement and creating community organisers to create local level create centres for self help and for the community. The way we cooperate on computers changed the world once, and locally can do so again. It's not going to answer all the problems of the world, but it will certainly start to solve many more issues than are solved today and in the decades past. It's time for a change and an improvement in our world, together we can make that a reality. One more addition can be people-plazas. To conclude, I don't know about the requests and demands of The Yellow Vests. Other than to say, what I have seen as their list, this does not answer that in full, although may help in part. However, this can improve people's lives and therefore I believe could be of worth in terms of consideration.


Harriet Ombaso

Attended Ram school of nursing

1 年

Hello,I'm Harriet Kerubo from Kenya and I'm interested in an orphanage project,I have q5 orphans who are orphans and I'm ready to support then if I find a way,,pls help me



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