About Yelling "F#$% Off" As a Self-Defense Strategy
“What do you think about yelling 'f#$% off' as a self-defense strategy? So many women have asked about this in my ESD classes. My instructors haven’t said it’s wrong, but they do discourage it.”
Oh, there is just so much to be said about this. And yes, I get it. In my brain, it just feels so good to say it.
And maybe that is where it should live. In my brain.
And maybe that is where it should live. In my brain.
Now, I must say that I am not a sissy when it comes to using the “F” word. And, while it might not be considered the highest of standards of language and behavior, nothing else really compares, though part of me really wishes there was a better alternative.
That being said, is it a word I would use, or recommend to use, in a self-defense situation?
Not really.
Why? Well, I would be concerned that it could escalate the situation because the use of it tends to bring intense response out of people (for good and for bad).
Think about it. Your friend is standing at the BBQ flipping steaks and your response is “What the F%^$ are you doing???” My guess is that the hair on the back of their neck is going to bristle and they are going to come back at you with something just as caustic.
I think that is it. Cursing is caustic. Like anything else, it is a tool. There are times when it might be appropriate (like when you’ve slammed your finger in a car door) and times when it truly isn’t (like when your kid hands you their report card).
Cursing is caustic. Like anything else, it is a tool. There are times when it might be appropriate (like when you’ve slammed your finger in a car door) and times when it truly isn’t (like when your kid hands you their report card).
So, while I would not encourage swearing at an offender, and I teach not to, I can’t promise that a really physical need-to-yell-with-each-and-every strike life or soul-threatening self-defense situation wouldn’t sound like this:
NO! [strike]
I! [strike]
SAID! [strike]
LEAVE! [strike]
ME! [strike]
THE! [strike]
F$%#! [strike]
ALONE! [strike]
Online Community Manager | Blogger | Instructor
4 年Thanks for the article, Yudit! May I ask for permission to translate into Russian and publish it on Facebook and my telegram channel?