A year's stay at an assisted living home can cost $40,000 or more. How will you pay for it?
Allen Freeman CFP?, CDFA?, CLTC?
Helping High-Income Earners Optimize Tax Efficiency and Build a Tax-Free Retirement Income
A year's stay at an assisted living home can cost $40,000 or more. If you or your loved ones need that kind of care, how quickly can you free up that kind of money?
What about Medicare? Well, Medicare will not take care of your long-term care needs. Medicare will only pay for what is considered "required care," and then only after your assets have been spent down.
I'm sure you've seen articles and reports predicting that roughly half of today's seniors will someday enter a nursing home. I wouldn't take these predictions lightly. In fact, you may know someone shouldering the cost of long-term care today.
Do you have a plan to pay for long-term care if the need arises? Let's make sure you do. Call me today.
If your retirement date or financial situation changes, would you please contact me? You can reach me at 888.255.4147 , or simply send an e-mail to [email protected] . Thank you.
Allen Freeman CFP?, CLTC?, CDFA?