Is This The Year You Finally Make The Benefit Changes You Need?

Is This The Year You Finally Make The Benefit Changes You Need?

Is this the year you finally make the benefit changes you need?

As a health insurance advisor with years of experience, I have noticed a concerning trend that I believe requires your immediate attention. This year presents a unique opportunity for employers to make the necessary benefit changes. Please consider embracing this chance for positive transformation.

Fully-insured health insurance plans are experiencing a challenging market.

Why is this happening?

In recent times, health insurance companies have experienced a turbulent journey due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the unprecedented circumstances, these companies extended premium credits. They implemented various measures to support their policyholders during these challenging times. However, as we emerge from the pandemic, health insurance companies catch up, recalibrate their pricing structures, and compensate for the previous years of premium adjustments, which means only one thing…

You will be paying more.

It is important to recognize that this recalibration may result in larger-than-usual rate increases. While this prospect may cause apprehension and uncertainty, it also opens the door for a critical conversation about the need for change. Despite the fear that often accompanies change, it is essential to recognize that doing nothing in the face of rising deductibles, out-of-pocket limits, and premiums will only perpetuate a broken system.

Employers frequently express trepidation when contemplating changes to their health insurance plans. This fear of change often stems from concerns about disruption, potential employee resistance, and uncertainty about the outcomes. While these concerns are valid, it is crucial to confront them head-on and consider the consequences of maintaining the status quo.

Rising deductibles, out-of-pocket limits, and premiums have become all too familiar in health insurance. Employers often find themselves caught in a cycle where incremental adjustments fail to address the underlying issues. The result is a dissatisfied workforce burdened with increasing financial strain. As a decision-maker, you must acknowledge that your current work may not work as intended.

With every challenge comes an equally powerful opportunity.

Change can be a catalyst for progress. By embracing this opportunity for transformation, you can take control of the situation and reshape your organization's health insurance plan to serve your employees and your bottom line better.

Change may seem daunting, but the current market conditions provide a unique window of opportunity. By overcoming the fear of change and proactively addressing the challenges in your health insurance plan, you can create a more sustainable and effective system for your organization and employees.

As a health insurance advisor, I implore you to seize this moment and make the necessary benefit changes. Engage with experienced professionals who can guide you through this process and help you navigate the evolving landscape of health insurance. Your decision will not only shape your organization's financial well-being but also have a profound impact on the lives of your employees.

You have an opportunity to do something for your organization that is pro-employee and pro-bottom line!


Jay Booth l President at Capital Group Benefits的更多文章

