A year in Transition
William Pardy
CED Practitioner/ Senior Project Manager at Development Solutions (DSI) and Humanitarian and Charitable Contributor in The Gambia
This year bears witness to a world in transition, turmoil and war which encompasses generational, ideological and potential governance changes vested in autocracy, unlike any time before in modern history. We have entered a world of twilight perhaps leading to a long night of darkness where a new dawn might be just a memory for some time.
This has not just happened but has been building for a few decades, and a topic of several of my Christmas messages over the many years sharing them. Over time some of these have been global, while others were relating to my own encounters with darkness.
The world has mostly avoided such a period of disruption since World War Two with the promise of never again. But time, generational change, and diminishing memories of that global disaster makes it easier for those leaders who see chaos and war as means for complete domination and to sell their messages.
But Christmas is a good time to take a breath and contemplate what we really want as a world order. I have written much about the glimmers of light that appear and allow us to follow a path towards a new light. Something I learned a long time ago, during my own periods of despair and darkness, was to be patient, calm and to be vigilant and the glimmers will appear.
Christmas is a time of light, bringing people together, sharing, giving and celebrating life itself. In the Christian context it is a time to give thanks to the arrival of a savior who came into the world to bring the message of hope, sharing and love to build a new world.
It is also a time of renewal as we end an old and tattered year and move into one that is new, filled with promise, hope and light, leaving behind the struggles, turmoil and darkness.
There are many glimmers of light that are appearing in our world which is often overwhelmed by the negative news which seems all encompassing.
Ukraine, where I have had the privilege of living and working with very young educated and passionate young people who have been fighting for their freedom and life. They had enough of darkness, recognized the light that would bring them where they wanted to be, and still are fighting for it. They have not given up despite the severity of the challenges they have faced, and it was not just the past two years.
You can witness these glimmers in many of the countries the world over including our own – youth are involved and making their own way and know what they want and do not intend to lie down and take something else. We should remember it was the youth who sacrificed and won World War II, and who achieved the societal gains made in the next decades. In their own way in most countries, youth are shaping the future and will not be stopped by tired old authoritarians.
As is my tradition every year to offer my own virtual gift to each and everyone of you, and this year I offer the gift of insight wrapped in the happiness, smiles, and love that is sent to me every day from the children and families that we support in Gambia. We have been their light now for twelve years with our financial and moral support, and kindness. They are ever grateful.
As for me it has been a tough two years with my health, having to come home and still waiting for full medical treatment. It has been a struggle for me financially as well, and without your continued support, it would have been impossible and many Gambians would have suffered, been hungry and would not have had the opportunity to go to school.
My past few months have put me in the twilight as my own funds are exhausted, and I pursued many avenues of glimmers of light without finding the source. But, as I can attest to in my life, this was not the first time, and I tarried on, then about three weeks ago I saw a glimmer.
Life’s magic was at work, and I saw an advertisement for APEX Impact Foundation established by Justin and Genille, both Doctors.
Justin had been kind enough to provide me with a diagnosis for my little Fatima in Gambia. She was a baby at the time who was blind but after many visits to the hospital over many months we could get no real diagnosis - it was obvious that she was blind.
They have set up a foundation to provide support in Uganda, travelling there over time building a hospital and helping many.
As is my way, I followed the glimmer and wrote a letter explaining my work and situation and got an immediate response, a visit from Genille, and an early Christmas gift of a commitment to assist me with my education program.
This allows me to breath again as I had no idea how I could proceed with my next commitment of school fees. So, with your current support and their help I will be able to fulfill my obligation and make many children and young adults very happy and have a future.
My fundamental belief is that it is only compassion and care that will lead humanity out of the darkness and into the light. It is only true sharing that will lead us to enlightenment and understanding. The joy of sharing brings rewards that one can’t even imagine.
May your Christmas be filled with the joy of family and friends sharing and caring for each other and appreciating the true light and promise of the season, and pleasure of living in a country where this is possible. May the New Year bring the world back to its senses ensuring consideration and concern for every human being and all the other creatures that share this planet with us.
Written by William (Bill) Pardy
December 8th, 2023
?I want to say once again say thank you this year to all who have been helping me over the past years for helping with school fees, several, are now in high school, one is in college, and three that have taken the quantum leap to university. It is tribute to your kindness, care and love and genuine friendship.
But the mission continues only because of your help, and in a world where everyone is struggling, these children live in one of the worlds poorest countries and most would not be going to school, much less university.
I am preparing for another term of school fees and have medical expenses and food to provide. Malaria and other diseases increased at the end of their rainy season, and like everywhere, food costs have increased dramatically.
If you have even small amount to contribute, please help, there is much need. As a young police officer told me a long ago – in Gambia there are no small gifts, they are all large.???????
In Canada you can make an e-transfer to the Bank of Montreal? via my email:?[email protected]
?or outside Canada can contribute via my PayPal Link.?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=RJYJZ727F24AA&source=url? ?
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