A Year of Transformation
Blair Lee, CPA
I Bring Clarity, Balance, and Positivity to Accounting and Operations | Wellness Advocate | Conscious Purpose-Driven Professional ??????
I recently heard an interesting fact about butterflies. Well, more specifically about caterpillars. They have no idea that when they create their cocoon that they will soon emerge as a beautiful butterfly. They just keep taking each next incremental step and move forward, trusting in the process. Hmmm…isn’t that an interesting metaphor for our lives?
One year ago (3/28/19) was my last day in Corporate America. My leaving was not necessarily how I envisioned things going down, but I had no other choice but to listen to my body and the other signs that were being very uncomfortably presented to me. Thank goodness I did it, not only for both my mental and physical health, but also for my life trajectory.
I left Corporate America without a solid plan. I just had to learn to TRUST that I had made the right decision. And for an analytical person, that is tough! But by learning to have faith and not getting deterred by the lack of balance in my bank account, I moved forward. I tried a little of this, and a little of that, received feedback and pivoted...and one year later, I have SO much more clarity about who I am and why I am here on this earth.
I am so grateful for the freedom that I now have, as well as the opportunity and overall "lightness" in my life. I am also down 15 lbs, thank goodness....I was getting a wee bit "fluffy" from all of the stress!
We are all witnessing an unprecedented time in our lives now. But I implore all of you to see it as an opportunity for learning and growth. Because I am a testament that if you focus on learning, growth, joy and happiness...you WILL come out on the other side as a stronger person.
An excerpt from the book, Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley:
The Price of Knowing:
Responsibility begins with self. Our first responsibility in life is not to make the world a better place or to tend to those less fortunate, but to live up to our own high standards, to act with faith that are dreams are "meant to be", and to maintain a tolerance and compassion for our own divine journey. By being so responsible to ourselves, the world will become a better place, and those around you will richly benefit, not just from the love you'll share but from the example you become.
It is not selfish to live life as your best self. It actually is a service to the world as a whole when you are living life as an example of what is possible. Are you living life this way?
As an Intuitive Career Coach, Holistic Success and Joy Coach, it is my passion to help people identify what it means to live "on path", and live this life right now, as their greatest adventure ever. Are you at all intrigued? If so, then Schedule a 30 minute chat with me here!