A Year Of Living With Intentionality
Way Forth Collective
Empowering nonprofits with strategic solutions to achieve their most critical goals
I’m not usually a word of the year person, but last January, there was one I couldn’t shake.
The word was intentional.
I wasn’t sure why that word kept coming up, but I rolled with it. Over the next several months, instead of automatically going with my gut instinct whenever decision points arose, I paused and considered, “How can I be more intentional with this moment?”
One day, my 15-year old son and I were the only ones home, and every ounce of my introverted being wanted some solitary down time. But instead of following my gut, I asked if he wanted to play a game. (Full disclosure, I was hoping he’d say no! ??) The result? Rather than zoning out on our own devices, we ended up going bowling with friends! He and I even had some good car conversations on the way.
In my work life, I’ve been learning how to run a business while running a business. This year in particular has required extra reflection. After six years leading Way Forth, I now see many decisions that were well-intended but not very intentional, and I’m learning from those situations and making changes.
There’s a fine line, of course, between being intentional and over-thinking every decision; I try not to let the pendulum swing the other way! But taking a moment to pause has been challenging, insightful, and humbling. It’s helping me slow down and soak in special moments with family, friends, and colleagues, consider how to make the most of my time, and fully take in new experiences instead of rushing through them.
As we head into 2025, the new year feels full of opportunities, concerns, fears, hopes—all of it. We can’t know how the year will shake out, but we can choose to respond to each new twist and turn purposely rather than reflexively. We can create space to connect, reflect, and grow.
I hope your 2025 is fruitful and that you walk through it with intentionality. ??
On the journey with you,
Thanks for reading!
Your friends and fans,
Way Forth Collective
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