This Year, Let’s Redefine Modern-Day PR

Some may argue that PR is a defined discipline in and of itself, independent from corporate affairs or marketing. Others say that it’s a part of communications strategy more broadly.

I say we need to remember that PR stands for “public relations.” The word “public” is quite literally defined as:

ordinary people in general; the community

This means all stakeholders, from all walks of life. And it’s our job to build relationships with them to establish leadership, engender goodwill and foster brand longevity.

With this lens, a whole lot of professionals out there are doing PR. They just don’t know it.

While there likely will always be the tried-and-true PR best practices, being at the top of our game nowadays includes understanding marketing fundamentals, the influencer economy, social and digital media trends, and the AI tidal wave. Not just understanding… but embracing.

2024 Bay Area Chapter Ambitions

San Francisco and its vicinity is undoubtedly a preeminent cradle of innovation. This isn’t only because of the tech geniuses and venture funding. We have world-class PR practitioners who play a vital role in sustaining this never-ending, beautiful marathon.

Our ambition as a chapter this year is to bolster the PR community across the Bay Area and provide a spectrum of support mechanisms and resources. Our 2024 vision is to foster connection, engagement and learning as we embrace the evolving role of PR.

I’m asking our chapter’s leadership team to keep these strategic areas of focus in mind, with an ask that every action and output this year be in service of (1.) networking and cross-collaboration; (2.) expanding our footprint by meeting members where they’re at; and (3.) lifelong learning with professional development opportunities for all career levels.

Each offering this year will reflect at least one of these forward-looking themes:

  • What it means to “do PR” nowadays and the modern-day skills needed?
  • Technological currents shape-shifting PR
  • The future of PR

This chapter, these people – they are my people. They have taught me, nurtured me and provided continuity through major life transitions.

So, if you also “do PR,” we are your people, too. Welcome to 2024!

Lynnea Olivarez, 2024 PRSA-SF President


Public Relations Society of America, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (PRSA SF Bay Area)的更多文章

