?? The Year-End Ritual That Blows My Mind!
Bree Dellerson
Licensed Acupuncturist | Sonic Alchemist | Clairvoyant | Compassion Key Facilitator | Harmonizing the Nature of Oneself for over 25+ years | Dog mom | 1/3 MG
Monday Messages: Reflections From the Future
Hello Luminous One,
It's that time of year where I write down what happened in 2025. Yes, you read that correctly. I write down what happened for a year that hasn't yet happened.
I started this ritual of reverse engineering my year ahead a few years back, and the accuracy astounds me!
I've used this technique for creating course content, writing these emails, getting clarity on a particular subject, and to see how my upcoming year will unfold.
So how do you see into your own future?
5 Steps to Reverse Engineering Your Future
Shocked and Confused!
Several weeks ago I reread my journal entry from December 31, 2023 and I was more than astounded by the accuracy, I was shocked!
I had written, "sadly we lost one of the little ones." One of my mom's chihuahuas has congestive heart failure. It's been a rollercoaster these last several weeks. This little guy is still here, but he's not long for this world.
Here's another shocker, "Dad lost weight and he's been regaining his health slowly but surely. His legs healed, his eyes vibrant, much less pain."
Six weeks ago he fell and fractured his vertebrae.
Reverse engineering is very accurate for me, so I was utterly confused by what was happening. I had to come to terms with the fact that I got it wrong this time.
Apparently, a lot can happen in six weeks and the year wasn't over yet...
Well, dad is coming home from the hospital in a couple of days and he IS the healthiest he's been in years. He's lost weight, the light in his eyes has returned, his legs look amazing and he's not in much pain. ??
The information was right after all!
This is a very reliable method for me and I hope you'll have fun playing with it.
And you don't have to wait a year. You can also reverse engineer your day, your week, the project you've been working on, the best way to drive home, etc. The possibilities are endless!
I'd love to hear all the creative ways you use it and your experience of it, so reply to this email and let me know.
And if you'd rather I read the timelines for you, hit me up!
Happy New Year!
Blessings, Bree
I pulled a card for you...
I now develop my willpower. I connect this power to the highest qualities of my heart and through all my actions I express the Divine Will on earth.
My client shared this at the end of her Breakthrough Session when she reconnected with herself as a Star Being:
"I’m in my body for the first time. I opened my eyes and was like, 'Where am I?' I was being reminded, 'You’re not from here. This is not you. This is a moment in time and you’re having an experience. Come now back to this wisdom.' I’ve never experienced it like that."
Your body is perfectly designed for these times. It offers you immense power and unique gifts. It is guided by the Heart and emanates from the All That Is. You are here to enjoy your body and live a joyful, fulfilling, healthy and purposeful life.
Reply to this email and let me know your takeaway from this week's message. ??
Did you miss a message? You can find them posted here.
It's my mission to tune humanity to the frequency of inner harmony. I would be most grateful to you for helping me share this message with those you feel would resonate with it. ????