Jason Dodd
Owner, Jason Dodd Photography, covering Automotive, Commercial, Editorial photography across UK and Europe.
It is fair to say that 2020 was a difficult year, emotionally and mentally for everyone. It still feels very surreal that we are still in this situation, being self employed it has been an unnerving time but there were some highlights.
One thing you have to adjust to when you work for your self is diversity, back in April 2005 when I set the photography business up my intention was to photograph cars all day long, in reality its a tough game to get in to and I diversified with commercial work with some automotive work along the way. Forward to 2020 and with a number of car magazines in my portfolio I had to push the car photography forwards due to very little commercial work being available.
A lot of background work and research for particular cars brought rewards in terms of a nice floe of work for a number of classic and modern car mags, namely BMW Car, Fast Ford, Mini magazine, Performance Mini, Mercedes Enthusiast and the list is growing for 2021. I was laos lucky to attend a few events as well, these were for Alpine UK, covering work for a manufacturer is a bit of a dream, especially one as niche as Alpine whose 110 models are at the top of every car journalists top cars to drive.
I've put a variety on this montage, too many to choose from, favourites? The Alpine 110 at Thruxton, Ford GT, BMW 2002 and that lovely little red Mini cabriolet shot at Chatham Dockyards. Looking forward to even more shoots in 2021 and pop course the car photography workshops that will be taking place at Goodwood motor circuit and Thruxton motor sport. Dates under the train section of this website.
Have a great New Year and thank you for looking at my work @jasondoddphotos on instagram as well