Year 6 Arithmetic Practice Tests
If you are, or know a year 6 teacher at present, then the usual pressure of Key Stage 2 assessments have been intensified by the year 6 arithmetic tests.
It just isn't that it is a new test - it's the change of format, the increase of complexity and challenge of the questions and, most importantly, the unknown of where the threshold will be set.
I have been struggling with this as well, and began the usual internet search for practice resources, but was disappointed by the amount available and their formats.
So I have written my own.
24 tests - in 2 different formats - the first is as set out in the sample booklet and the second as an A4 format. These can be used as:
- specific whole class arithmetic lessons
- intervention tasks
- homework
- booster sessions
- assessment tools
all tests come complete with answers to support whole class, peer or self assessments.
I have based the questions on the content domain references supplied by the DfE and have also given a breakdown of what CDRs are covered by what questions. I have been careful to ensure coverage of a wide range of question styles and approaches.
Whereas it is ideal to teach understanding and application, at this stage, the tests can also be used for teaching directly to question types. Their format and challenge will prepare, engage and develop pupils' knowledge and skills.
I am happy to send out 2 tests - the booklets, A4 examples, guide and answers if you message me. Alternatively, they can be found here:
Because of the immense amount of work, preparation and design, I have put a charge on the full 24 tests. This is £10 and considerably cheaper than anything commercially available. I believe the range of formats makes them better as well.
In time, I wish to make other year group versions.
I will be using these as a teacher, but would also appreciate any feedback in order to improve this resource further.