year 2017
Dear Partners and Customers,
It is with great satisfaction and pride but, especially with great humility, that I send this message of thanks to All.
It is the moment of renewal, of setting new goals and sharing. Grupel is the leader in Portugal in the segment of Generator Generation.
In the year 2017 marks a transition year with a 40% increase in results over the previous year, which brings us to an international recognition level.
The trust and recognition of our work that we gain from the clients and partners that make us grow is our satisfaction. This affection and trust in us is priceless, but we give it its due value.
We thank all customers, suppliers, partners, employees and friends, and look forward to 2018 with the reinforced mission of growing and consolidating our position.
The value continues to grow and we always want to be close to everyone and the relationships we create.
Everyone is important and everyone is part of the Grupel family. Barriers and constraints to customer satisfaction and customer expectations are overcome every day.
You have to Believe.
Thank you very much and thank you for your preference and for HAPPY HOLIDAYS,
Pedro Send?o
Please watch the Christmas N / video::