The Year 2012 Unpublished/Un-circulated Mazi Literal Works'? Articles.
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The Year 2012 Unpublished/Un-circulated Mazi Literal Works' Articles.

The Year 2012 Unpublished/Un-circulated Mazi Literal Works' Articles.


Pls,these Israeli Filmmakers Arrested in Nigeria During Documentary Shoot,are not?Israeli Filmmakers or Ethiopian Israeli Filmmakers,but they are Somalians,which were organized by Buhari led Fulani to mislead Igbos with their other internet wealthy Igbomen showcasing his cash Mediocrity as false Success.(Now added)


The recent Mr. John Kerry US Secretary of State’s State Official Visit of Sokoto Caliphate where Nigeria President Buhari was praised as the terror Fighter & Anti-Corruption Crusader, while all native Nigerians from all parts of Nigeria were bitter, sad & worried that such US Governmental Praise Pronouncement is sadly discouraging, distorting, distracting?& misinforming of Nigeria Popular Opinion that the Nigeria President Buhari was in past remotely associated in Boko Haram Sponsorship/Formation and Northern Ethnic/Religious Violence, but may be now a changed Person, but only time will tell.



US is being tel-guided by the handful of Anglo-Saxon Conservative Exploiting Americans who in collaboration with the British Majesty led Imperialists and in conjunction with Fulani Hegemony siphon and runs some hidden Arewa Secret Bank Accounts where vast monumental wealth over a Trillion British Pounds Sterling with late Sir Louis Ojukwu vast wealth & others were seized without Court Mandamus, were stored until Queen do not want talk about it with Fulani secretly, which means the stored wealth was diverted and there is no more accountable to Fulani partnership after the emir attempted Assassination near the Kano Mosque and?the death of late Kano Emir Ado Bayero.


And Research suggested that late Gen. Hassan katsina, as the Fulani Arrow head of Fulani Caliphate used his closeness to late Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogu pressurized him and used his Fulani Networks to provide all the Military needed logistics that made it possible for late Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogu with his Colleagues to assassinate late Premier of Northern Region Sarduana of Sokoto, which upon his assassination, that late Gen. Hassan katsina maneuvered himself to become the Military Governor of Northern Region, while Ahmadu Bello Death were used by the British led Fulani to organize and pursued Igbo ethnic Genocide in the North and which forced Igbo with its Eastern Region to declare Biafra unprepared, unfunded and without the required Military & human logistics.


The industrial ambitious Igbos led struggling ambitious hard working native Nigerians were tactical checkmated, contented, undermined & confronted by the British Imperialist led Fulani Hegemony. Whether in South African Black African Xenophobia where Igbo led native Nigerians were targeted, their investments ruined & to discourage their further business/influence interest expansion.


?In Ghana & other African Countries where Igbo led native Nigerians’ investments & businesses obnoxiously taxed, levied and discouraged.


In the US, EU, Arab & Asia Igbo led native Nigerians were facing abnormal immigration, Migration & their Resident Permits were racially denied, controlled with dissonance & not in accordance with State law.


It is ironically sad that the West led World International Pressure with political or economic Isolation and seizing of Nigeria Oversea individual/company assets & wealth, being managed by various Fulani Cronies, will be capable to compel Fulani controlled Nigeria to toe the path of evolving a credible National Verifiable National ID Cards, with its attendant credible Primary National Government Database or to be able to evolve minimal National Basic Welfare Scheme for its Nigeria Citizenry.


Also, it is?illegal and immoral welcoming Governmental Delegation with Passports without National ID Cards of issuance, should stop forthwith, as it encourage illegitimacy, fraud and it create enabling environment for corruption, while most African Governmental Delegations that travels with their National ID cards, which they present alongside their passports, why Nigeria with its huge Resources cannot do the same and why associating West could not advice Nigeria Government to resolve the shame issues of Nat. ID and Data to tackle Nigerian huge problems.


Primarily, the fundamental duty or governmental function of any credible & legitimate Governance is to statistically identify each Citizen, label or tag each person with a National Verifiable Identification Number from Government database and issue each person with National ID card, before Government can be able to administer Governance whether the person can feel or perceive the Government to be good or bad.


The international becomes apparent, since the Fulani extremists that control Nigeria, will forestall any such national ID with database arrangement, as demographically there is no Nigeria local Government Area or Council in the North where Fulani is majority, compared to the Natives who are bulk of Masses. While the Fulani with their amassed wealth, control, manipulate and win any Northern Election anywhere Fulani reside.


Ironically Sad that US, Britain with other Nations could welcome, associate or recognize a Primitive State like Nigeria that could not possess the State fundamental required Prerequisites: a credible National Verifiable National ID Cards, with its attendant credible National Governmental Data or be able to evolve minimal National Basic Welfare Scheme for its Citizenry.


This, will largely eliminate unlimited with its associated ghost Workers’ problem, which have impeded Nigeria State inability to tackle the workers’ Salary Payment?promptly or to settle retired workers’ Pension with its gratuity, as at when due and to be able to evolve the statutory basic credible national ID cards scheme with State statistical Data and to implement fundamental basic welfare scheme as reduce poverty, which provide the State with capable people, ability and people oriented stability, as to implement Nigeria fundamental development with combat Nigeria associated Corruption.


Nigeria Post independence of?55 years,it?have been seen or assumed that whenever the Core North or Fulani Extremists want to organize political Power/Government as to?suppress the impoverish Nigeria Natives and for Gain & Advantage, the Yoruba Establishment with its Political leadership become handy against any Native political Agitation or to quell any Native Economic Equity Rebellion, whether when the Middle Belt tends to challenge the Fulani Hegemony political arrangement or when Igbo tended to secede after witnessing the worst form of Ethnic pogrom in North, after late Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogu with his Colleagues that executed a failed Coup or when the Kanuri with its North East Natives rebelled against Fulani Aristocratic manipulation?or?when the Niger Delta minority wanted to reasonable time in Power for its IBB influenced Ex-President Goodluck, despite that the Yoruba have benefited from Oil Businesses in Niger Delta massively than their Niger Delta neighboring Igbo.

Yoruba as Nigeria Native opt to erase the misconception or erroneous Belief of other Nigeria Natives that they connive or cooperate with the Core North Extremist Fulani Hegemony to undermine, suppress or oppress any native self-determination aspiration, political interest agitation or to support the formation of oppressive Regime.


All Concerned are of opinion and expectation that Nigeria desire a political arrangement of 2yrs Political Process as to usher Political Administration of no partisan or political leaning, to be able to deal with inherited political problem where elected Politicians’ receives quantum luxurious Pay package and to resolve political?statutory package and to put in place National or Regional Comprehensive national ID card System with credible Data for Planning, effective welfare scheme and to enable Poor access non-insured loan scheme or move out of poverty.


Possibly conduct Nigeria Election on Party Basis with 6 Vice Presidents, each per Region for 6years term with a revolving President per a year, which shall be able to cleanse Nigeria with its inherent Religious bigotry, Ethnicity, new found Religiosity with its behind Occultist Practices and mental/moral Bankruptcy,


It is now obvious that Nigeria President Buhari plays to their usual Fulani chartered political gallery and technically refused to act & govern Nigeria with the required Statesmanship known Advice & facts, devoid of slavery to Fulani/Core North ethnicity and Islamic Religious influence.

Buhari refusal to tell Nigerians and the World that Nigeria Refineries are dead, thereby openly NNPC signing open agreement Crude Oil Refining with some African Countries whose Refineries are functioning and to stop those IBB Cronies Petrol Importers who besieging Nigeria banks’ 80% of Nigeria Foreign Exchange and relief Nigeria, as NNPC central refined Petrol will be sold in Naira and to enable Nigeria Forex to serve productive Sector.

These IBB Cronies Petrol Importers to threatening Nigeria and cajoling that they must purchase Forex from CBN bank rate is unfortunate and wicked, and designed attempt to ruin Nigeria, when their so called imported Petrol are Nigeria diverted unpurchased Crude Oil, refined in within Africa, bought back as imported Petrol, which Nigeria banks have to pay, is evil and callous.?


Buhari to act & govern Nigeria with Statesmanship, basically with offered Advice and known facts, devoid of being slavery to Fulani/North ethnicity and Islam Religion, otherwise Nigeria will become a bankrupt, collapse and a failed State with his chosen Fulani, coupled with her British Majesty fact denial of not diverting then British-Fulani 1900 Pact allowed Arewa Secret Bank Accounts where over a Trillion Pounds were stacked.


Buhari deregulation is the feasible way out & set a small Panel to look into past false Lading, Oversea Petrol Product Payments Documents, Buhari to meet Farouk Muhammad Lawan secretly and privately for more.


President Buhari deregulated downstream oil sector is the feasible way out, since Nigeria is financially down and the Nigeria Refineries are dead by various reasons/facts as expressed by my past Articles,all Nigeria Petroleum Marketers are aware of their past petrol Subsidy payment collection were questionable, as the same Petroleum Marketers used false Shipping Bill of Lading, Oversea Petrol Product Payments which were diverted to themselves or their Oversea Agents, as their foul odor?Petrol Products were picked mostly from rickety African Refineries where IBB controlled Nigeria Refineries Crude Oil Quota allocation were refined, allocated?and shipped back for Subsidy collection and further usage distribution.


President Buhari, as an ex-Military, simply set a small Panel to look into their submitted false Shipping Bill of Lading, Oversea Petrol Product Payments Documents, as EFCC is strategically playing to gallery?and act legal melodrama, until the case is dead or Regime is changed. For data/documents confirmation, shipping companies’ representatives or their companies’ commercial attaché could be used as to low investigation expense and get fast credible facts.


Also, to simplify investigation, collect past National Assembly subsidy inquiry led by Farouk Muhammad Lawan and Buhari to meet Farouk Muhammad Lawan secretly and privately for more.


Why Nigeria cannot build any Refinery or maintain the existing one.



When Nigeria Refineries were built, there were signed?maintenance Agreement between Nigeria Government and Refinery Builders on how to maintain the Built Nigeria Petroleum Refineries, which the Cabals controlled Nigeria Government thwarted, faulted & cancelled, as to pave way for their imposed Turn Around Maintenance, which served as fraud to collect yearly Turn Around Maintenance money.



Since, those Refinery Builders are part of the global Refinery Building Cartel and Nigeria faulted the signed Maintenance Pact and cancelled it, for fraud, it become imperative that Nigeria cannot be trusted to have another Refinery or to call back any Refinery Builder from the Cartel, as to build or maintain our problematic Refineries.



Even the Cabal used his Cronies to build some Refineries in Niger Republic, Chad and other African Countries, but they will not last, Cartel must crop up problems to cripple them technically, they were cheated at first.



The Nigeria Refineries were built with Signed Maintenance Agreement, which the Cabals controlled the Nigeria Government, which the Signed Maintenance Agreements were thwarted, faulted & cancelled, as to pave way for their imposed Turn Around Maintenance, which were meant as cabal fraud to collect yearly Turn Around Maintenance money, with the subsequent imported Petroleum Subsidy Fraud, being perpetuated by the Core North Cabal Cronies, from the same Petroleum refined and imported from the NNPC Reserved allocated Crude Oil Quota, meant for the local NNPC Refineries’ refining, which some were sold out and some were refined in African Countries, which upon their returned importation back, Petroleum Subsidy were paid.



Since, those Refinery Builders are part of the global Refinery Building Cartel and Nigeria faulted the signed Maintenance Pact and cancelled it, for fraud, it become imperative that Nigeria can be trusted to have another Refinery or to call back any Refinery Builder from the Cartel to build or maintain our problematic Refineries.

Even the Cabal used his Cronies to build some Refineries in Niger Republic, Chad and other African Countries, but they will not last, Cartel must crop up problems to cripple them technically, they were cheated first.


Some facts on factual status of the Nigeria Refineries and NEPA to be privatized & commercialized on 6 Regional Basis for closer better monitor, efficiency, benefits and profitable management, only the Public Truth will work the magic, not continual Governmental Deceptions for any Regime or concerned top Staff Gains with its institutional Falsehood propaganda.


Also, in 2000, I was able to get Ex-President Obasanjo direct 3 emails, which I used to mail him, since based on my status, I could not be able meet him physically or send him a letter, due to presidential bureaucracy and tactical IBB built on any Nigeria President, since IBB built Aso Rock with initial Presidential bureaucracy, which every incoming President inherit.


With these emails, I mailed Ex-President Obasanjo which came with automatic email acknowledgment. My email suggested that all Nigeria Refineries were dead and since Nigeria had 16 Petroleum Products’ Depots with Petroleum Products’ Pipelines, with crude Oil Pipeline for the Kaduna Petroleum Refinery.


Since, Nigeria Refineries were technical deteriorated by non-implementation of the required Turn Around Maintenance(TAM), which started from 80s by those IBB Principals who groomed and Tele-guided IBB to Military Presidency and June 12th Politics led to collapse and final death of all Nigeria Refineries, as sensitive Refinery Units were balkanized during late Abacha Regime.


Nigeria started to import refined Petroleum Products from African Neighbors whose Refineries were not politicized, with each incoming Government lied on the Nigeria Refineries’ status, as to collect TAM money, kept few Refinery Staff, in case of unscheduled governmental inspection, while used Nigeria Refineries’ Crude Oil Reserved Quota, which are secretly refined with top Government/NNPC secret private arrangement and bought back as Nigeria Refineries refined Products.


When Ex. President Obasanjo visited Chevron Worldwide Headquarter in Houston Texas during his Second Term, as to plead and to plead for Chevron to quote any maintenance amount and Nigeria Government shall offer Chevron 40%, as to manage these Refineries after Repair. Ex. President Obasanjo was fined,when this offer was turned down with the Chevron President telling Ex. President Obasanjo that he did not know Nigeria very well and that Chevron is only concerned with exploring Crude Oil and getting its agreed 40% only. This showed that there are other things which the West with its Allies know about Nigeria, which Ex. President Obasanjo did not know, which is the Arewa secret dealing with the British Imperials led Western Capitalists and which Buhari partly knows, despite his pretense.


Once, the Refinery truth is told and Nigeria Officially entered into opened refining agreement with those African States’ Refineries and what is given to them is known, steady Supply of Petrol Products were guaranteed, and this, will lead to TAM fraud stoppage with Cabal manipulated Subsidy stoppage.



Buhari Regime should avail itself of this international economic option, if desired to be recognized as credible and viable leader with credible Government.


The recent Nigeria Government plan and announcement of allowing Maximum US$15,000.00 per a person for a year, which is contrary to Nigerians agitation of allowing foreign currency deposit into the Foreign Currency account, until the account balance reaches max.US$15,000.00, which normalize run of Nigerian market's commodities and could avoid pending Nigerian Economic Business collapse, and for Nigeria to escape this pending economic anarchy, hardship, with the Financial Doom that might ruin Nigeria Goods Supply Systems and could jeopardize Nigeria imports, exports Businesses.


It is imperative that Nigeria Government should not tactically kill Nigeria Small scale Business, which presently runs this country's economy and employment, since Nigeria Government refuses to run this economy with honest and simple policy, instead of their usual playing gallery policy, typical of Fulani.


That is why ex EFCC Chairman Nuhu Ribadu, used noisy Crime & corruption fight crusade to distract and deceive Ex-President Obasanjo, instead of Nuhu Ribadu building a viable EFCC institution where EFCC would have installed more than 1,000 computers to be networked and interfaced with all the Nigerian financial institutions and employed so many Nigerians, as to effectively monitor all Nigerian financial transactions, making it very difficult for bankrupt rapacious elite to loot and milk Nigeria Treasury empty and only to parade when they are broke, why our money met for development is looted for their personal Aggrandizement.


Grant US$400 Billion to avoid Nigeria Eminent Collapse, as Fulani with the British imperialists & Western Exploitative Capitalists?needed Nigeria survival, for their general collective interest and to avoid Africa or world Disaster.

Buhari Govt's $2bn Chinese loan can never assist Nigeria out of Nigeria present economic woes, as Chinese Governmental Loan is typical Product/Project Loan, not a free usable loan that Government can pay or settle any pressurizing Payment.US Government with Anglo Saxon American Exploitative conservative with help of their controlled Security with her Majesty led British Imperialists secretly manage, coordinate?and know?the financial transactions of all Nigeria Core North Arewa Secret Accounts where over 3 Trillion US Dollars are being stocked out for the British brain washed future Arewa Usage.

Also, late Kano Emir Ado Bayero quickly met his death when he secretly counseled that 20% of these Arewa stocked money should be secretly used to develop North, as disguise Arab Loan, to be managed?by credible Ex President Obasanjo, whom Nigeria Public gullible did not his impeccable character and Statesmanship.

We are opinion that Fulani with Her Majesty led British Imperialists with its Western Exploitative Allies, to use some sort of Multilateral Loan Scheme as to grant Nigeria some sort of?loan above US$400Billion, as to avoid Nigeria Eminent Collapse and Fulani the British imperialists & Western Exploitative Capitalists?needed Nigeria survival?for their general collective interest and to avoid Africa or world Disaster.?


The recent Mr. John Kerry US Secretary of State’s State Official Visit of Sokoto Caliphate where Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari was praised as the terror Fighter & Anti-Corruption Crusader, while all native Nigerians from all parts of Nigeria were bitter, sad & worried that such US Governmental Praise Pronouncement is sadly discouraging, disheartening, reality distorting, distracting?& misinforming of Nigeria Popular Opinion that the Nigeria President Buhari was in past remotely associated in Boko Haram Sponsorship/Formation and Northern Ethnic/Religious Violence, but may be now a changed Person, but only time will tell.



US is being tele-guided by the handful of Anglo-Saxon Conservative Exploiting Americans who in collaboration with the British Majesty led Imperialists and in conjunction with Fulani Hegemony siphon and runs some hidden Arewa Secret Bank Accounts where vast monumental wealth over a Trillion British Pounds Sterling with late Sir Louis Ojukwu vast wealth & others were seized without the perquisite British Court Mandamus, were stored until Queen do not want talk about it in secret with Fulani currently, which means the Arewa stored wealth was diverted and those in charge are no more accountable to the Fulani partnership. After the emir attempted Assassination near the Kano Mosque and the death of late Kano Emir Ado Bayero, there is no strong figure who have direct access to Queen to ascertain the issue and IBB currently represent Fulani hegemony,but he?is not getting the required information or cooperation.


And Research suggested that late Maj. Gen. Hassan Usman Katsina, as the Fulani Arrow head of Fulani Caliphate used his closeness to late Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu pressurized him and used his Fulani Networks to provide all the Military needed logistics that made it possible for late Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu with his Colleagues to assassinate late Premier of Northern Region Sarduana of Sokoto, which upon his assassination, that late Maj. Gen. Hassan Usman Katsina maneuvered himself to become the Military Governor of Northern Region, while the Sardauna of Sokoto and Premier of the Northern Region, late Sir Ahmadu Bello KBE were used by the British led Fulani to organize instable Strategy which led Nigeria to present Nigeria instability/quasi failed State and this British Imperialist led Fulani Hegemony was used in the pursuance Igbo ethnic Genocide in the North and which forced Igbo with its Eastern Region to declare Biafra unprepared, unfunded and without the required Military & human logistics.


The industrial ambitious Igbos led struggling ambitious hard working native Nigerians were tactical checkmated, contented, undermined & confronted by the British Imperialist led Fulani Hegemony. Whether in South African Black African Xenophobia where Igbo led native Nigerians were targeted, their investments ruined & to discourage their further business/influence interest expansion.


In Ghana & other African Countries where Igbo led native Nigerians’ investments & businesses obnoxiously taxed, levied and discouraged.

In US, EU, Arab & Asia Igbo led native Nigerians were facing abnormal immigration, Migration & their Resident Permits were racially denied, controlled with dissonance & not in accordance with the State law.


It is ironically sad that the West led World International Pressure with political or economic Isolation and seizing of Nigeria Oversea individual/company assets & wealth, being managed by various Fulani Cronies, will be capable to compel Fulani controlled Nigeria to toe the path of evolving a credible National Verifiable National ID Cards, with its attendant credible Primary National Government Database or to be able to evolve minimal National Basic Welfare Scheme for its Nigeria Citizenry.


Also, it is?illegal and immoral welcoming Governmental Delegation with Passports without National ID Cards of issuance, should stop forthwith, as it encourage illegitimacy, fraud and it create enabling environment for corruption, while most African Governmental Delegations that travels with their National ID cards, which they present alongside their passports, why Nigeria with its huge Resources cannot do the same and why associating West could not advice Nigeria Government to resolve the shame issues of Nat. ID and Data to tackle Nigerian huge problems.


Primarily, the fundamental duty or governmental function of any credible & legitimate Governance is to statistically identify each Citizen, label or tag each person with a National Verifiable Identification Number from Government database and issue each person with National ID card, before Government can be able to administer Governance whether the person can feel or perceive the Government to be good or bad.


The international becomes apparent, since the Fulani Extremists that control Nigeria, will forestall any such national ID with database arrangement, as demographically there is no Nigeria local Government Area or Council in the North where Fulani is majority, compared to the Natives who are the bulk of Masses. While the Fulani with their amassed wealth, control, manipulate and win any Northern Election anywhere Fulani reside.


Ironically Sad that US, Britain with other Nations could welcome, associate or recognize a Primitive State like Nigeria that could not possess the State fundamental required Prerequisites: a credible National Verifiable National ID Cards, with its attendant credible National Governmental Data or be able to evolve minimal National Basic Welfare Scheme for its Citizenry.


This, will largely eliminate unlimited with its associated ghost Workers’ problem, which have impeded Nigeria State inability to tackle the workers’ Salary Payment?promptly or to settle retired workers’ Pension with its gratuity, as at when due and to be able to evolve the statutory basic credible national ID cards scheme with State statistical Data and to implement fundamental basic welfare scheme as reduce poverty, which provide the State with capable people, ability and people oriented stability, as to implement Nigeria fundamental development with combat Nigeria associated Corruption.


Nigeria Post independence of?55 years,it?have been seen or assumed that whenever the Core North or Fulani Extremists want to organize political Power/Government as to?suppress the impoverish Nigeria Natives and for Gain & Advantage, the Yoruba Establishment with its Political leadership become handy against any Native political Agitation or to quell any Native Economic Equity Rebellion, whether when the Middle Belt tends to challenge the Fulani Hegemony political arrangement or when Igbo tended to secede after witnessing the worst form of Ethnic pogrom in North, after late Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu with his Colleagues that executed a failed Coup or when the Kanuri with its North East Natives rebelled against Fulani Aristocratic manipulation?or?when the Niger Delta minority wanted to reasonable time in Power for its IBB influenced Ex-President Goodluck, despite that the Yoruba have benefited from Oil Businesses in Niger Delta massively than their Niger Delta neighboring Igbo.

Yoruba as Nigeria Native opt to erase the misconception or erroneous Belief of other Nigeria Natives that they connive or cooperate with the Core North Extremist Fulani Hegemony to undermine, suppress or oppress any native self-determination aspiration, political interest agitation or to support the formation of oppressive Regime.



All Concerned are of opinion and expectation that Nigeria desire a political arrangement of 2yrs Political Process as to usher Political Administration of no partisan or political leaning, to be able to deal with inherited political problem where elected Politicians’ receives quantum luxurious Pay package and to resolve political?statutory package and to put in place National or Regional Comprehensive national ID card System with credible Data for Planning, effective welfare scheme and to enable Poor access non insured loan scheme or move out of poverty.


Possibly conduct Nigeria Election on Party Basis with 6 Vice Presidents, each per Region for 6 years term with a revolving President per a year, which shall be able to cleanse Nigeria with its inherent Religious bigotry, Ethnicity, new found Religiosity with its behind Occultist Practices and mental/moral Bankruptcy.


Out of spiritual ignorance & total lack of Persian & Babylonian Historic Knowledge,which made the US led Western Nations to seriously err in their liberal pursuit and in propagating Gay rights as western norms or in line with the western values of?liberty and freedom.

Gay Medical disadvantages is that gay practice can cause cancer of anus or fluid entering the abdomen can cause serious infection or abdominal pains which can increase the medical budget of?any State.

All Religions & Traditions seem to forbid?gay or lesbian as it is against any religious ethics or any Traditional practice/morals,except Gay or Persian Occult where is practiced as part of its rituals.

Economically, since gay or lesbian discourages marriage or family life, which lower child birth and coupled with modern life?that technically discourages child bearing, and adding the liberty of gay or lesbian to socialite's problem, will greatly impede marriage, which will negates the population growth that provides any State with the required work force.

Abnormal people can privately or secretly?practice gay or lesbian,but to coarse or lure or demand gay or lesbian practice before offering Job or Contract or joining any?association or for any monetary offer,is a crime/sin against the State and humanity.


?IBB led gay group who have used gay occult to control Nigeria and make it difficult for simple,principled and mannered people to survive.It is ironical sad that Boko haram could not attack any gay hostel in Kano city,since they are acclaimed or purported to be pursuing an Islamic purity, as Kano gay elitist clubs are known for their gay rituals before large contracts,lucrative?businesses and top posts are shared or allocated.May be their sponsors;inhumane,Iranian inspired Billionaire & destructive IBB led gay group who have used gay occult to control Nigeria and make it difficult for simple,principled and mannered people to survive.

Despite the Sarkin Ado,the Kano Emir being my emirate icon & intelligent person,being an IBB guidance for years,have destroyed my credibility for him,as my likeness & love for his person,who was shot recently in Kano by IBB group but in past,he has groomed,supported,guided and collaborated with IBB led group to form & control Nigeria through gay elite group and secretly used violence,intimidation & killing to cow Nigeria is bad omen.The CBN Gov Lamido Sanusi,an IBB crony,whose Kano private guest house,doubled as gay hostel,tactically might have abuse CBN top Staff and others from Nigeria financial circles.

The Nigeria President Goodluck weak governance have?made it difficult to check mate this evil practices,as decent men were abused before good post or contract/business or before any religious leader could succeed to be successful.The Nigeria President Goodluck weak governance have also to allow perpetuation of this Sodom evil and flourish corruption,as this,have allow IBB to loot and collect IBB imposed alimony of above 300 Million Naira from each Niger State Governor through IBB introduced/imposed Middle East or Chinese or Euro Contractors that execute substandard State Projects/Contracts


IBB Cronies have tactically used highly placed Core Northerners to set up?Farouk Lawan,as an IBB Grand Design to discredit & tarnish the Nigeria House concluded Petrol Subsidies probe,which hopefully shall free those involved from sanction/refunds.

The president of the Senate, David Mark recently said from Senate Chamber that people are sending various emails of ideas or?suggestion on Dana Plane crash and Petrol subsidies and why could those are sending the senate,be a man to come out during panel,as to tender their ideas or suggestion,portray David Mark in bad light as some whom many Nigerians are hoping to be good material for future Nigeria highest politics.

His talk have moved people away from him,as he,David Mark did not how dangerous,i t is to be able to say the truth in Nigeria,means that he painted himself as a true Minna man and we don't need such?person,as he will misbehave as Jonathan,who unwisely toe the line with those who fought him during the first term Election,who are fooling him with second term,when those people fought him from death of late Musa Yar'adua.----------------------------------------------------

Boko Haram/Extremists led by the Iranian inspired Trillion Evil Genius Destructive IBB aided by vast Loot might ruin Nigeria before Exit.

The leadership failure, political bankruptcy and decisive Inaction/ineptitude that characterized Christian/Middle Belt Elite Northerners like Gen.Yakubu Gowon Rtd, Gen.Danjuma Rtd,Chief Solomon Lar,Pro.Jerry Gana, Dr. Jonathan Zengena, Gen.Domkat Bali Rtd,Gen.Joshua Dogonyaro rtd, Gen. Jeremiah Useni rtd, Chief Gemade,Gen. M.C Alli rtd.Gen Mallam Kontagora,Gen Nasco etc., which have allowed and prolonged Jos crisis and other ethnic/Religious Crisis which have caused wanton mayhem which are being sponsored and tactically organized by the Evil Genius through Northern Extremist Boko Haram and other Groups in Nigeria as to intimidate, cow and cajole Nigerians into his manipulative control.

The Ex VP Sambo as implanted through Gen.Danjuma Rtd insistence, which served IBB agenda instead of general Northern interest, which IBB interest conflict with, as North earlier desire was a developed Nigeria with slight Northern interest edge and to harness vast Northern minerals and?agricultural potentials, which today Northern control, does not represent, as northern leadership ignored general development and looted Nigeria through their submissive political/business cronies and rewarded Nigeria with violence by the creation of Boko Haram and other crisis, which they thought will advance their political strategy.

Nigerian Resources meant for poverty alleviation, industrialization and development were wasted through looting and crisis were created as cover for their looting and bankrupt Nigeria Media as to misinform Nigeria to be gullible and to be fooled, as Northerners were misinformed that their vast looting are meant for Northern interest, instead of developing North, is to their interest, as money stashed in exploitative West or complex Arab banks could be collected when necessary, which is not possible as Mobutu Sese Seko loots were not recoverable till today as Mobutu Children are not wealthy.

The Petrol Subsidy exposure on how IBB cronies who owned the mentioned Oil companies, with Oando coordinated by Tinubu led the vast Petrol Subsidy looting, as thrice invoicing of each cargo, were collected, while the impoverished Nigerian workers were bribed with bribe beyond their imaginations. A careful and primary inquiry on these Oil companies shows that some of them are as young as below 10 years old, with vast accrued revenue.

The resources at Senator Ahmed Tinubu’s disposal , have made him look down on him and talk down to Obasanjo as rag, as his monthly collection from Lagos is equivalent to what Obasanjo might have owned. The vast Resources have placed IBB in an uncontrollable position that no Emir or General can near him or talk to him or advise him and this, have made him to do whatever he likes and enable him to create and wage wanton destructive wars before his exit.

IBB led the Northern Extremists to hide under Boko Haram Sect?and perpetuate bombing terrorism in Nigeria is known to all,except the Nigeria bankrupt political Class with its bought over Media which is best known for its Falsehood.

Ironically, those who formed Boko Haram are simply confused in the choice of name to be used for their violent propaganda,since most Religions read and write Religious Scriptures or information in booklet forms or slates ,while reading and writing are the essential aspect of education, and how can a sane person or group to say or quote that book or education is abortion,which is the literally meaning of Boko Haram.Technically,they should choose another name for their violent propaganda/terrorism.

Terrorist Bombing in its primary Stage in Nigeria & what becomes the next level is unknown,as events which have unfolded in past systematically analyzed that after the Core Northern led Nigeria has graduated from the sponsorship and Organizers of inter-tribal/ethnic with?Religious Crisis or mayhem to terrorist bombing which Nigeria is currently witnessing, after the Nigerian past Aircraft’s timed bomb accidents which we have witnessed previously to recent bombing.

Monumental Nigeria Corruption, ethnic/Religious Crisis and Bomb Terrorism is as a result of past institutionalized factors which have resulted in weak leadership that led Nigeria into present scenario which all is to be blamed. Nigeria Leadership with its Core North led by its Military who mostly have occupied Nigeria Leadership position for too long and whose emergence to Power and Politics without proper Military due Merits of adequate promotional exams/Tests’ Pass or passing their Military Courses which would have adequately prepared them with leadership tools of sharp skills, required intelligence and added to them technical knowledgeable Wisdom to be able to saddle with required leadership a Country like Nigeria deserved.

In absence of?these,Mediocrity, ethnicity, Religion and Friendship formed that guide and tools that were used in Military leadership, with the motivation from Business groups,Shylock foreign interest for exploration and failed political Class who willingly assist the Military to hold onto power until the situation becomes unbearable and Nigeria infrastructures were almost ruined before emergence of the Nigeria democracy in 1999.

Now, the die is cast, notorious Cabal IBB has wielded so much power, monumental resources and local/international Networks that dwarf Nigeria systems and which no group of Emirs or Elders or Generals or political/Religious groups can be able to stop or to challenge him, as Nigeria is lying to his peril.

Nigeria and the world shall soon realize that the Core North Region will be destroyed like Waziristan,while Nigeria will be ruined like Pakistan, since Core North selfishly guarded and supported the Cabal to be an Evil?Genius,which Nigerians ignorantly allow or accept him to play political and economic dominance in Nigeria, Nigeria will witness Ruin for their ignorance and acceptance.

Pls,Govt should disregard and ignore Dr.Pat Utomi for his unnecessary Advice/comment, as he collaborated with the late Chief MKO Abiola to ruin the Volkswagen of Nigeria Auto Industry during NPN Regime and that is why Obasanjo pet Motor program for Lagos,was destroyed.


Over 1 Trillion British Pounds worth of Arewa Secret Oversea Bank Accounts are being operated under different Foreign Companies’ Disguised Names and there were funded from various sources as stated herein:


1.??????The Secret siphoned Crude Oil from all Niger Delta Artesian Oil Wells, due to its self-pressure pumping Mechanism where Crude Oil are pumped from their hidden Oil wells to the secret dug conveying Oil Pipes to a secret Oil Loading Sea Location, after the Nigeria international Territorial Sea Water boundary for safe Oversea Oil Shipment, this secret is not known to NNPC or Nigeria, but known to the Fulani Hegemony, her majesty led British Imperialists with Anglo-Saxon Exploitative Conservative Americans and NNPC Pipelines are exposed to Public, for possible Vandalism, Oil Communities’ Agitation/Protest Cutting or flow stoppage & NNPC Checks.


2.??????British with Western Countries seized or withhold foreign Money from corrupt accused Nigerians or Foreigners who associated with Nigeria for corruption accusation & their money seizure and diverted to Arewa Accounts without Court due process and Court Order of Mandamus, as in case of late Sir Louis Ojukwu seized UK bank Accounts & the Money belonging to late Barrister Celestine Muojekwu, was seized upon his mysterious death by British Authority without required Her Majesty Crown Court Mandamus.??

From 1960s till today, all Nigerians’ with Foreigners’ Seized Money are diverted to the Arewa accounts, while little seized Amounts are exposed or reported to Nigeria Government and these little are being tactically refunded in bits back to Nigeria.



3.Over invoicing or Substandard Executed Contracts, Supplies & Maintenance where above 60% Values were siphoned to Arewa Accounts.


4.Secret Imposition Levies, Coarse Contribution Fulani imposed alimony upon top Officials, notable Politicians & top political Office Holders were secretly coarse to donate or contribute or pay some money through Chief Adenuga Globacom, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Chief Terry Ways, Sir Emeka Offor & others which were coarsely collected money and there are remitted to Arewa Accounts.


5.Large Scale Crude Oil Government covered big Bunkering or huge Crude Oil Shipment diversion to Rotterdam where Oil are sold without proper Oil Documentations or without required OPEC due processes and proceeds being sent to Arewa Accounts and this, caused why trusted Fulani usually are appointed to sensitive Oil positions as to cover any non-governmental Oil Deals.


6. The during weak Ex.?President Jonathan Regime where Core North led by IBB manipulated NNPC & Nigeria Government, as to siphon above several funds and even onceUS$50 Billion, which were siphoned to Arewa Accounts & Ex CBN Gov. Sanusi protested the diversion as he was not prevailed or his interest was not granted and President Bahuri Knew about the activities of the British-Fulani organized Arewa Fund diversion, but they chose to parade some native Nigerians as mere Fronts, except the tactical Arrest of the Retired Col. Sambo Dansuki, who legally is not an Executive Officer and he is not entitled to control & disburse any government fund constitutionally, as a mere appointed Presidential Adviser & his pending legal case cannot hold water at fair trial Court.


7, Oil Companies operating in Nigeria are being coarse & task or manipulated to pay some Fulani imposed levied fees through some appointed Core North Cronies and some money are meant as to operate in?harsh Niger Delta Oil environment for granting operational freedom and to avoid inciting Public or Oil Communities against Oil companies operating and those that refused to settle some levied fees, to face harsh oil communities confrontation & neglect protest and such collected money mostly end up in Arewa Accounts.


8.Wealthy Nigerians & Foreigners living or operating in Nigeria are coarse to pay Core North Protection fees or Fulani Alimony which are technically remitted to the Arewa Accounts.


Technically, Nigeria does not really possess propagandized viable valued National Assets which were built at less than 40%, but were merely national asset Complexes used by the British Imperialists led Fulani Hegemony controlled Government as to siphon Nigeria Treasury, except that Nigeria possess abundant untapped Minerals, good climatic Lands, Skilled/unskilled hard working People, Government/Industrial Rights or Licenses & Houses with individual efforts built small Industries which have non-accessible Roads & with non-Basic facilities.


?These national Assets were industrial & Office Complexes built at exorbitant Cost, with non-lasting inferior building/Engineering Materials or inferior Structures, which over time have deteriorated due to lack of required Maintenance, where TAM (Turn Around Maintenance) slogan or phrase were used by the IBB Principles as to siphon the NNPC budgeted Maintenance's Fund and Refineries were left to be deteriorated, disused & abandoned, until these Refineries with other Assets were destroyed during the late general Sani Abacha Must Go Campaigns.


Nigeria Assets Sales propaganda is technically & politically to preoccupy Nigerians with political Confusion & Distraction from the Governmental nonperformance alongside with the Government tailored usual Fulani playing gallery Corruption Crusade, and this will engage & preoccupy hungry gullible Nigerians with political Confusion & harsh economic reality Distraction and to divert Nigerians’ attention from the present harsh economic situation, while Government is at lost with the perquisite Governance.


Experts & Intellectuals opinioned that Nigeria issues are well known to the whole World and other world institutions with the large Corporate Bodies, except Nigeria Government that felt and believe that they can achieve something from travelling to engage in false governance propaganda & Public misleading agenda, while today’s World, Internet, Its & Networks disseminate or display all necessary information, which are accessible to all at ease & at no cost. All these Nigeria Governmental Visitations, Seminars, Delegations & Conferences are merely wasteful Ventures & time wasting efforts, Government & institutions are technically nowadays being exposed by the Its & Networks.


?It is time for Nigeria Government to genuinely to govern Nigeria with unbiased Truth, ethnic Fairness without regarding Fulani as being Superior to other native Tribes, maintaining national Security without Fulani Herdsmen biases, accounting Honesty and Projects Delivery Efficiency to all Nigeria States without tribal consideration.


Researches have pointed out that so called National Assets’ Complexes were built at less than 40% Cost of the past over-invoiced or inflated Contracts or Supplies and tactically above 60% of past executed Contracts or Supplies or Projects were siphoned from the Nigeria Treasury to various Oversea Arewa Accounts, being managed by the British Imperialists led Fulani Hegemony that secretly controlled Secret Oversea Arewa?bank accounts with the management & collaboration Anglo-Saxon Exploitative Conservative Americans.


Now, it becomes imperative that Government to know that no Nation can develop or achieve any meaningful Peace, unless the State can evolve a minimum basic Welfare Scheme that can sanitize and to build reasonable people at national Base within all Nigeria communities, upon which Government can industrialize Nigeria or run its agricultural programs or to have quality people with whom Government can really develop Nigeria or to achieve peaceful national Security. These can only happen if Nigeria could evolve national comprehensive & computerized national ID Cards for all Citizens, otherwise Doom will occur one day that can ruin Nigeria and wipe out Fulani hegemony with its aristocratic long aged legacy.


The World Bank advised Nigeria Government led Ex. President Obasanjo to make some Nigeria major Road Highway Concession to some World Bank Nominated Companies, but since this Nigeria Road Concession Program was introduced to Ex. President Obasanjo during the tail end of his Regime, Ex. President Obasanjo tried to pressurize Ex. President Yar'adua led the Government, but Kaduna State Gov. Nasir El Rufai led Fulani hegemony that compelled Ex. President Yar'adua that Roads in South are more profitable than the Roads in North, as few Northern Roads are commercially viable and that is why Ex. President Yar'adua abandoned this World Bank Program and which were awarded to quack Nigeria Companies like Lagos- Ibadan Road which badly executed & maintained poorly without the recommended Standard.


The President M. Buhari’ s current intention and attempt to send some 17 Northern Fulani Emirs to purported Oversea Medical Trips, which actually were meant to appeal, compel & authorize Her Majesty Queen, England Buckingham Palace to replace IBB (Ibrahim Babagidan) and adopt President M. Buhari as the new Arewa sole Representative, which most Experts believe that it is not feasible & workable, but with reprisal dire consequences.


As the late Kano Emir Ado Bayero previously nominated IBB as his Successor and as the Arewa sole Representative, many years before the late Ado death. Even there was misunderstanding & soured relationship between IBB & Late Ado, colorful manipulative wealthy late Ado could not be able to revert or cancel IBB as Arewa sole Representative, despite late Ado’s appeal & insistence that IBB may not be a full Blood Fulani, but IBB was Fulani adopted and mentored, IBB still prevail as the Arewa sole Representative till today.But it was dismantled by his Close Associate Abdulsalami.


British Imperialists led Fulani Hegemony strategically used Fulani influential/wealthy native Nigerian Cronies to woo,lure & persuade Oversea native Nigerian Intellectuals/Experts who work briefly,before systemically abandoned/rubbished.

Ironically, the British Imperialists led Fulani Hegemony strategically using their Fulani influential & wealthy Cronies of native Nigerians, in likes of Abia State Ex. Gov. Orji Uzor Kanu, GLO Chairman Mike Adenuga, Aliko Dangote, Sir Emeka Offor & Chief Terry Wayas as being Nigerian Successful Individuals, in order to woo, lure & persuade these Oversea Based native Nigerian Intellectuals/Experts to come back to Nigeria, in assisting Nigeria Development with their Expertise, only for these Experts to work their secured Jobs very briefly, before they will be systemically abandoned or be rubbished, thereby tactically making them to lose their Oversea jobs with their gained influential Oversea Positions & Connection.


The recent Mr. John Kerry US Secretary of State’s State Official Visit of Sokoto Caliphate where Nigeria President Muhammadu Buhari was praised as the terror Fighter & Anti-Corruption Crusader, while all native Nigerians from all parts of Nigeria were bitter, sad & worried that such US Governmental Praise Pronouncement is sadly discouraging, disheartening, reality distorting, distracting?& misinforming of Nigeria Popular Opinion that the Nigeria President Buhari was in past remotely associated in Boko Haram Sponsorship/Formation and Northern Ethnic/Religious Violence, but may be now a changed Person, but only time will tell.



US is being tel-guided by the handful of Anglo-Saxon Conservative Exploiting Americans who in collaboration with the British Majesty led Imperialists and in conjunction with Fulani Hegemony siphon and runs some hidden Arewa Secret Bank Accounts where vast monumental wealth over a Trillion British Pounds Sterling with late Sir Louis Ojukwu vast wealth & others were seized without the perquisite British Court Mandamus, were stored until Queen do not want talk about it in secret with Fulani currently, which means the Arewa stored wealth was diverted and those in charge are no more accountable to the Fulani partnership. After the emir attempted Assassination near the Kano Mosque and the death of late Kano Emir Ado Bayero, there is no strong figure who have direct access to Queen to ascertain the issue and IBB currently represent Fulani hegemony, but he is not getting the required information or cooperation.


And Research suggested that late Maj. Gen. Hassan Usman Katsina, as the Fulani Arrow head of Fulani Caliphate used his closeness to late Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu pressurized him and used his Fulani Networks to provide all the Military needed logistics that made it possible for late Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu with his Colleagues to assassinate late Premier of Northern Region Sarduana of Sokoto, which upon his assassination, that late Maj. Gen. Hassan Usman Katsina maneuvered himself to become the Military Governor of Northern Region, while the Sardauna of Sokoto and Premier of the Northern Region, late Sir Ahmadu Bello KBE were used by the British led Fulani to organize unstable Strategy which led Nigeria to present Nigeria instability/quasi failed State and this British Imperialist led Fulani Hegemony was used in the pursuance Igbo ethnic Genocide in the North and which forced Igbo with its Eastern Region to declare Biafra unprepared, unfunded and without the required Military & human logistics.


The industrial ambitious Igbos led struggling ambitious hard working native Nigerians were tactical checkmated, contented, undermined & confronted by the British Imperialist led Fulani Hegemony. Whether in South African Black African Xenophobia where Igbo led native Nigerians were targeted, their investments ruined & to discourage their further business/influence interest expansion.


In Ghana & other African Countries where Igbo led native Nigerians’ investments & businesses obnoxiously taxed, levied and discouraged.


In US, EU, Arab & Asia Igbo led native Nigerians were facing abnormal immigration, Migration & their Resident Permits were racially denied, controlled with dissonance & not in accordance with State law.


It is ironically sad that the West led World International Pressure with political or economic Isolation and seizing of Nigeria Oversea individual/company assets & wealth, being managed by various Fulani Cronies, will be capable to compel Fulani controlled Nigeria to toe the path of evolving a credible National Verifiable National ID Cards, with its attendant credible Primary National Government Database or to be able to evolve minimal National Basic Welfare Scheme for its Nigeria Citizenry.


Also, it is?illegal and immoral welcoming Governmental Delegation with Passports without National ID Cards of issuance, should stop forthwith, as it encourage illegitimacy, fraud and it create enabling environment for corruption, while most African Governmental Delegations that travels with their National ID cards, which they present alongside their passports, why Nigeria with its huge Resources cannot do the same and why associating West could not advice Nigeria Government to resolve the shame issues of Nat. ID and Data to tackle Nigerian huge problems.


Primarily, the fundamental duty or governmental function of any credible & legitimate Governance is to statistically identify each Citizen, label or tag each person with a National Verifiable Identification Number from Government database and issue each person with National ID card, before Government can be able to administer Governance whether the person can feel or perceive the Government to be good or bad.


The international becomes apparent, since the Fulani Extremists that control Nigeria, will forestall any such national ID with database arrangement, as demographically there is no Nigeria local Government Area or Council in the North where Fulani is majority, compared to the Natives who are the bulk of Masses. While the Fulani with their amassed wealth, control, manipulate and win any Northern Election anywhere Fulani reside.


Ironically Sad that US, Britain with other Nations could welcome, associate or recognize a Primitive State like Nigeria that could not possess the State fundamental required Prerequisites: a credible National Verifiable National ID Cards, with its attendant credible National Governmental Data or be able to evolve minimal National Basic Welfare Scheme for its Citizenry.


This, will largely eliminate unlimited with its associated ghost Workers’ problem, which have impeded Nigeria State inability to tackle the workers’ Salary Payment?promptly or to settle retired workers’ Pension with its gratuity, as at when due and to be able to evolve the statutory basic credible national ID cards scheme with State statistical Data and to implement fundamental basic welfare scheme as reduce poverty, which provide the State with capable people, ability and people oriented stability, as to implement Nigeria fundamental development with combat Nigeria associated Corruption.


Nigeria Post independence of?55 years,it?have been seen or assumed that whenever the Core North or Fulani Extremists want to organize political Power/Government as to?suppress the impoverish Nigeria Natives and for Gain & Advantage, the Yoruba Establishment with its Political leadership become handy against any Native political Agitation or to quell any Native Economic Equity Rebellion, whether when the Middle Belt tends to challenge the Fulani Hegemony political arrangement or when Igbo tended to secede after witnessing the worst form of Ethnic pogrom in North, after late Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu with his Colleagues that executed a failed Coup or when the Kanuri with its North East Natives rebelled against Fulani Aristocratic manipulation?or?when the Niger Delta minority wanted to reasonable time in Power for its IBB influenced Ex-President Goodluck, despite that the Yoruba have benefited from Oil Businesses in Niger Delta massively than their Niger Delta neighboring Igbo.


Yoruba as Nigeria Native opt to erase the misconception or erroneous Belief of other Nigeria Natives that they connive or cooperate with the Core North Extremist Fulani Hegemony to undermine, suppress or oppress any native self-determination aspiration, political interest agitation or to support the formation of oppressive Regime.



All Concerned are of opinion and expectation that Nigeria desire a political arrangement of 2yrs Political Process as to usher Political Administration of no partisan or political leaning, to be able to deal with inherited political problem where elected Politicians’ receives quantum luxurious Pay package and to resolve political?statutory package and to put in place National or Regional Comprehensive national ID card System with credible Data for Planning, effective welfare scheme and to enable Poor access uninsured loan scheme or move out of poverty.


Possibly conduct Nigeria Election on Party Basis with 6 Vice Presidents, each per Region for 6 years term with a revolving President per a year, which shall be able to cleanse Nigeria with its inherent Religious bigotry, Ethnicity, new found Religiosity with its behind Occultist Practices and mental/moral Bankruptcy,



What happened in Turkey is not a coup, but?ethnic people's Revolution, caused by the Turkish widespread?ethnic disaffection and Turkish Governmental non religious & ethnic inclusive Policies and one sided Turkish Governance, technically prompted different ethnic & religious Rebellion or People oriented Revolution.

It is unwise for the Turkish President Erdo?an led Turkish Government to perceive or think that they can contain this political revolution's upsurge, by largely arresting, detaining or sacking Turks with their perceived foreign assistants/collaborators.


UN,EU, ASIA, ARAB with the concerned World must compel the Turkish Power drunk & Spiritualist President Erdo?an to immediately step down and allow the immediate set up of all Turkish ethnic/interest inclusive National Government, as to avoid Turkish imminent collapse, Ruin & Destruction beyond Redemption.


Iranian Advanced Strategic Violent Bug has caught Turkey and if it is not properly managed & contained, could lead Turkey to self Disaster & Destruction, coupled with Turkish racial & Islamic cracks and ethnic political Divisions which portend danger and with the ISIS & PKK insurgent violence/mayhem. ?All these are capable of leading Turkey to a situation beyond world redemption.

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Mazi Patrick, Divine/Spiritual imposed Social Activism for Peace,Justice,Development,Human Rights & Anti Poverty Crusade


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