YES EVERYTHING LOOKS BAD, but it's because of the shrinking middle class brought on by a trickle down economy. It was the booming middle class that brought the homes, the new cars, took the vacations, they drove the economy forward. Now CEO's are making 1000 times more than the average working man and woman who's wages are flat or worse. Billion dollar companies living off the backs of working people. You work every day and someone else gets all the benefits of your labor. "You can't suck all the water out of the well and then blame it for being dry" that's what a madman would do. At some point you have to take responsibility for the problem and fix it. Of coarse these things are happening, I can remember the booming 80's and 90's, when one pay check from one job was enough to cover your debt and than it all changed.
Here's how I see it, I'm tired of the bitch and whine types who see the problems, but rather complain than do something about it. Here's what I want to do and would do if I were in charge; One, bring back economics classes to be taught in all school levels from public school through college and have them taught by business leaders. Why? because who else to better teach future entrepreneurs than those who are already there. Two, teach small business economics in all grades and make small business loans available to everyone who completes these training classes. Why? We have to get young America back on its feet, we have to get their confidence back and show them that America works for them. There are a lot of empty store fronts all over America that can be revitalized by new business start ups.
The benefits are many, just to name a few, more employed people off the streets, the housing market will bounce back, a growth spurt in GDP, Loan interest rates will begin to fall because more people will have money to save in banks. Three, Small and large communities will prosper from the rejuvenated income from all the new local business that will inhabit those once closed stores. Four, bring back industrial shop classes like wood working, plumbing, masonry, machine shop, electronics, fiber optics, solar technology, biology and how to grow a green planet again. These idea's are based on an old saying, " If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, he'll never go hungry."
These are just a few of my ideas for transforming our declining and dying economy. There is so much more to do, and if each one of us would stop whining about how bad it is and pick up a hammer and fix it, we wouldn't have to worry about a coming dooms day scenario.
The question is, What are you going to do about it?