Yeah, OK, Vacations Over
I am back with my fourth article documenting my progress on how my analytics company is developing, covering May and June 2020. The, title of this article comes from Robert Downey Jr, as Tony Stark from the film Iron Man, as I now have a new contract and a couple of other roles ongoing. Although during this lockdown I have been looking for jobs (both contract and permanent) and networking with various groups, I also took some time to enjoy life including:
- Listening to the entire score of 'Hamilton' (thanks Phil for the recommendation)
- Binge Watching various TV shows on Netflix (watch Dark if you get a chance, and the Witcher) and Disney Plus (The Mandalorian), I even got through 6 episodes of Watchmen (which were free via HBO) and I have just started the Leftovers
- Spending more time with wife (Virginia), and the Dog (Harry), and meeting my great niece 'Sophie' (who is absolutely adorable)
At the end of the day though there is only so many times you can watch the Netflix series 'Russian Doll' before it becomes repetitive.
Company/Work Progress
I have some good success this month tracking down work
- I have just signed a new contract for 31 days between June-September;
- I had a few interviews for permanent roles, put my name down to attend some workshops to see if we can develop new cyber security products and put my name towards a couple of frameworks to look to the possibility of work down the pipeline
- I have signed another contract with an organisation that is looking for me to open doors to help promote their new database. This is something new for me so I am looking forward to see if I can help with this
- I have also been working with BuddyHub (as their Principal Analytical Scientist and Data Advisor).
As you may recall I am a member of Toastmasters a worldwide speaking club. I gave my first speech at Toastmasters event, and I thought I would share it with you
It is called an IceBreaker; My speech is not perfect, but it does show how I need to improve my public speaking.
I have also got involved with the Farnham Speakers Club Social Media and Marketing Group, I have set-up a LinkedIn Group for them as well as a gmail account. I am hoping to get more involved as we go forward.
I have also done several networking activities (or activities to develop networking opportunities)
- IMA Tea-The institute of Mathematics and its Applications IMA have launched a series of online networking events and I have attended two events so far; Very interesting with a number of good resources provided to continue my development in python/jupyter
- The organisation of the 3rd IMA and OR Society Mathematics of Operational Research Conference April 2021 Aston University is now well underway, I am chairing it this time and I have a great committee, we have already confirmed five plenary speakers, and an after dinner speaker;
- I have started the process of developing an ‘Independent Consultant’ Special Interest Group for the Operational Research Society
- I attended an event with DataKind; They provide on a pro-bono basis data analyst to small companies and charities either via big events or through special projects. I am hoping to get more involved with them. This is all part of my attempt to give back to the community
Finally I just wanted to say that during the last month my father (who is 84 years old with a form of Parkinson’s) was rushed to hospital, with COVID-19, as a last effort to save his life. I am happy to say my father has been returned to his care home having been cleared of COVID-19. We do not know the long term implications but I am hopeful.
So all in all a good couple of months or so I am hoping that I can keep the momentum that I have built up going for the next few months; Hopefully I will post another article early August.
A Simple Guide To Setting Up Your Own Business Articles
- The Slow Days:
- The Early Days:
- The Setup:
SME Leaders Graduation Posts and Articles
- LinkedIn RAEng graduation day article
- LinkedIn post of my trophy from the graduation ceremony
- LinkedIn post of my certificate for being the most engaged member
Leadership in a Technology driven World Articles/Posts
- LinkedIn Article Leadership in a Technology Driven World AfterMath, Imperial College, World
- LinkedIn Article Leadership in a Technology Driven World Preparation, Imperial College,
- · Day 1 LinkedIn Post, Leadership in a Technology Driven World Preparation, Imperial College,
- Day 2 LinkedIn Post, Leadership in a Technology Driven World Preparation, Imperial College,
- Day 3 LinkedIn Post, Leadership in a Technology Driven World Preparation, Imperial College,
- Day 4 LinkedIn Post, Leadership in a Technology Driven World Preparation, Imperial College,
- Day 5 LinkedIn Post, Leadership in a Technology Driven World Preparation, Imperial College,
- Day 5 Linked Post, Leadership in a Technology Driven World Preparation, Imperial College, Personal Brand Outputs,
Previous Articles on SME Leadership prog
- LinkedIn Article Final Course and Retrospective
- Organising my work and time,
- Showcase and first course
- PR and Digital Marketing and Policy Fellowship
- Sales and Negotiation:
- Mentoring and Networking
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Marketing Roundtable:
- Post-Christmas:
- Pre-Christmas:
- Mentorship:
- Award:
- Confidence:
I must be doing something right Articles
I am writing a few articles called ‘I must be doing something right’ here are links to my previous articles
- How to pass any exam:
- How to structure a CV:
- The importance of Chartership and Accreditation :
Other useful links about the SME leader Prog