Yeah but, no but, is 2019 ISO 30071.1 accessibility training included in up-skilling DSE operators in 2021 ?
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
Just a far from idle enquiry as, not only are many more going to be adopting Hybrid working but, is that also going to include them in the category of "lone-workers" or remote workers who effectively are going to have to undertake their own "Occupational Health & Safety Risk Assessments" working from home ?
With increasing numbers reporting ergonomic repetitive stress injuries over 2020 by comparison with 58% of DSE operators reporting visual disruptions and other MSD's or MSK's in 2007 (HSE Better Display Screen RR 561 2007) how many more are going to be at a predictable "RISK" of 3D vision loss, myopic and asthenopic disease scaled by the WHO ICD-10 in 2016 ?
Especially as 50% more children presenting with 3D vision loss and visual disruptions due to over-exposure to the near or close-up in education, well before reaching out with their job applications !
Whether going back to the office or working from home DSE operators will need to complete their own occupational health risk assessments and if, not on-line just how are you going to confirm compliance not just for the record but auditing purposes ?
We may just have the regulatory solution for you .....