Yardsticks for Smartness !

We say we are smarter generation than our parents , in several ways starting from using the several mobile apps to handling our finance to online shopping so on so forth , but are we really smarter ?

When I observed parents' decision making in several of situation found them fundamentally more smarter , than I realized yardstick to measure smartness were pretty superficial !

  • Educational qualification & Exposure to world , I thought earlier higher the qualification higher the smartness but introspection given me the clarity. Educational qualification gives access to work under " Company or Firm or Owner" but does not validate apt decision making ability


  • Emotional Intelligence & Decision making ability : whereas parents are emotionally more intelligent & stable , most of the time they portray better decision making in difficult situation and show more ability to stabilize the situation of negativity

So superiority on qualification got nullified as emotional intelligence is the real yardstick to measure someone's smartness

  • Financial independence : we think, we are earning more than our parents as well as have more financial independence , but at times it looks like a illusion , our "so called" financial independence any time could be ruled out by our Employer or Bank who has financed everything starting from fridge to car to big house


  • Contingency Planning : we could recall preparedness of our parents for the situation family contingency , they had never rely upon any loan or debt . the ability to save has been immense than our current impulse of buying everything
  • Better lifestyle - We think we are bearing a better lifestyle for our kids & family than our parents did , better schooling to better car , exorbitant toys so on so forth


  • Social Security & Capital : If we could look back , our parents have created a extended social security so they have been smarter to handle all the emotional & social insecurity far better way than us whereas our social capital is limited because we pay least attention to have this in our life

Lets revise the yardstick of measurement and strive to perform better on real scale than the illusionary yardstick which gives us momentary ego & satisfaction



