REF: TV " 3 -SUKU " ; AMANAH WEEKLY EDITION ; nasharrawy.blogspot.com ; ;Twitter.com/adnanrawa " ANOTHER " FAKE NEWS " fr. Ex Dap vice president ( tunku ) said : ; MAHTHIR WILL CONTEST UNDER DAP TICKET! Whereas he's d Chairman of Bersatu ! n d Chairman of Pakatan Harapan ( PH ) ! ; Doesn't make sense at all !! Every single thing in Pakatan is decided by " Pakatan Presidential Council " inclusive of all d parliament seats 2 b contested 've been finalised by " PAKATAN PRESIDENTIAL COUNCIL " 4 d GE14 ! . What bulshit ; " Cock n Bull stories he's talking about !! . There's no other things 2 say ; Got no idea anymore but just spreading unauthentic n " FAKE NEWS " !! . That's all that matters !
And another " FAKE NEWS " FR. NTR ; Mahthir will make a 'U-TURN " 2 ensure kris telanjang rules Msia.!! And if Anwar becomes d PM n his wife as d DPM then this is " Nepotism " . Whereas Pakatan Presidential Council will decide who will become d DPM not Ntr ! . These r all strong indications kris telanjang (Bn ) will lose d GE 14 n Mahthir will become d PM in d post GE 14 's by His Grace !! . N Ntr is very scared n panicky of d kharisma . legacy n d strong influence of Mahthir-Anwar Legacy VS Ntr Rm Kleptocrats ' Malay Crook ! " ; Pirates!! in d GE 14 ! .. That's it ! . Mahthir is more at heart than Ntr with d Malays electorates n kampong folks !! He's d " Idol " of d Malays ! especially in Kelantan , Terengganu ,Kedah , Perlis n Johor ! , And Anwar legacy is more in Penang , Selangor , Pahang , Negeri Sembilan n Sabah .Sarawak !! . Thus ! d combinations of Mahthir -Anwar's legacy gives a very " STRONG IMPACT " 2 Ntr kris telanaang ; awaiting 2 b " DETHRONED" by Pakatan( PH ) in d GE14 by His Grace ! for good ! indeed ! .
Malaysia's economic growth is "A"- Grade but in actuality d rakyat " purchasing power " is in " E " Grade ! . Even Big supermarket such as Tesco is closing down 4 of its branches ! . Many sundry shops in Klang Valley 've closed shops 'cos losing 40% of its profit 'cos consumers r tightening up their belts with a very tight budget on foods cos " BN " ( " Barang Naik ) " . Due 2 " MINYAK NAIK !' PRICE OF THINGS N " FOOD STUFFS " ALSO NAIK !! " . Even when eating at d restaurants also ; rakyat got 2 pay GST !! ; " NAK MAKAN PUN SUSAH ! " . All these never 've happened during d era of Mahthir's Premiership 4 22 yrs !! .
Thus! eventhough d nation is making 40% immediate profits with d raw oil shoots up high in d world market ! And yet Ntr could not subsidise oil 4 d rakyat !! ; Where goes d money! . As a matter a fact ; Mydin managing director said it's sales has dropped 2 40% due 2 d consumers " purchasing power " has dropped down badly !! . . These r a ll d " CORRECT N TRUE NEWS " NOT A ' FAKE NEWS ' !! of d reality of what 's actually happenings !! " R D RAKYAT ACTUALLY OKAY " ?? . only d TV SAYS " YES ! " . " I AM OKAY !! " IN ITS PROPAGANDA ! ; BUT U KNOW IT PRETTY WELL !! .
Ntr suppressing n depressing d rakyat with no subsidies on petrol diesel , cooking oil , rice , flour n sugar ! . and enforcing GST on d rakyat !! . making d price of things gone up high!! . All these did not happen during Mahthir as d Premier of Malaysia in 22 years !! .RM ( Ringgit ) drops badly average 30 % ; n Bath Thailand is very much stronger than RM n Singapore Dollar is extremely higher than RM !! Y ?? ; corruption, leakages RM30 Billion as revealed by AG before ! . Abuse of power with scandals in Mara, Tabung Haji , Felda etc ! . Khazanah Negara , Kwsp . Kwap being utilized 4 infrastures in d richest country in d world ; America ; RM100 Billion . n Ntr Rm " Malay Crook "; " Pirates " scandals in IMDB RM52 Billion !! . That's y d value of RM drops , indeed. !
Whereas that much of huge amount of d " RAKYAT'S MONEY " could anytime b utilized 2 build as many " Low- Costs ' flats and " Town- House " 4 d poor 4 affordable house ! . n solve d problems of d rakyat 4 " affordable House " 4 good ! indeed . Y America ! And what about d poor roads n insufficient water supplies in d ' Kampungs " n remote areas in Sabah n Sarawak !! . Y poor Sarawakians n Sabahans r forsakened ?? Safie Afda has made an " afdal " ( a proper steps ) ; resigned as d Federal Minister n formed a new party namely " Warisan " 2 help d people with Pakatan against Kris Telanjang Ubn in d GE 14 by his grace !! . Thus! Sabah n Sarawak r no more as d " Fixed Deposits " 4 kris telanjang Ubn !! .
Graduates r forced 2 pay a very high interests 4 study loans they borrowed ! .Whereas in d Fed. Constitution; its allocated that all Bumiputra r given " scholarships " !! . By just saving d " leakages RM30 Billion ; Pakatan could give free " TERTIARY " education 2 all under graduates; Regardless of Religion , Race N Ethnic by His Grace if Mahthir is d PM in d post GE 14 n Pakatan rules Putrajaya by His Grace !! . Where goes RM40 Billion of d rakyat money in d " FAKE INVESTMENT " of mining projects in Mongolia ?? .
All these money could 've been saved by d govt ; but not Ntr kris telanjang Ubn !! 'cos kris telanjang Ubn is highly corrupted n kleptocratic politician leaders !! . Thus! Ntr kris telanjang could not save d nation any more ! : for d " BLUNDERS " IT HAS DONE 2 D NATION !! ; 'Cos kris telanjang is a ' SINKING SHIP " FULL OF " PIRATES " N " MALAY CROOKS ; . Thus! d only way 2 save d nation from bankruptcy ( could not afford 2 subsidies sugar, rice , petrol etc ; r some of d reasons indicating that d nation got no money that may leads 2 bankruptcy ; That's Y GST is enforced 2 d people !! ) ; is 2 " DETHRONE " d " MALAY CROOKS " MALAY PIRATES ; Kris Telanjang Ubn 4 good in d Ge 14 ! n install Pakatan as d new Sovereign Party in Putrajaya in d post GE14 by His Grace !! .
D nation got no money n could not support d ECRL n got 2 borrow loans from China's Bank n gives d money 2 CCCC ; a Chinese Co. ( Foreign Co, not Malaysians ) 2 d run d project! . N we d poor rakyat r paying 4 d loans RM55 Billion !! . Whereas d actual price is only RM30 Billion ! Where goes d RM25Billion !! . Remember IMDB could not pay it's loans n making " DEBTS " of RM42 Billion !! . Ntr is selling off d nation just 'cos of IMDB's Debts RM42 Billion ! ECRL ; right fr. d labourers till d managers n directors ; r all fr. China ! ; " FOREIGNERS " !! . What about d local workers n contractors ?? .Even all of ECRL projects materials will all b imported materials from China as well ?? . What is this ?? Ntr?? .What " BIG BLUNDERS " r u doing Ntr ?? . Don't bulshit n deceiving d rakyat ! . They r educated in " computer literates " n d electorates r not as d electorates in d " 60's " !! . .
What about " Forest City " Johor belongs 2 whom ?? Bandar Malaysia n ' Malaysia Kuantan China Industrial Park ! ( MKCIP ) surrounded by " 8" feet " Great Wall Of China " ; no one is allowed 2 enter as if a " New Nation Of Its Own " belongs 2 whom ?? .Is Malaysia " On Sale " ?? . Where is our supremacy as an Independent Country !! . Where's our dignity ? . Is this ' NEO-COLONIZATION " OF CHINA ON MALAYSIA ' ?? .by d " National Malay Crook " Ntr MO1 kris telanjang !! ; a traitor 2 d nation n d people !.
Y China will build 2 news ports of its own in Kuantan n Malacca with d blessings of Ntr ?? . And will control Land , Sea n Air with " OBOR " when it's being implemented by China with d blessing of Ntr !! . China will take " D FULL CONTROL " N SUPREMACY " over o d Straits of Malacca right from its ports 2 mainland China n will become d supreme power in South East Asia thru' its " Silk Route " that is ; " OBOR " ( ONE BELT ONE ROAD ) ; meant 4 China as one of d world super powers 2 " outbit " America in d South East Asia ! .with d blessing of d " NATIONAL TRAITOR " NTR !! .
" SAVE D NATION " now as an independent Nation n dethrone d ' Malay Crook " n " Malay Pirates " Ntr Rm " KLEPTOCRATS " kris telanjang in d GE14 for Pakatan 2 rule Purajaya n install Mahthir as d PM ; 'cos no one could beat Ntr except Mahthir in d GE14 by His Grace ! .And only Mahthir - Anwar could rebuild d nation with his 22 yrs of experiences of Malaysia "PREMIERSHIP " by His Grace !! .Ntr n kris telanjang is out ; could not rebuild d nation n could not save d nation anymore ! ' Cos kris telanjang is a " SINKING SHIP " N IS" SINKING D NATION " !! ; " Cos it's full of " MALAY CROOKS N MALAY PIRATES " NTR RM N KLEPTOCRATS " DAMAGING D NATION ! . " SAVE D NATION " NOW OR NEVER ! N VOTE 4 PAKATAN ! 2 RULE PUTRAJAYA IN D POST GE14 BY HIS GRACE !! .
" HE'S D GREATEST ! " : : ALLA HU AKBAR ! ' ......... Nasharrawy/23.2.18