COVID-19 incubation timeline: When am I contagious?
What do I need to know about the omicron variant?

COVID-19 incubation timeline: When am I contagious?

Key takeaways:

  • An incubation period is the length of time between when you become infected and when you experience symptoms. For COVID-19, that could last up to 5 days after having no symptoms.
  • Testing for COVID-19 too soon after exposure may produce false-negative results.
  • Most people with COVID-19 are no longer contagious 5 days after they first have symptoms and have been fever-free for at least three days.

If you’re exposed to COVID-19 your first impulse may be to get tested immediately. But getting tested too soon in the incubation period may lead to a false-negative result and, even worse, a false sense of security.

An infection’s incubation period is the length of time between when you first become infected and when you begin to experience symptoms. For COVID-19, that timeline stretches anywhere from the first day after your exposure through 5 days after experiencing no symptoms.?

We know it can be confusing to keep track of the all the different guidelines and recommendations. Here’s a timeline of COVID-19’s incubation period with answers to some of your most pressing questions. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been exposed it’s important to check in with your doctor who can monitor your symptoms and determine treatment and give guidance on quarantine and testing.


Providence Researchers Assess Changes in COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Over Time

Past research has suggested the protection offered by COVID-19 vaccines may wane over time, prompting consideration of booster vaccinations. To better understand and respond to this phenomenon, a team of researchers from the Providence Research Network analyzed Providence hospital data to assess vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization for severe COVID-19 over time, as well as determine which patients are most vulnerable to waning protection.

Their study, published in March 2022 in the journal?The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, highlights how different vaccines decline in protection over time after they are administered, especially for patients over 75 and those with compromised immune responses. Findings confirmed the overall effectiveness of vaccines in preventing severe infection resulting in hospitalization from COVID-19. However, they also indicated a decline in protection after six months.?

The researchers, including Providence’s Bill Wright, PhD, George Diaz, MD, and Ari Robicsek, MD, examined data from nearly 50,000 hospital admissions between April and November of 2021. The data showed that vaccines were 94 percent effective at preventing hospitalization 50-100 days after receiving the shot. However, that fell to 80.4 percent 200-250 days later, with more rapid declines after 250 days.

The study also identified factors associated with reduced vaccine effectiveness, including advanced age (80+), comorbidities such as cancer, transplants, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, or heart failure, the amount of time that had elapsed since being vaccinated, and the type of vaccine one received.

When looking at the effectiveness of the Moderna, Pfizer, and Janssen COVID vaccines over time, the team found that the Moderna vaccine offered the best overall protection. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine offered initial protection equivalent to Moderna’s, but that protection declined more rapidly. Those who received the Janssen vaccine also had higher odds of experiencing a severe breakthrough infection compared to Moderna.

“This data helps us understand differences in waning protection by vaccine type and identify the key risk factors for severe breakthrough infections to help inform the targeting of potential vaccine booster programs,” said Amy Compton-Phillips, M.D., president, clinical operations at Providence. “Unlike most other studies, our data stretched beyond six months, where we found evidence of rapidly waning protection, especially for patients 80 or older. We were also able to identify important differences by vaccine type and patient characteristics that should help inform potential booster programs.”

Researchers at Providence have been on the front line of understanding and treating COVID-19 since the early days of the pandemic when we treated the first U.S. case in January 2020. The data infrastructure that was used to complete the study is still being used to monitor vaccine effectiveness across the Providence footprint in the face of evolving COVID-19 variants.

Omicron is more contagious than the original virus that causes COVID-19. Even those who are vaccinated and without symptoms can spread the virus.??

Experts agree that getting vaccinated, getting your booster and following safety precautions, including masking, social distancing and following local public health guidance for gathering safely, are the best ways to protect yourself and your family.

Providence is monitoring developments and we are prepared to respond to public health needs, as we have done throughout the pandemic.?




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M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE]


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code: 1927889?

Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ]?

Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte????????



@ Sylvia Bonaparte

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

3 年

3/13/2022 Test = COVID - 19 Follow - up of Questions. GOOD All clear. . . "Be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work." -- 2 Timothy 2:21, NKJV LinkedIn: M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] Amare: Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

3 年

Reading 2/7/2022 = continue = I GOT THE SHOT. NOW WHAT ? How to navigate your summer if and when the pandemic winds down as predicted Tsai, also vaccinated, plans a trip from Boston to Cape Cod this summer to see his 67 - year -old mom, who is vaccinated. If some travelers in your group aren't vaccinated, Tsai recommends they test for the coronavirus before the trip, wear masks when possible and keep the car windows open. HOW SHOULD I APPROACH THE FOURTH OF JULY FAMILY REUNION? The CDC recommends that you continue to avoid large in-person gatherings, even if you're vaccinated. But if yo do get a group of family members together, have vaccinated people serve the food, Toner suggests. If you aren't sure that all guests have had shots, you should wear a mask, maintain physical distance and eat your barbecue outside. It's also safer not to hug or shake hands with unvaccinated people, Toner says. IS IT SAFE TO SWIM IN THE OUTDOOR COMMUNITY POOL OR AT THE BEACH? There's no evidence that the virus spreads to people through water, according to the CDC. So feel free to cool off or do your laps, but keep a safe distance. Toner plans to swim in his public pool this summer. But even though he's vaccinated, he says he'll avoid it if it's crowded. As for the beach, "the risk of transmission is very low unless you're really cheek by jowl with people you don't know. And that's no going to be very pleasant breach experience anyway," Toner says. CAN I ENJOY A BASEBALL GAME? AN OUTDOOR CONCERT? AS of April, the CDC still recommended that even fully vaccinated people avoid medium and large crowds. If you choose to take the risk, try to physically distance, and if you're seated close to others, wear a mask throughout the event. Avoid concession stands and restrooms if possible. A few venues have said they might introduce scheduled restroom visits and food pickups via cellphone apps to prevent crowding. PARKS AND TRAILS ARE GETTING MORE CROWDED, BUT NOW FEWER PEOPLE ARE WEARING MASK. SHOULD I AVOID THESE APOTS? Get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine and exercise but -- you guessed it -- wear a mask and maintain physical distance if there's steady stream of hikers approaching you on your trail. SHOULD I SCOUR VEGGIES FROM THE FARMERS MARKET MORE THAN USUAL? There's no need. Even before vaccinations were widespread, the CDC said that the risk of virus transmission through food was low. Toner says it's enough to clean produce as you normally would. Shopping at an outdoor farmers market presents a lower infection risk than indoor shopping, but you should still try to maintain a safe distance from other shoppers and continue to wear a mask. LinkedIn: M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] Amare: For more information: Lifevantage: code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ] Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

3 年

READ : 2/6/2022 I GOT THE SHOT. NOW WHAT ? How to navigate your summer if and when the pandemic winds down as predicted COVID - 19 Vaccine - by Mary Helen Berg Welcome to the interim period. As an older American, you likely have had ample opportunity to be vaccinated against COVID - 19, and it might seem like many of your free seem like many of your friends have had the shot (s). But the reality is that many people around you still have not. It's true that the speed of vaccinations ramped up significantly after President Biden urged states to open up availability to all adults. But experts say it'll be midsummer or later before a critical number of shots have made it into people's arms. As this issue arrives in most mailboxes, about half the U.S. adult population should be at least partially vaccinated and over one-quarter should be fully so, based on a New York Times analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data and Brown School of Public Health projections. But it's also important to note that many children likely won't receive vaccines until as late as next years, according to epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for infectious Disease Research and Policy and a member of Biden's COVID - 19 transition advisory board. Also, as of press time, there was growing evidence of yet another pike in new coronavirus cases, many of which might be from variants of the original virus, and so less predictable. This summer, while you can resume many activities with a new sense of confidence, interacting with others will require a thoughtful and nuanced social dance. Remember: The vaccine simply helps give your body the tools it needs to fight COVID-19. Even after vaccination, it still may be possible to catch the coronavirus, or one of the new variants, and spread it. So, while your own social circle may be inoculated, for a few more months you will need to keep in mind the well - being of children, the partially vaccinated and those who are hesitant to get the shot. Anthony Fauci, M. D., director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has said that the U.S. will reach herd immunity when 70 to 85 percent of the population -- about 265 million people -- is immune. But that number is "purely an estimate," and it's unclear when we'll get there, Fauci told the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions in March. The good news is that a vaccine will allow you to get a fair amount of your pre-pandemic life back this summer. But "to only focus on the vaccinated is not fair to the people who have not been vaccinated," says Thomas Tsai, M. D., assistant professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Harvard T.H. Chan School of public Health. Here are answers to key questions about summertime activities and how to approach them. WHAT CAN I DO IMMEDIATELY AFTER GETTING VACCINATED? First off, the basics: You have probably seen this advice before, but the vaccines take about two weeks to fully build immunity in the body, and masks in public are still important until herd immunity is reached because even vaccinated people can still pass on the virus. But the first thing you can do after that two-week waiting period is visit with other fully vaccinated friends. WHAT I REALL WANT TO DO IS HUG MY GRANDCHILDREN. CAN I DO THAT? Go ahead and hug, but wear a mask and skip the kisses for now. There's a slight chance that you could transmit the virus to your grandchild without knowing, says Eric Toner, M. D., a senior scholar at the Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. "It's unlikely that your grandchild would have a serious illness from it," he says. "But on rare occasions, they do." Adds Tsai: "Is the risk ever going to become zero? No. But the benefit from the hug, I think, outweighs the risk." DO I NEED TO TAKE SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS WHEN I TAKE MY GRANDKIDS OUT? Yes. Depending on the results of vaccine trials and the availability of the vaccine, some older children could receive shots in late summer or fall, but others won't get them until 2022, experts say. Choose an outdoor activity like a hike over a visit to a crowded theme park -- and wear masks, says Robert Kim-Farley, M. D., an epidemiologist at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health Any venue that doesn't practice physcial distancing for patrons should be off-limits. WHAT ABOUT GOING OUT TO DINNER, TO THE MOVIES OR BACK TO RELIGIOUS SERVICES? Outdoor activities are still safest. But Toner says once you're vaccinated, you can dine indoors, go to the movies and attend other indoor events relatively safely if establishments are following mask, occupancy and distancing guidelines. "Don't push the envelope" by going to crowded venues just yet, Kim-Farley says, especially in a community where case of the virus remain widespread. As for rejoining the choir? For now, stick with singing in the shower. "We know there are numerous cases of superspreading connected with choirs," Toner says. ARE ROAD TRIPS OK? Yes, if you are careful and mindful. Toner, who is vaccinated, is weighing a drive from Baltimore to Michigan to visit his 2 1/2 year - old grandson, as well a "carefully considered" road trip with vaccinated friends to visit national parks. While traveling in a car with other vaccinated people is safe, Toner says he'd avoid a road trip with people who are unvaccinated since close quarters increase risk of infection. LinkedIn: M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] Amare: For more information: Lifevantage: code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ] Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

3 年

READ: 1/23/2022 Getting a 4th ‘Booster’ Dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine for Immunocompromised Patients BY KELSEY KLOSS Does the Fourth Dose Need to Be the Same Type as Your First Three Doses? The CDC says the mRNA vaccine used for the additional primary shot (third dose) should be the same as the one used for the primary vaccine series. However, if the mRNA vaccine given for the first doses is not available or is unknown, either mRNA COVID-19 vaccine product can be administered for the third dose or the fourth booster dose. “Per available data, it’s safe to mix and match,” says?Jean Liew, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine. “The data I’ve seen have not demonstrated that any combination is better than another. The only exception is that if you got a non-mRNA vaccine like Johnson & Johnson before, it’s better to get an mRNA vaccine now.” For the Moderna vaccine, the fourth booster shot will be half the dose from the primary series. The 0.5 mL (100 micrograms) dosage is used for all three doses of the primary series for immunocompromised patients to mount a sufficient initial immune response, but the lower booster dose of 0.25 mL (50 micrograms) is recommended for boosters based on clinical trial data that showed this lower dose was safe and effective, per the?CDC. How Well Might a Fourth Dose Protect Against Omicron? In the general population, it appears that booster doses — which are third doses — protect against severe disease when it comes to the very transmissible variant Omicron. “Vaccines do not necessarily prevent infection, but should make them milder,” says Dr. Sparks. “It appears this is the case with Omicron. It is very possible that even boosted patients may experience infection, but they are much less likely to require hospital admission or experience other poor outcomes.” However, it gets more complicated when it comes to the immunocompromised population. “If you have generated any antibody responses in the past, the fourth dose is likely to generate protective antibodies against Omicron,” says researcher?Alfred Kim, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Pathology, and Immunology at Washington University. “But if you haven’t made any antibodies in the past three doses, the chances are much lower that protective antibodies will be made with the fourth dose.” In other words: If you haven’t already produced antibodies with previous shots, you might not now, either — which could leave you more susceptible to Omicron. However, this isn’t a hard and fast rule, and some early research is promising. “There’s some data in solid organ transplant patients on fourth doses,” Dr. Kim told CreakyJoints previously. “Most importantly, it remains safe. In organ transplant cases where immunosuppression is substantially burdensome — they have some of the highest, most aggressive immunosuppressive regimens out there — there are increasing numbers of people starting to respond to fourth doses, even though they did not respond to the first two or three doses.” Plus, antibodies aren’t the only measure of immune protection, which is why it’s important to still get the fourth vaccine dose. Experts are working to determine if other parts of the immune system, such as T cells, can provide protection in the absence of protective antibodies. “It appears that most patients make a T cell response, even if they do not make detectable antibodies,” says Dr. Sparks. “We hope this translates to some protection from vaccines for individuals who did not have an antibody response.” For all these reasons, your doctor will likely recommend the fourth dose if you are immunocompromised. “The data is starting to emerge that getting a fourth dose is probably going to be part of what we look forward to in 2022 for many of our immunocompromised patients,” Dr. Kim told us previously. Read more about Omicron and the immunocompromised in this guide for those at high risk for COVID-19. LinkedIn: M. S. A. Rose-Bonaparte [AMARE] Amare: For more information: Lifevantage: code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [Tri Synergizer ] Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @Follow4Followback @ Sylvia Bonaparte

Sylvia Bonaparte

Business strategist, Entrepreneur

3 年

12.8.2021 READing: Our immune systems weaken with age. [Found] By?Jonathan Wosen May 3, 2020 As cases and deaths from the pandemic rise, one trend remains consistent: The virus is deadliest for older adults who are more likely to have existing medical conditions and weakened respiratory systems. Both are major risk factors for becoming severely ill from infection by the novel?coronavirus?that causes the disease covid-19. But scientists believe that another factor in the observed heightened risk is probably the general?decline in the immune system that happens with age. In medicine, it has long been known that older immune systems struggle to fight off infections. The ebbing of resistance to infectious disease with age is particularly clear when looking at studies of vaccines. During 2018-2019, for example, the seasonal flu vaccine was effective for roughly?3 of 5 children 17 and younger, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The same vaccine was effective for only about 1 of 4 adults 50 and older. Scientists have rushed to?start trials for a vaccine?against coronavirus. But even when they succeed in developing an effective one, University of Pennsylvania immunologist Michael Cancro worries that any coronavirus vaccine may be less effective for older adults — just as current vaccines are for other diseases. “I doubt it’ll be worse, I don’t think it will be any better,” says Cancro, who wrote about?age-associated changes in the immune system?in the most recent Annual Review of Immunology. Scientists are working hard to understand how age changes the immune system so that they can better protect seniors against current and future infectious diseases. It’s a timely goal. By 2030, there will be?more adults over 60 than children under 10, according to the United Nations. In addition to the current threat of covid-19, influenza poses a serious risk to this age group: Nearly?3 of 4 people?who died of flu during the 2018-2019 season were 65 or older, according to the CDC. How do vaccines work? Vaccines stimulate the immune system in much the same way as an actual infection — minus the risk of major, deadly symptoms — because they contain fragments of disease-causing microbes, or pathogens, for the immune system to recognize. A prime example is the seasonal flu shot, made of pieces of the influenza virus. Other vaccines, such as polio, use inactivated or weakened versions of the whole virus or bacterium. “It’s more or less been: You slice and dice the pathogen, you see what works,” Cancro says. A successful vaccine will activate two classes of immune cells: B cells and T cells. B cells inactivate pathogens or mark them for killing by coating them with Y-shaped molecules called antibodies. T cells kill infected cells and direct the activity of the rest of the immune system, including B cells. Those T cells are alerted to potential threats by another immune player called the antigen-presenting cell. It engulfs chunks of the pathogens, chomps them into bits and displays those bits on its surface. Nearby T cells respond to this by dividing rapidly to increase about a thousand-fold; your doctor can feel this by checking for swollen lymph nodes in your neck. Most of the activated B and T cells will die soon after encountering a microbe or vaccine. But some become memory cells, which can last years or even decades and protect against future infections of the same kind. Memory responses are the hallmark of a successful vaccine, and are especially valuable for those with the least prior exposure to pathogens:?children. Linkedin: M. S. A.? Rose-Bonaparte??[AMARE] Amare: For more information: Lifevantage: code: 1927889? Dr. Brian Dixon [ Tri Synergizer ] ?? Ms. Sylvia Bonaparte???????? #FollowMefourFollowback @#Follow4Followback @Sylvia Bonaparte


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