Y?ld?z Ventures Newsletter – Nov’22
Breaking News - ?? Online grocery / Food Delivery:
? The Fantasy of Instant Delivery Is Imploding - Bloomberg
?? ?? Takeaway orders drop as food prices skyrocket. The cost of living crisis has hit growth at food delivery companies Deliveroo and Just Eat – link
?Grab to close cloud kitchen ops in Indonesia, lays off employees - link
?? Gopuff Fires Up to 250 More Employees Amid Slowing Economy - link
? Deliveroo confirms Dutch exit next month - link
? Most rapid grocery apps fail to deliver for investors – link
?? Who owns the biggest stake in Gorillas and what does a sale mean? link
?? Gopuff raises delivery subscription monthly fee for the first time - link
?? Rapid grocer Getir seals Nisa deal to supply 300 Co-op own-label products - link
?? ???Getir in exclusive talks to rescue rapid delivery rival Gorillas. Shareholders in Berlin-based Gorillas would receive $100mn in cash as well as stock worth 12% of the combined entity, in a rescue deal that is likely to value the company far below the $2.1bn price tag it was given by investors a year ago. – Link
?? ?? Delivery Startup Getir in Advanced Talks to Buy Gorillas. Proposed deal for Gorillas would be a mix of cash and equity and Purchase to give Getir scale in key markets like UK, Germany - link?
?? Getir in talks to acquire rapid grocery rival Gorillas - link
?? Getir, Ka?an Sümer’in kurucular? aras?nda oldu?u Alman rakibi Gorillas’? sat?n al?yor – link
?? Deliveroo guides down sales growth as order numbers fall - link
?? Starship partners with Grubhub to bring sidewalk bots to colleges - link
?? Mert Baki: Yemeksepeti toplam 1 milyar; Yemeksepeti Mahalle ise 1 milyonuncu sipari?ini ald? - link
?? Deliveroo offers ‘eat now, pay later’ with Klarna - link
?? GoPuff forecasts mass extinction for ‘majority, if not all’ rivals this year - link
?? Gopuff launches health and wellness private label line, links with Grubhub - link
?? DoorDash now lets you bundle food from one place and alcohol from another into a single order - link
???‘Grocery sharing’ app Recelery lets users resell food items to help minimize waste - link
?? Deliveroo Hop launches first physical grocery store with Morrisons – link / Deliveroo tweaks ‘dark store’ model to let grocery shoppers in the door. Deliveroo is experimenting with expanding its rapid grocery business by opening a new type of ‘dark store’ in Central London - link
? Online yemek platformu Fuudy, veri s?z?nt?s? ya?ad???n? a??klad? - link
?? Oddle built a profitable food delivery business. Here’s how - link
? Indonesian quick commerce firm Bananas is set to close its operations after launching in January. As a result, it has also laid off 36 employees. - link
Startups / VC News:
?? 2022 The State of Turkish Startup Ecosystem report by the Investment Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye - link
?? Turkey Startups-watch 2022 Q3 Report - link
?? Akbank, Plug and Play Türkiye’nin ilk finansal partneri oldu - link
?? üNLü & Co'dan mobil yat?r?m uygulamas?: Piapiri - link
?? Hedef Holding, 200 milyon TL’yi a?an fonu ile Venture Builder kuruyor - link
? Elektrikli scooter payla??m giri?imi Bird; Almanya, ?sve? ve Norve? pazarlar?ndan tamamen ??kaca??n? a??klad? - link
?? Yeni ve ki?isel bir al??veri? deneyimi sunan yerli giri?im Clotie, 600 bin dolar yat?r?m ald? - link
?? Edtech giri?im Perculus, Bo?azi?i Ventures’tan 400 bin dolar yat?r?m ald? - link
?? Yerli fintech Figopara, 50 milyon dolar de?erleme üzerinden 11 milyon dolar yat?r?m ald? - link / link
?? Blockchain oyunlar?na odaklanan Elyzio, Paribu Ventures'?n da dahil oldu?u turda 2 milyon dolar yat?r?m ald? - link / link
?? Fintech giri?imi wamo, 19 milyon dolar de?erleme ile 1.5 milyon dolar yat?r?m ald? - link
?? Yerli fintech Colendi’den yeni Insurtech giri?im: Colendi Sigorta - link
?? E?itim teknolojisi giri?imi Edurey, 20 milyon TL de?erleme üzerinden yat?r?m ald? - link
?? Sa?l?kl? at??t?rmal?k üreticisi Rawsome, 6.75 milyon TL hedefle kitle fonlama yat?r?m turuna ??kt? - link
?? Yerli sanat yat?r?m platformu Artiox, 15 milyon dolar de?erleme üzerinden 1 milyon dolar yat?r?m ald? - link
?? Game Factory, oyun i?i reklam platformu Portuma’ya yat?r?m yapt? - link
?? Yeni yat?r?m turuna haz?rlanan yerli giri?im hop, 2022 sonuna kadar iki ülkeye daha a??lacak - link
?? Wisk Aero reveals its market-ready, self-flying air taxi – link / Hava taksisi giri?imi Wisk Aero, u?an taksisini tan?tt? - link
?? Yerli fintech E??züm, yeni d?nemde Finrota ad?yla yoluna devam edecek - link
?? Thread In Motion, Esor Investments ve TTGV1 Fonu’ndan 500 milyon TL de?erleme üzerinden yat?r?m ald? - link
?? Yat?r?m odakl? h?zland?rma program? in4startups’a senile giri?imler belli oldu - link
?? Umuro Game, 32 milyon TL de?erleme üzerinden yat?r?m ald? - link
?? Yerli blockchain giri?imi FirstBatch, 30 milyon dolar de?erleme üzerinden tohum ?ncesi yat?r?m ald? - link
E-commerce / Grocery: ???
?? Nearly half of retailers are converting cash registers to self-checkouts: report
?? Omnichannel Grocery Is Open for Business—and Ready to Grow - Bain
?? Temu is the most-downloaded shopping app in the U.S. Launched by China’s Pinduoduo in early September, it is the latest marketplace to bring China-made goods to Western consumers. - link How Retail App Temu Lures US Shoppers With Mind-Bending Prices - link
?? Tesco-backed checkout-free tech company Trigo raises $100M to expand its Amazon-style cashier-free store technology – link Süpermarketleri kasiyersiz marketlere d?nü?türen Trigo, 100 milyon dolar yat?r?m ald? - link
?????letmelerin yüzde 78'i mü?terileriyle ba?lant? kurmak i?in canl? yay?n sat??lar?n? kullan?yor - link
?? Flipkart launches metaverse to boost user engagement - link
?? G?rme engelliler i?in Migros Sanal Market & Migros Hemen imkan sunuyor - link
?? Togg ve Trendyol kesintisiz kullan?c? deneyimi i?in niyet mektubu imzalad? - link
???Kroger creates US grocery giant with $24.6bn deal for Albertsons – link // Kroger/Albertsons: US grocer bags rival to take on Amazon and Walmart - link
?? Amazon, da??t?m filosu i?in elektrikli ara?lara 1 milyar euro yat?r?m yapacak - link
??? Europe gives final sign off to rebooted e-commerce rules - link
?? Migros Ticaret A?'den elektrikli ara?lara ?arj hizmeti sunacak ?irket kurma karar? - link
?? Indonesian ecommerce Blibli continues IPO process - link
?? Walmart acquires automated grocery firm to bolster fulfillment - link
?? PayPal launches cash-back rewards program - link
? 2013 y?l?nda ?zden Pusat taraf?ndan kurulan yerli giri?im TutumluAnne, kapan?yor - link
Offline -> Online
?? How Walmart is experimenting with shoppable content. From recipe site integrations to interactive videos, the retailer has embraced partnerships that aim to boost inspiration and ease for at-home cooking. - link
?? Walmart launches beta version of content creator platform - link
??? How Walmart is experimenting with shoppable content - link
? Walmart Enlists Social-Media Influencers to Help Sell Everything From Food to Clothes - link
?? Pick n Pay Expands Cheaper Food Stores as Inflation Rises - link
?? Walmart GoLocal exceeds 5,000 delivery locations, outpacing company targets - link
Online -> Offline
??? Amazon is launching a dedicated hub for its affordable shopping options - link
FoodTech / Food Companies??
?? Is Cocoa Recession-Proof? Pre-Holiday Prices Up While Western Demand Down - link
? Palm oil-free margarine makes UK debut in Booths - link
?? Investment has been pouring into technology in the agriculture space. How to play it - link
?? Food tech: satisfying investors’ appetite for growth? - link
?? P&G/Nestlé: pet food gives Swiss group an edge - link
?? Finnish dairy and food giant Valio has developed a new milk chocolate bar using artificial intelligence to analyse milk chocolate lovers’ thoughts, cravings, and tastes worldwide. - link
?? ?? Mondelēz - Snack Futures has opened applications for CoLab 2023, a start-up engagement programme - link
?? ?? Nestlé’s legacy chocolate brand Quality Street is ditching its foil and plastic wrappers after 86 years, instead favouring recyclable paper covered with a specially created vegetable-based coating designed to keep the sweets fresh / Nestlé scraps plastic packaging for Quality Street chocolates - link
?? Switzerland’s high court has ruled that chocolatier Lindt & Sprüngli’s foil-wrapped chocolate bunnies deserve protection from copycat products, and has ordered Lidl to stop selling its similar product and destroy any remaining stock. Want to know how Lindt makes the bunny? Here’s a video from the bunny’s point of view.
?? G?da teknolojisi üzerinde ?al??malar yapan Nourish Ingredients, 28.6 milyon Dolar yat?r?m ald? - link
? Tüm de?er zincirlerinde karbon n?tr olmay? hedefleyen Trendyol, Sürdürülebilir Etki Plan?’n? a??klad? - link
Metaverse / Blockchain / Gaming:
? The Crypto Story - link
?? Yerli mobil oyun ?irketi Manc, 50 milyon dolar yat?r?m ald? - link
? Rekabet Kurumu, rekabeti zorla?t?rd??? i?in Meta’ya ceza kesti - link
? Türk giri?imciler taraf?ndan kurulan Black Studio, g?steri dünyas?n? metaverse’e ta??yor - link
?? 2022 y?l?n?n Türkiye oyun ekosistemi raporu payla??ld? - link
? Tether, world’s biggest stablecoin, cuts its commercial paper holdings to zero - link
?? The metaverse revolution may yet devour Meta - link
?? Meta is desperately trying to make the metaverse happen - link
?? Here’s what you missed at Meta Connect 2022 - link
?? Nasdaq to Wait for Regulation Before Launching Crypto Exchange - link
? 2022'nin 3. ?eyre?inde Bitcoin’de neler ya?and?? Bitcoin fiyatlar? i?in 2024 ile 2028 aras?ndaki tahminler neler? - link
Logistics / Fulfilment:
? The Future of Last-Mile Delivery: How technology is tackling the complexity and cost of fulfillment - link
?? ?? The last mile -Techcrunch
???Otonom ta??mac?l??a Ikea da ad?m att? - link
?? Tedarik sürecini h?zland?rmay? ama?layan Shippeo, 40 milyon Dolar yat?r?m ald? - link
?? Worth Reading
?? Fintech sekt?rü, veri analizi ve yapay zeka ile büyüyor - link
?? Building the bridge between Web 2.0 and web3 - link
?? Q3 data reminds us that venture debt is not a Hail Mary - link
?? Apple teams up with Goldman Sachs on high-yield savings accounts - link
?? Why aren’t we seeing more aggressive SaaS M&A? - link
?? ?? Yeah, no, most VCs still don’t really care about your path to profitability - link
??? RTüK lisans? onaylanan HBO Max’ten Türkiye faaliyetleriyle ilgili a??klama geldi - link
? Recurring Revenue Operating Model Framework - link
?? Bain & Company: Global oyun gelirleri 2027'de 307 milyar dolara ula?acak - link
?? Netflix'in 6.99 dolarl?k reklam destekli modeli, 1 Kas?m'dan itibaren aktif edilmeye ba?lan?yor - link
?? Bulut ?irketlerine yap?lan yat?r?mlar ü?üncü ?eyrekte yüzde 42 dü?tü - link
? News from Y?ld?z Ventures
?? Fast Company Türkiye?Dergisi taraf?ndan düzenlenen ve giri?imcilik ekosistemini bir araya getiren Corporate&Startup Day etkinli?i ?dül t?reninde en iyi “Kurum ??i Giri?imcilik ?dülü” 2. ?dülünü istegelsin ve “Startup Dostu ?irketler” 4. ?dülünü Y?ld?z Holding ald?