XYZ Newsletter - July
XYZ Reality
Transforming how projects are planned, built, and delivered with the ultimate construction delivery platform.
Welcome to the first edition of the XYZ Newsletter! We will be sharing our biggest stories of the month, every month, right here, so subscribe to make sure you don't miss out.
Dive straight in this month with a story of how our data center partner accelerated their project by 6-weeks, meet the faces behind XYZ, and explore our latest updates and activities! With Summer in full swing, there is no better time to catch up on all the exciting news.
Have a great day, and don't forget to subscribe for more updates next month!
How a Data Center Owner Avoided a Six-Week Delay
A data center project was sleepwalking towards a six-week delay, and they didn't even realise. This case study explores how the project team utilised the XYZ platform, and in particular our project controls, to avoid this costly delay and deliver the project on time.
XYZ Culture film
Meet the faces behind XYZ Reality in our new culture film!
Celebrating 100,000 hours of work onsite!
We recently hit a huge milestone - 100,000 hours of work onsite! We celebrate this achievement like anyone would: by writing a blog about what has happened and what has changed during those 100,000 hours, as well as shining a light on some other important milestones we have hit.
How to maximize ConTech with a fully managed solution
The tech industry has often failed to understand the problems and needs of construction. In this blog, Eoin Manning, our VP of Project Delivery, runs through the reasons for this, and why he thinks a fully managed solution is the only path that can work.
The Data Center Rundown: July
A shameless plug for our other newsletter. The Data Center Rundown gives a quick overview of the important news coming from the data center industry each month. This month's headliners include Turner acquiring Dornan Group, Blackstone hitting $70 billion in prospective data center pipeline, and multiple big-name hyperscalers signing an open letter for transparency on emissions.
We hope you enjoyed this first edition of the XYZ Newsletter! Please let us know your thoughts in the comments, and subscribe so you don't miss our next publication.