XRF Analyzer for the RoHS Compliance

XRF Analyzer for the RoHS Compliance

2.4. Technical Performance and Specifications

2.4.1. The elements can be analyzed from the sulfur (S) to uranium (U)

2.4.2. The element content range from ppm to 99.99% can be analyzed.

2.4.3. Measurement time: 60-300s

2.4.4.Detecting the hazardous elements (for Cd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br) restricted in RoHS directive, the limit can reach 1ppm.

2.4.5 The measure repeatability can be 0.1% of total intensity of fluorescence when the content of samples is more than 96%.

2.4.6. Long-term working stability being 0.1% (total intensity of fluorescence)

2.4.7. Energy resolution: 165±5eV

2.4.8. Suitable temperature range is from 15℃ to 30℃

2.4.9. Power supply: AC 220±5V or 110±5V.

(The purified AC regulated power supply is recommended.)

2.4.10. Independent matrix effect correction model

2.4.11. Multi-variable non-linear regression procedure

2.4.12. Arbitrary optional analysis and identification models

2.4.13. Ability to analyze 24 elements simultaneously

3. Main Hardware Configuration of EDX 1800B

3.1  Silicon PIN Semiconductor Detector and Amplifier Circuit

3.2  X-Ray Tube

3.3  High/Low Voltage Power Supply

3.4  Multi-Channel Pulse Amplitude Analyzer

3.5  High-Resolution Camera

3.6  Manual Movable Platform

3.7  Large Sample Chamber

2.8  Automatic Switching Device for Collimators

3.9  Automatic Switching Device for Filters

3.10 Free Combination between Collimators and Filters

3.11 High Voltage Power Supply emergency locking

4. RoHS Analysis Software

4.1.1Introduction to functions: It’s used for inspecting five hazardous elements Cd, Pb, Hg, Br and Cr contained in the six substances in the EU RoHS directive.







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