Are Xrays safe for my child?

A very common question in the dental chair is the need of X-rays. From the clinician point of view, we need to understand the overall status of both visible and concealed areas in the mouth. These are mainly the contact areas of the molars where food may keep getting stuck leading to cavities or carious decays. As per the documented researches, nearly 80% of the decays in young children occur in-between the contact areas of the baby molars.

Primary reasons for the same is frequent snacking and lack of flossing by kids. Most common and probably the only concern about X-rays from parental side is about radiation exposure. Current clinical practice is Smart Practice that makes Xray exposures minimal. Following are few of the steps followed:

1.        Fast speed films are used.

2.        Xray Beams are focused around the core areas.

3.        Protective collars and shields are used.

4.        Proper film exposure ad processing techniques.

5.        Limited number of Xrays.

As per, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), approximately around age 5 years, when primary dentition is complete, we should do two bitewings and two periapicals. The total amount of radiation for this set is 0.008 mSv. If one or more adult teeth are present, then a panoramic x-ray is additional. The amount of radiation exposure in a single panoramic x-ray is 0.007 mSV.

According to the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, almost any average person receives an effective dose of 3 millisieverts (mSv) per year from naturally occurring radioactive materials and cosmic radiation from outer space. Naturally occurring radioactive materials can be found in the air that we breathe and the food that we eat. Cosmic radiation is more like background radiation. These exposures are unavoidable and yet happen.

Of course, as clinicians we understand and respect the concerns when it comes to our young kids, but the other aspect is to be proactive and pre diagnose any incipient decays that can be arrested without much treatment needs.


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