XLr8Editor vs MVVS Editor
U2logic's XLr8Editor was developed 20-plus years ago and is part of the XLr8Tools family. XLr8Editor development has not been static. There have been about 400 updates throughout the years for the family of products. On average this means XLr8Editor has had about 20 to 24 updates a year.
When you compare that to MVVS Editor from Rocket Software which has about 4 to 6 per year that is quite a difference. When you talk about functionality, the real differences come into play between the two software products.
You can copy data/programs from any Universe to Universe, Unidata to Unidata, Universe to Unidata, or Unidata to Universe. The copying is about 10,000 records per second using built-in dataset technology in UniObjects for Java in XLr8 with no such capability in MVVS.
You can edit dictionaries in XLr8. You can edit the values individually or you can edit them in a grid. Nonetheless, inside the XLr8 Dictionary Editor, you can add indexes, remove indexes, create associations, and even export them as a Txt file to your workstation. There is no such capability in MVVS.
Let's take some known issues in MVVS and compare them to XLr8Editor:
Probably the biggest difference between XLr8Editor and MVVS is one is free and the other costs money. But you have to decide whether to want to wait months or years for the code editor in MVVS to be as good as XLr8Editor or do you want to pay for the best and have it today?