XinXing Aid for Children in Crisis Year Review
Thank you to everyone who supported XinXing Aid for Children in Crisis in 2015! We were able to help 102 children from 6 to 17 years old with full care including education, housing. The outreach program has also supported 140 at-risk children across 5 counties and 9 schools. The program has been successful in keeping 98% of the children in school and staying in their family home through individual and group counseling. We look forward to doing more in 2016, working with Olivia's Place assisting XinXing with trained therapy and professional training needs including screening tools or ways to systematically deal with these issues! In 2015 the Shanghai team helped to fundraise over 100,000 RMB for the organization with donations coming from the Australia Visa Office, Mexican Independence Day at Mayita, Bottles XO, Thanksgiving Dinner at MAYA, Cambio Coffee Christmas Market, Wellington College, Side Chef Potluck dinner and the Spotlight music and arts festival. We also receive ongoing support form Wellington College Special Needs Department and Alba Rosa whom has been visiting XinXing since 2014 giving ongoing teacher training classes on managing children with special needs.
We would like you to meet Xiao Gan from the Baoji Center. He is from a small village in the Xiashi township of Baoji, China. His father died of illness in 2010 and his mother has severe mental disabilities. Xiao Gan's brother works outside of Baoji earning an income which can barely support himself. After his fathers death Xiao Gan was fostered by his aunt but they were unable to financially support him along with their two children.
Xiao Gan was referred to Baoji XinXing in August, 2014. The XinXing staff took over his care and education as he had no other place to go. Gradually, Xiao Gan became more confident and active at the center and was encouraged to participate in the outing activities with other kids. He is very polite to all the XinXing staff and other children. He told his teachers that he wants to work hard and struggle for his life with the goal of improving his family’s situation when he grows up.
XinXing Aid for Children in Crisis works hard to help young kids like Xiao Gan to survive in a world where they have no future ahead! Support XinXing and help us to give the opportunity for a future to children like Xiao Gan.
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