Xi Jinping, Putin, and the Puppet Masters
Readers of my blogs may well wonder where I get my perspective from, and this is quite fair. I intentionally try to cultivate sincerity, transparency, and introspection. Therefore, in this spirit, considering that what I am about to say in this blog is quite out-of-the-box, I feel I owe the reader a short apologetic: I speak from intuition, nothing more, but nothing less. Human intuition may be poorly rated in our contemporary, western paradigm of research and evidenced-based argumentation, but authentic intuition is now and has always been the central rudder for truth. Let the reader therefore apply whatever credibility he or she may apply to my claim.
Now, to the essay—
Today, I was inspired to understand what I feel is the heart of Xi Jinping’s leadership of China. It relates to his developmental years under Mao and what it signifies to him about the Chinese People and the West. When Xi Jinping’s father was condemned by the Chinese Communist Party during Xi Jinping’s formative years, this had a profound effect on him. In the first place, he felt the great offense of judgment from the party, against the one person he is naturally supposed to love and admire the most. But also, by extension, against his very family, his most intimate lineage and therefore himself.
In the second place, he witnessed the great carnage, purging, and desperation of his Chinese countrymen. The offense he felt for his father and family was extended to his very people as he witnessed their desperation. But in the third place, as a result of his grappling with these experiences, he took a distinct position on the question of himself, his people, and the West.
Xi Jinping came to side with the necessity of Mao’s purging. He deeply accepted that yes indeed, all aspects of Western influence in China had to be eradicated if China will enjoy its true and authentic foundation, going forward, as China. For Mao saw how if he did not purge Chinese culture of Western, “democratic ideals” (put in quotes because of its glaring hypocrisy of being forged in the desperation of his countrymen), the Imperial essence of China, even the glory of its Emperors would be finally and irrevocably eradicated. And China would therefore no longer exist as China.
Xi Jinping however could not accept extinguishment of China’s light. Xi Jinping, deep from within, revolted against the idea that what had become of China under Western influence was true of his people. The economic rape of his nation by the imperial West, the addiction of his countrymen with opium, and the relegation of his people to one ragged mass of “yellow” desperation was anathema to him. Xi Jinping therefore set his sights on becoming a champion of his people, even like onto its newest, warrior emperor– with a deep and fierce hatred of the West. So, while he tolerated the opening up of China to the Western capitalist system as he rose in the ranks of government, taking advantage of capitalism’s need for frontiers for development, he bit his time until his time shall come.
Xi Jinping’s imperial heart is therefore the logic of his leadership today. He has conditioned his people to deeply accept that they will have the blessing of their government to enjoy all the standards of living Westerners enjoy, all the paths to become wealthy even, so long as they stay out of politics. So long as they realize that at any point, no matter how rich, no matter how entrepreneurial, no matter how too-big-to-fail any Chinese citizen may seem, he or she need only realize that the hand of Mao is just around the corner. Or, more appropriately, the ire of the emperor!
Coming to the matters of our times, this then explains why Tiwan is such a sore point for Xi Jinping, not less Tibet, the Uyghurs, Hong Kong, etc. Xi Jinping cannot tolerate the idea that “democratic” aspirations can cause the erosion of China’s imperialist integrity. He is adamant about this, and on this he will not bend. Even if he must usher China into a World War III confrontation with the West.
This China is therefore the first player on our three-sided chess board. But Putin is the second.
Like Xi Jinping, Putin witnessed what he considers “humiliations” of Russia, perpetrated by the West, as he rose in the ranks to highest leadership. And Similar to Xi Jinping, Putin is also Zarist at heart. Putin looks upon the Russian Federation as the legacy of Zarist Russia, and Putin will not compromise what he considers the heart of his culture.
Putin looked with dismay at the final demise of the Soviet Union via the alarming reforms of Mikhail Gorbachev and the “catastrophic” rise of a weak and bumbling drunkard in Boris Yeltsin. All while he was doing his diligent best to fight the good Russian, Cold War fight, both as a KGB operative as well as a Stalin-like bureaucrat. And Putin ultimately looked with dismay when Boris Yeltsin reluctantly signed the Nato-Russia Founding Act of 1997. He saw how NATO was using this capitulation of Russia to expand eastward in Europe, potentially encircling the Russian Federation and sideling Russia for good. This then is why Putin drew his red line at the flirtation of Ukraine with NATO membership. “Invading” Ukraine according to Western perspectives but making a stand for Russian Integrity–even Russia’s existential integrity– according to Russian sensitivities.
This Russia is therefore the second player on our three-sided chess board. But the Puppet Masters is the third. And what a whopper! For I warn that your head may spin:
The Puppet Masters are the long-standing “haves” of Western civilization. These are the covert manipulators of all Western originated civilizations, even before and including the Roman Empire. Indeed, these are the architects of “Democracy and Liberty” as the “hope of the world,” although disingenuously. For because the Puppet Masters occupy the structural apex of the pyramid of Western imperialism, including all western systems of government, real power stops at their feet, not the People’s. Indeed, the claim of “liberty and Democracy” was an adopted strategy by this group to pacify the People against true Liberty and Democracy, as they might come to demand with Christian enlightenment and education. This strategy, finally, was perpetrated through a co-option of true Christianity.
While these “haves,” the Puppet Masters of the “have nots,” have always reigned supreme in the West, taking advantage of the ignorance and slavery of the bottom “surfs,” they eventually had to accommodate “noblemen” as Western civilization became more enlightened (via the printing press and growing social literacy). Then, in time, they had to accommodate “democratic peoples” aspiring to “liberty and freedom” as literacy further advanced. The Jesus effect offered the People a sense of intrinsic value and Karl Marx explicitly spelled out their class distinction. So, to keep their ultimate control, having seen the writing on the wall via the French Revolution, the Puppet Masters had to find a way to allow the People to believe that they are indeed free, that they actually control the direction of their government– even their very future! This strategy was accomplished, as stated before, by corrupting Christianity.
The true teaching of Jesus was that Christhood is available to every individual. That “if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20). Or that “is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?” (John 10:34) This teaching of Jesus, that human beings are divine Children of God, created an unstoppable movement in the Roman Empire called the Jesus Movement. This movement threatened the Puppet Masters because people who realize they are their ultimate agents cannot be securely controlled. Wherefore, because the Puppet Masters failed to stop this movement with the crucifixion of Jesus, they decided to co-opt Christianity instead.
They perverted Jesus’ teachings to claim that Jesus was, in his historical personhood, God and only God, resurrecting the Greek and Roman folklore of divine exclusivity (by lineage) of certain special human beings. They emphasized teachings suggesting that one must have faith in Jesus as the salvific personhood, and that one must not believe that within oneself dwells very Holy God, or that Christhood is available to all genuine seekers (as recognition of one’s intimite and divine childhood). Wherefore also, they convinced “Christians” to await a savior rather than believing that they can co-create their own world, as spiritual agents of love. The Puppet Masters, in short, had to find a way to keep the People beholden to their central control as they infected the church. So, they accentuated the Pauline teaching (which emphasized human frailty requiring an outer “savior,” to whom the central institution of the church holds veto power), maintaining their control over the hearts and “souls” of the People.
Over time, as Western society became more affluent for the general masses, and as religion eroded because less needed for its mass pacification of the desperate poor, the Puppet Masters shifted their center of control to the ideas of “Liberty and Democracy.” They chose these values because they could not overturn the People’s Jesus and Marx originated sense of themselves as distinct from the elite and intrinsically valuable. As well as because the social values of liberty and democracy counterfeit the true, spiritual value of Christhood– based on love and genuine, spiritual liberty.
This, by the way, is what is meant by the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ is not anti-Jesus. The anti-Christ is anti human beings realizing their inheritance as authentic Children of God–against human beings realizing their access to Christhood. Against human spiritual liberation.
So now, coming to our day and age, these Puppet Masters are still at the apex of the pyramid of Western systems (as symbolized on the US Dollar), maintaining their ultimate control while deceiving the People that they are free. For even in the United States, the supposed champion of “Liberty and Democracy,” we see the economic desperation of a “democratic and free” People, now turning to a savior in Trump–the new face of serfdom.
These Puppet Masters are, finally, the third player on our three-sided chess board. And how is the game to proceed on our emerging, global stage?
The Puppet Masters are behind the fiat and hegemonic, US dollar. They are also secretly consolidating final control of the people via surveillance technologies, and even via the manipulation of artificial intelligence. Simply because they cannot allow genuine liberty and democracy to topple their central rule. They are even learning from the Chinese Communist Party about how to roll out such as “social credit score” based controls. For while Xi Jinping is perpetrating these controls against his People in acting out his Empirical ambitions, in beating back the “infection” of democratic ideals, the Puppet Masters have more sinister and grandiose aims. The Puppet masters are biting their time for total, mass control, allowing China to take the fall as the “undemocratic” or fascist pariah for the time being. They are biting their time for when they shall have dominated the international arena via their agenda of a New World Order.
But this brings us to why they are the third and most malignant, competitive global player–
The Puppet Masters seek global domination in preserving, advancing, and consolidating their historical, Western-lineaged hegemony. They are indeed attempting to encircle Russia via their disingenuous “Democratic Empire” of NATO, even as they seek to break China’s back by thwarting Xi Jinping’s imperial ambition of uniting with Tiwan. The Puppet Masters are attempting to manipulate a “democratic liberation” of Chinese dissonant entities as they also work to “liberate” Russian, federation states. They are moreover supporting Israel’s ambition for domination in the Middle East to consolidate control of this region. Yet only because the Islamic influence in the Middle East does not buy into liberal, democratic ideals and will not succumb to their propaganda. They are, finally, willing to see the world in nuclear ashes over their ultimate, power play.
And what shall become of it all? Even my intuition cannot tell, although I can offer a light onto your feet:
All these entities and personalities which are vying for prestige, for control, for domination—they are all the living dead. No matter how “human” some of their sagas may seem. They walk among us as if alive, but they are no more than spiritual corpses, from the highest “leader” to the pettiest criminal. For to be spiritually alive is to recognize the truth of our common Christhood, of our common inheritance with the divine as Children of God. And moreover, to pursue the essence of this identity, which is love and service of one another, rather than the pursuit of self or sectarian aggrandizement.
The tragic reality of the spiritual death and blindness of ego-agents among us may indeed drag our world into a corresponding, self-destruction of our species (nearly), but those who are spiritually alive will continue to live in spirit. While those who are spiritually dead will lose their ego project (their personalities and vain life histories) as they lose themselves at physical death. Yet only to come back again, by the Grace of God (even after millennia of the earth’s replenishment, but an instant to eternal souls) to re-do their physical lives—in the hope that they will not waste their opportunity again. For existence is non-ending, the soul is eternal, and God has infinite patience to see his children return to their senses–and into His bosom.
Therefore are you encouraged to find your Christhood and to place your divine hand on the scales of this desperate world. Through acting for peace and love and liberation of your fellow person, here and now. In earnest, finally, of your returning to a proper and corresponding earth, if you so choose.
For “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5).
New American Spring!
A Light onto the Blind…
See the main blog with latest edits here: Xi Jinping, Putin, and the Puppet Masters – New American Spring