XGAP Technology
Multi-gap Inductors and Transformers

XGAP Technology

What is XGAP technology?

A Multi-gap technology developed by PRAX to minimize winding AC losses.?

We distribute a big gap around a toroid to minimize the undesired fringing effect

Advantages of XGAP technology?

Winding area increases by means of using toroid formats

High current and frequencies are allowed by means of using low losses ferrite material

Best dissipation of windings in any type of cooling systems

Bobbin is no longer necessary

From 20% overall size reduction

XGAP Technology use

Converters and SMPS up to 30kW

As a resonant inductor in resonant topologies as LLC, CLLC, DAB or Phase-Shift, where inductance needs to be flat as current increases

As PFC, input or output choke, where ripple current is high (>35%) and frequencies are higher than 50kHz, such as interleaved PFCs.


