Xenapps/Xendesktop 7.9 "The Big Bang !!!"
Few months ago I kinda trash Xenapps 7.5 just on the fact that they cut out the flexibility of publishing apps that was ( I think ) the comer stone of Xenapps 6.5
One of the major reason of having Citrix is that you can manage publish application across a number of servers.
Now with Xenapps 7.9 the flexibility is back..... :-)
With the "Application Group" option you have that needed flexibility
Let not even talk about "AppDisks", which covers all bases in flexibility
( https://www.carlstalhood.com/appdisks/ )
I have to say, They provided a new way to address this going forward, not just adding back the old options.
Zones are back !!!
( to help if SQL connection go down )
What I think is a cool and new "MCS – Memory Caching"
( https://www.controlup.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-new-citrix-mcs-io-acceleration/ )
Load balancing and fault tolerance functionality for the Universal Print Server.
( wow !! that wasn't even on my bucket list, but I like it.... anything that addresses printing problems, I love it)
So Long story short, I liking Xenapps/Desktop 7.9 and this one is the best one to upgrade from Xenapps 6.5
( As you know, this just came out and have seen the hot-fix list yet )