#xcsiro ToD21thCentury 161-170: Australian Worsted Comb Story
Dr.Nick.Sokolov CRD
PhD(Wavelets).MS.BE.(ME,EE), Owner CRD P/L, Father of the Australian Worsted Comb Fibre processing Technology
This is an intro into interpretation of Linear Algebra for Engineers and Scientist. It is also a valuable tool in Wavelet analyses as interpretation of a signal as a vector becomes more appropriate. I like "sticking it up", csiro management as I know how little or have forgotten an average Physicist knows as they compose majority of management of science in some division relegating engineers to secondary positions. It is bit unfair of me to say that, as there are exceptions to that rule. Are you a?#csiro?management genius or not ? - I am certainly not that, but I do possessing IP and csiro patents which only qualified my position as non-management for redundancy. This is not my normal publication but I was inspired by a problem published by Nabil Elwan and then solution provided by?Krunoslav Popovic. Well done guys - Keep up the good work. [1]
As a member of an engineering and scientific fraternity we all like stealing from Mathematicians, problem being is interpreting what they do and relating it back to a physical meaning - this publication is just that, bring it back to a familiar ground of calculus and avoiding messy integration of let say elliptical problems using integrals. If you explore the field of linear algebra and matrices you will find that "integral under a curve" is just a high school and undergraduate introduction or simplification. Most people think of math for engineers as being 2D and 3D problem but its a nD or multidimensional problem. It sound all complicated and long winded or simply hidden in fancy notation BUT its not, it is there to take our software and analysis or signal processing to that next level. Direct link:?https://lnkd.in/etEeiWZ6
Publication presents a simplified case of a circle Sphere and perhaps an evolution into 4th dimension and not just (x y z ) 3D we are so familiar with - ps let not the time as variable be an obstacle it is just another dimension in number crunching. Time like Area, Volume and other properties at higher dim can be negative - just do not think that it is a way to travel into the past.
Just try not to mind my need to kick CSIRO management at every opportunity as they are the hindrance to progress in science and technology. Problem for then since 1990's was the hubris of "management of science" and ephemeral values rather then simply just do the "work". I hope this publication has inspired you to read more Linear Algebra.
Reference to Getting a PhD and what to do.
Priority of any PhD student should be to 1. Find a topic that is well defined even if it is your supervisors idea (cheats way of getting a PhD) . 2. Do not reinvent the wheel, you need to be a PhD student min of your time (life is short). 3. Complete the experimental work that is reasonable in scope and cost. 4 write up as quickly as possible. 5. Publish only 1 paper on your topic as a single Author, minimum university requirement.
Anything else is exploitation by the department and your PhD supervisor ( your supervisor has a job and a pension plan ). This also applies to your first R&D job. Move into management of science and double your income ASAP or you will find yourself on the redundancy by lesser beings. For more info on world most productive worsted comb visit my workshop/lab Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga?or or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR
There is no PhD shortage in my circle of friends, there is shortage of R&D jobs. need to mention this: Take remedial classes in English for PhD writing up. Most of us that came from other backgrounds in my case working trades person - I had no idea that my write up was going to take that long. My advantage was I had content.
Myths of Universities:
Tristan Perez, PhD?"industry often does not have the capabilities to define attractive core problems that researchers can sink their teeth in, and let alone guide researchers along the way"
Douglas Adams summed it up well with a Deep Thought computer; The point was that if one could define the question well one is well on a way to a solution. I worked for the Industry, I also worked for the CSIRO with a successful project every 3 years leading to my biggest break trough in processing of fibre. I have no problem in defining and refining question and then finding a solution ( generating IP& patents ), what I have problems with is work toxic politics, grab for power and in CSIRO blatant theft of recognition. For instance a senior CSIRO group leader might hire a PhD to search for a solution because it is well defined by institutions like ABARES in terms of economic benefit - however on successful completion, CSIRO group leader will claim it as a personal success, and then dispose of those that actually did the work. In brief; we have all the tools and problems since the halcyon days of Australian science and only 6 Universities we are now stuck with dysfunctional management who are in game to keep up appearances and signing MOUs..
Historical Myths
Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716 d at the age of 70 ) problem in historical context is that Isaac Newton (1643-1727 d at the age of 84). Newton who outlived Leibniz by some 14y spent his time forming committees to discredit Leibnitz. In a competition known as the "Report" to discover who was the rightful inventor of calculus and there were 7 contenders Newton lost, he gave excuses but soon realized he needed to form a committee to find himself a sole winner and the inventor of calculus ( just like CSIRO ). The notation we used today is that of Leibniz not Newton, it was so bad that Newton himself has written the committee findings in which his toadies passed it of as a conclusive evidence of Newtons primacy in calculus. They acted much like the?#csiro?management of science in Australia , everything underhanded was "white washed" and honours were distributed to few chosen in form of the csiro medal.?#TeamCSIRO
Prototype making myth
To "3DPrint or not", a part that keeps breaking on my electric bike. It is perhaps a bad design but it keeps breaking along the same point. This part is difficult to 3D print as it has features on all sides. Those that know how to 3DP will apricate the difficulty ( I do own a mid size 3DP, I have made a 3DP direct replacement but I was not satisfied even with slightly altered design ). The failure in 3DP will come with construct cut-offs or supports used to produce a "complex part" like this. I have decided to CNC this part as 2 half's, same approach could have been beneficial in 3DP, but I will make this part from Aircraft grade Aluminium 5xxx on my CNC machine, it will be made in two parts with an extra screw holding the assembly together. Perhaps slightly longer and simplified - no Hex bolt retention but direct threaded part. If I can find a bronze or brass block in my "treasure store", it will be better, it will give it that old-time feel to what is an essentially current tech in electric mountain bike. Making your own parts/recycling is being?#green, just think of the carbon foot print in throwing away complex parts such as an ebike if it can not be repaired for lack of low cost component.?#recycling?.. Step 1 in this process is to 3DCAD the part so it can be redesigned; also known as reverse-engineering.
I am over 60, I have the equipment, skills and knowledge - my biggest challenge was trusting in management of science when I worked for?#csiro?. After I have built the Australian one and only high speed Merino Worsted Comb, there are very few challenges in manufacturing for me, since my skills and patents were thrown away by shear stupidity of csiro management, I need to be occupied and not dwell on the purveyors of BS - that spend their time trying to convince the gullible that we are a "cleaver country" perhaps once we were in the mid to late 20th century. Will do a post on a final product. - Once measure of cleverness of csiro was how much they spent on R&D and now it is how much they spend on creature comforts, spruiking, and travel for management by those that were once scientist mostly low quality Physicist that reduce every problem to their idea, engineering failure to deliver and lack of skilled individuals. It is more like they lack compliant individuals and that in itself is problem that creates lack of progress. Visit my workshop/lab Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga?or or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR
Part Finished; "lunch time effort", total time spent 3h, spread over several days, cost: irrelevant, I have the tools and the skill set. Now that I made it,I have a feeling of satisfaction. I did this part also on a 3DP but it did not last long, my pockets are not deep to afford a?#csiro?type 3DP printer. That is ok they have money and can buy, I on they other hand have skills and a Australian First ever built worsted Merino wool comb, a project csiro failed in. The problem with CSIRO has always been "these that manage science" usually are very bad at doing science & lack technical skills to build superior prototypes for patents. So CSIRO would usually have a workshop &electronics department, limited number of skilled engineers but some great technicians. The bottom line is like this - CSIRO scientist usually a Physicist turns up at either workshop or electronics department with some vague idea with no sketch or drawing trying to explain a theory to a workman or technician that is not interested or has limited scientific and mathematical background. An average Physicist is afraid of engineers, like myself , I can pick holes in their theory or ability to say NO - when they usually say; "trust me I am a Physicist and this is a new theory", well they are wrong as most new theories and their experiments are built on existing skills and knowledge only leaving a small gap to test something new. Lot of times an engineer will stop a Physicist following up on something that in engineering experience is a dead end - not that it can not be done - it simply requires new fundamental approach to a prototype. Physicist in my expereince are lazy ( they see their PhD as all the hard work not the beginning of hard work in R&D), they have PhDs in unrelated fields, feel like anything they say is worth a go, and usually over simplify prototypes, a Physicist needs to convince an engineer to join a partnership of equals (see Noble prize eg Radio Astronomy) that it is worth doing and why, but they see that as "hard work" only indicating that the idea is half baked, perhaps sharing a successful outcome is off-putting. Some Physicist are sad loners that only get more dysfunctional in management of science &their claims become more ambit, just because they hired someone/signed an MOU. I am sure like Dr.B.Kirby did the results would be worth while for both eng &physicist. I have watch in dismay many times in my former division a Physicist "reinventing a wheel" and rushing to publish what they have observed. But then it is all about a quantity and not the quality, as usually the y are now promoted by those that have even less knowledge. For more info on world most productive worsted comb visit my workshop/lab Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga?or or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR There is no skill shortage in my circle of friends.
This is how I enjoy spending my time - making parts for my electric bike. It was my first engineering degree ME before I did my EE - in the 1977 onward to 1985 there were degrees offered in ME,EE,CE and ChmE. After one got a degree one found work in my case it was?#csiro?as an engineer( ES ) I landed into a bin of dysfunctional Physicist, but there was an odd person; Dr B.Kirby - there is always one Physicist that does not think engineers simply carry out wish of those with Physics degree. We made phenomenal progress in a project that CSIRO tackled several times over 75y period. It was a combination of skills and knowledge that made Schlumberger in EU impressed. In my first trip to EU with Schengen "science expert" visa , I was told in Germany and the France that CSIRO is a known quantity - nothing special - and we have learned to expect the same over the years but you and Dr.Kirby are extraordinary in making a progress in such a short time. Would you like to work for us - it was flattering since we were made redundant by the CSIRO. I declined as I was finishing off my PhD in Wavelets in 1998 and my family was young. Over the next 10y I seen CSIRO and those "more capable" ( self anointed ) then us, loose our patent and all of the IP that was generated and was known by the management of csiro. The Schlumberger even attempted to have us reinstated since I didn't wish to move to Europe - but in words of Minister Gavin O'Conner who mediated - they will burn the place down before they will accept you two back - you must have really pis* them off. This is how science is done in CSIRO - Australia. In Australia expert is anyone who has spent 6 months at some course OS or worked in their field or proclaimed himself "Investment Banker". Advice for?#stem?students - go OS and you can come back to head csiro like organizations in Australia. For more info on world most productive worsted comb visit my workshop/lab Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga?or or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR The is no skill shortage in my circle of friends. CSIRO on the other hand needs "new na?ve meat" that is starry eyed and with expectations. There will be non for majority only few cunning individuals will make it into management of dysfunction.
That tech has been around for almost 20y . How many projects like Australian Worsted comb CSIRO did stuff up. The only reason why Schlumberger did not develop new comb its not in their economic interest to do so and I as a technology IP author keep my mouth shut when I was in EU unlike management of CSIRO who leaked the key to the new technology - just so they could make themselves self important. I developed 2 prototypes that would save billions of dollars and contribute to Australian jobs. An Australian worsted comb would 1/2 the Carbon foot print in critical fibre processing lot more then some printed solar cell that will add to the rubbish that needs to be buried. CSIRO needs to contribute to the overall efficiency of energy usage by existing industry not BS. EU is working on Fusion - what is csiro contribution in that area???Visit my workshop/lab Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga?or or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR
Middle age man hidden myth
Another middle age man commits suicide , a friend, he talked about turning his life about making many changes, he did successfully - so what happened - he is dead. I could say many good things and how helpful he was to my development, but it is after all a middle age man - like stone thrown into a pond, the water will smooth over soon, his issues will become unimportant and soon he will be forgotten in favour of revisionist and ephemeral values. But not by me, at almost 50 he was in prime of his life with wealth of expereince, so I told him - it didn't do any good, he saw me just like himself, I thought he was ok - I needed to look closer, just another failing in my ability to judge the human beings.
I am a "lazy engineer", It is cold in Torquay Vic Australia, it gets close to 0°C we turn an electric blanket on. that electric blanket is made in China, using Australian Wool and sheep skin, we had it only for the 2nd winter -it electrically failed. Not on my side of the bed but at side of importance -"I am cold! was a cry, its not working" ,I snapped to it -morning -instead of removing the "heated wool under blanket" I thought -how hard can it be - thought bubble - I got that from Larry. I went there with a Ph3 screw driver, there was not enough light -so I brought my 60w work light, sh*t the screws are hard to take out -ok they striped. Taking the case apart - all soldered together 240v soldered directly to the board saving $0.1, so I used a 1960s trigger instant heat gun to de-solder the connections. I used a copper wick to remove the excess - did not work, so I brought over the pump and de-soldering station with "solder sucker". wiring colour coded - I got no idea but board told me in1, in2 G and out1 out2 and G ...long story short I needed to take the electric blanket to my bench and work on it there. A simple job turns out half of my tools are now in the bedroom. Got fixed in the end - Boss happy after 40or so years it confirmed that she made the right management decision; "He is useful and he has his moments ". Few dollars of components the rest was made to work - everything can be?#recycled?and become?#green?- I wonder how much Carbon I saved by simply not throwing away the electric blanket, something as simple as repairing can have a great impact on the environment. I was made redundant by?#csiro?at the age of 35y ( bad taste of theft of recognition has never left me ) after several patents and IPs with csiro - I could have delivered more for the Australian economy and I will on my terms. Management of science as practiced by csiro is flawed then and it is flawed now. There is no time limit for me to give up on delivering the only ever high productivity Merino wool combing machine to our primary industry proving how scientist and engineers that do the R&D control the knowledge not those that call themselves "management of science" and list their qualification as "investment banker". An old CSIRO chief once after apologizing on how I was treated pointed out that people that mismanaged science do well at the interview, my response was I know and they have a "foot hold" things can now only get worse as they will hire like minded individuals with same practice to approaching science. last 30y have shown that to be true, csiro is resting on the achievements of the csiro of the late part of the 20th century and only make noises on "how great they are now" without letting their work speak for themselves. Visit my workshop/lab Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga?or or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR
I can re watch this time and time again - great work. Can anyone suggest where the dynamic balancing software was sourced - is there another video on that topic? Its not just applicable to Turbines - I have written my own balancing software but I was impressed with claims and GUI in their dynamic balancing software.
More CSIRO realities
How to sum up my disappointment and employment with?#csiro Cool Hand Luke (1967) - Failure To Communicate Scene I like the past - it has character it has science, technology and great inspirational movies and great directors like Stanley Kubrick 2001 or John Huston... inspirational age when we did things rather then talked and threatened people - age that inspired - leadership. https://lnkd.in/gCDE26KD Visit my workshop/lab Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga?or or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR
New Projects / Toys
New toy arrived today Gasless MiG welding wire, changed the MiG from 1mm to 0.8mm wire - No gas - wow I spent many years welding my "chicken tracks" at cost of a BOC and before that a CIG bottle change over. Rules of a good welding machine are the same as my father's rules- weight - ie good transformer makes good MiG welding machine. My main machine is a MiG but I also have TiG next to it - fully programmable, like my father I also prefer old school ; "welding is an art". Although I can weld Aluminium - this is simply re-set for welding, my front fence is done in French 3D lace work. I went for gas less because I will be outdoors in Torquay welding the frame to hold the lace work in place to fit the Brickwork provided. I fitted the bricks with removable epoxy fixed inserts so I can remove the fence panels as many times as I want to complete the lace work. Although many fences in Torquay and many other places are curtesy of Bunning - China outlet, I like my fence to be the normal French - 3D art work. I go that extra step, places like #csiro refuses to go. I can do that as I do not write well I spent my time in Technical school system of the 1970's learning to do practical work. Those that have great knowledge of "poison pen" usage and have destroyed the patents I provided while I was at csiro, they claimed to be able to take my work forward, they did not - but they crafted great reports and gave each other csiro medals. - No one thought that Australia will loose practical skills and trained work force that surrounded Australian Petrochemical industry in the West of Melbourne in places like Altona, but they did, now they cry "skill shortage" while espousing grandiose plans. My father worked as a Boiler Maker and welder from 1960's until his death. He went from making stainless steel parts for the meat processing industry to Architectural fixtures that are used in multi million dollar houses. His generation of skills died out with the shrinkage of Australian Industry. I went on to become an engineer ending my professional career with Physicist at csiro, some of them in "management of science" would not know the "elbow from their ar*s", but claim by virtue of unrelated PhD in Physics to have ideas on how to improve wool processing machines -they call it simply engineering skill set - while they reserve accolades of innovation for themselves by producing "thought bubbles". It was my great disappointment at "team csiro" when they lost obvious patents to NSC Schlumberger. Deeds speak louder then words they only had trappings of science; publish papers. Lesson from this is pick who you will work with - who will be your "boss" in choosing your job.
How to compete with?#csiro, In R&D, a "bread&butter" is the "prototype", there are many manufacturing processes that can get one to a "prototype" over the years I listened and read about 3D printing - and we do own a midsize 3D printer , CNC a of various types , lathes and mills but there is nothing like Fabrication using Aluminium, Stainless steel, steel and aviation grade alloys of various types. I use a water jet CNC machine to produce the parts, cut through almost anything - the parts are 3D designed and detail produced on a CAD for 2D water jet cutting. My welding station is nothing special but a combination of Mig, TransMig, Tig and even stick setting operating in AC or DC, depending on the material to be joined. My skills as welder are best described as an amateur and my "Chicken Tracks" are legendary. But I can look at the weld and be critical - not enough penetration or bead is uneven. But I have one skill that works ; I can tack weld my water jet components together so those that are the Artists of Welding - like my father was can give the final weld run justice. Most of this gear is "cheap" relative to a metal 3D printer of the quality I would like to buy - but what is even cheaper is a water jet to cut components. This was all used to build the only ever Australian Merino type wool high speed combing prototype and expose an ongoing "f*kup" by csiro. Did they actually think that by stealing my patents ( ok they were theirs as they paid my salary ) they could just replace Dr Kirby and myself with engineers and grab what would have been our success. The management of science in Australia as run by CSIRO are wrong, you can not have a "manager" or "investment banker" no matter how they started their career as "scientist" thinking that the actual work of R&D can be done by anyone who is "suitably qualified", it is more about endurance and drive to succussed rather then knowing "google" key words ( or MOUs or thought bubbles - on the end of the day it has to be made - not talked about ). So you need "skills" a line that echoed in my ears since I was a boy - they don't need skills they need "compliant" people not people that will challenge them - it is a recipe of failure and nothing exemplifies that then what was once a premier R&D establishment; CSIRO. Dr.B.Kirby and I are one such example of management of science failure.?
Ongoing problem with my supplies of CNC and 3DP parts, This is a MC (Metal conduit) splash proof plug containing 7 pins - it was identified by some people as STC-Cannon plug however they are referred to as DIN 7 plugs, I am unable to source those plugs contacting the Chinese manufacturer of the Ditron DRO they were not helpful, in my last post I called it "lost in translation", two remining problems are cutting the MC cable which I can do but need a more efficient method, last problem is sourcing the OD 7.5mm MC conduit cable. My Chinese supplies of AliExpress are not very helpful when it comes to parts that I wish to alter they are happy to provide me with whole assembly but not parts I wish to extend or modify. I will now try my other suppliers element14 and mouser. If any of my readers can be helpful please drop me a suggestion of what the plug could be, way to cut the MC cable or any other suggestion. Mean while I will give this a rest for few days.?#chinasourcing?#aliexpress?#amazon?#mouser?#cnc I will also make a post on CNC forums.
Lost in translation, I use those Din7 plugs for stainless steel conduits on my 3DP and CNC machinery sensors. Can anyone Identify those DIN7 plugs for electrical usage - they are not GXS or MIL spec - they are splash proof electrical connectors.
They; the plugs are usually sold with complete kits from Ditron - maker or DRO or Sino- maker of my preferred sensors in China. However talking to either of the companies I usually get; "dear, this is Hall sensor use RPM function" or "Thank you for your visit our store! For DRO linear scale customers, please leave a message for telling us what working length of the scale you need...", there might be many levels of problems, but I tried with a few words just to say "can you sell me DIN 7 Male & Female inline connector as shown in the picture, I need minimum of 10 " #electrical?#china?#cnc?#cncmachine
Math and its glory
What Mathematicians do, a scene from The Martian movie 2015, I will do one for EE and ME Eng, this is about Mathematicians calculating Lagrange flight path - no Newton BS; god of physicist acting in management of science in csiro : The Martian - flight path calculation. This is for the information of Physicist acting in management of science who f8kup most?#csiro?patents and IP due to the lack of common sense. This also has EE and ME components. Check out the hubris of the management. https://lnkd.in/ggAtCM_8 Deeds speak louder then words they only had trappings of science; publish papers.
"Entrepreneur" Myth
How to explain failure(s) of?#csiro; I came to csiro with some background of being an "entrepreneur" ( something csiro coveted ) with; a patent experience, university engineering degrees, age 24 - and experience working with Stuart Davis, an established "entrepreneur". We built a robot to open Scallops in 1980's, I was young, being a graduate with limited expereince -and Davies being older technologist, "entrepreneur" and one handling all the problems -we produced a patent but got funding from an unscrupulous entity in an Australian fishing industry that was working on similar lines. Our R&D was confiscated by using an "Anton Piller" order. An "Anton Piller" order is law from UK regarding IP development (?1975 English case of?Anton Piller KG v Manufacturing Processes Limited, dealing with the theft of trade secrets read more?https://lnkd.in/dMXMsXDE?)- it is old by todays standard - and Davis and I were to be first served with the order in the Commonwealth of Australia. They argued in court that we were by a virtue of being given some money - an employees. This broke Stuart Davies &I had to find work. CSIRO become interested in myself as an "entrepreneur", a buzz word even in the 1980's, what ever that meant to them- to me it meant I was going to be paid a regular income. As I did not come from a normal pool of people they hire I was place on a 3 year term in that time I generated a patent- after sever terms another patent they made me ongoing. I think it was their hope that I would be eternally grateful. I did have ambitions of my own -in form of building something extraordinary as oppose to "just being another CSIRO scribe". I think they confused my ambition in science with their lesser ambitions and soon I become a threat in terms of inhouse toxic politics which included all sort of "bullying". Hey I grew up in Footscray I do not get bullied by wank*rs no matter what titles they give themselves but without evidence of scientific work and more management buzzwords. Deeds speak louder then words they only had trappings of science; publish papers. My story: Ref: read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga?or or start from here;?https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR
Anton Piller Order: Nuclear Weapon of Law and nemesis of the entrepreneurs. I live in fear of this order after csiro. Anton Piller order is often called as the nuclear weapon of Plaintiffs in law. The reason behind this is that this remedy has tremendous powers and promises quick and one- step solution to the problem of Plaintiff- infringement of their (his/her) IP or what they claim to be their IP, or simply they are a party that donated money to solve a particular problem - usually employing others or "donating money" to a solution or in aid to define the recipient as an employee. Anton Piller orders are a form of civil search warrants that help preserve evidence. The aggrieved approaches the Court in an urgency and seeks inspection and raid of the premises of the alleged wrongdoer without prior notice, in order to find and preserve evidence that it believes would otherwise be destroyed. A Court Commissioner can be appointed by this exparte order to visit the Defendant’s premises and search and seize the infringing goods. In order to maintain the element of surprise and ensure preservation of requisite evidence, the order is passed without hearing the alleged wrong doer or the opposite party. In short law will protect money.
In legal ethics, exparte refers to?improper contact with a party or a judge. Ethical rules typically forbid a lawyer from contacting the judge or the opposing party without the other party's lawyer also being present. A breach of these rules is referred to as improper ex parte contact.
But this is what I do now. My community service; many locals in Torquay know my passion for electronics, computers (IoT) and mechanical goods. If you cleaned it and its not too dirty, I will repair it or redesign to work better, it is a good challenge ( no Sudoku for me - I need something practical ?? ) also to see how some designers think and their goods work. This is Dyson vacuum cleaner - normal retail price $300 or $499 if you are looking (2nd hand on eBay $50 + postage, probably has problems like lower suction ) . Normally the arm chair repair artist and management of science in places like?#csiro?or google experts simply think that if they know keywords or YouTube clip; problem is fixed. I will append a link to a YouTube clip one of many on Dyson vacuum cleaners ( one I thought was better then the rest ), but common link between the repair job and successful outcome. No1. Skills and No2 tools. The other part; if a unit is more then 3y old getting that plastic part is a problem - CRD has a CNC and 3DP facility, but I often make parts of Brass or Steel to replace parts that have been broken due to stress or misuses. My best effort was an Aluminium & Brass replacement on a plastic module for the locking mechanism in my Hyundai car. Yes I have a PhD, MS with EE and ME degrees ( and I am a user and maker of software) but unlike lot of people within CSIRO I know "my elbow from my a*s". This Dyson vacuum cleaner has burnt its motor and shredded the impeller, replacement cost $40, new local in Australia. My time - well it took longer to write this then it did to replace the motor and do the research on YouTube and to actually identify correct part. You need a skill to know what you are looking at, pick the best approach and how to go about duplicating the results. Do I do this for living? - no I don't, its done for a challenge - I am getting sick and tied of looking at NSC Schlumberger type comb problem I solved 20y ago but needed to build the facility to make the prototypes now its done this is the facilities alternative usage. I am using CRD facilities to help local community - only those that are on pension or have hardships -that service is free. But then my view has always been if you only do it for money you are a who%e. People that know me know that my motivation is respect, a pity those that worship money and have no respect for real skills and do not keep their word. Here is a link to the best video clip to repair Dyson Dc19:?https://lnkd.in/dH4Dhjpz you can watch it looks easy but tools required are missing from most peoples tool box. Now I have an almost new Dyson - motor and the impeller is new.
This is an eclectic collection of my publication on related PhD topics - mechanics of getting it painlessly, manufacturing, repair of my equipment , lab and as usual my opinion on hashtag
#csiro and their management of science, how to create innovation and how to go about commercialization with all its pit falls. I have experience working for csiro, university, mining sector, processing of metals and car industry. My background was starting from Technical School onward. Longest time I spent in employment was with CSIRO. I have learned that getting a commercial idea and producing a working prototype for me is relatively easy. What was not easy for me is keeping the recognition and of course the money that comes with such success. We all need to be rewarded for our sweat and tears. My preoccupation and dare I say unhealthy preoccupation with CSIRO is their Janus - 2 face attitude to innovation. But I am keeping busy as I have my own lab and prototypes that I have built. Back to CSIRO there are three type of individuals within CSIRO: 1. Boffin - usually from a top university that only know publishing ( large number ) 2. Innovators & scientist - like Dr.B.Kirby and myself ( very small miniscule number ) that produce a commercial patent and IP every 3-4 years. AND there is number 3. Thievery experts - usually group leader and above, that hired people and claim by the act of hiring and mentioning stuff in meeting once they learnt "key words" claim all successes produced by those in group 2. They are the management of science, they usually secure their positions by giving "csiro" medals to those in group 1 thus ensuring that they shine, group 2 is made redundant and they hope that group 1 can pick up their work or simply hire more naive fresh blood from the Universities. New PhDs are attracted to csiro like moths to the flame - first because income is just little bit better then scholarship or sessional work. It will take them a while to realize that they can get x10 more money working for mining or like industry. YES it is all about money, length of the working life and quality of life NOT work. Money bus you better quality of life and even your own lab just ask Musk or Gates.
Amexio group AI program Director
2 年About About the management of innovation I would say that it is often like a butchery company run by vegans :-). Thanks. Even if english is clearly not my native language, I like a lot your article, even if some aspects seem sad for my point of view (a failure is always sad). Some references as Liebniz (the name of one on my PC), having a "lab" (I have mine) etc... made my day. I have no PHD and any diplomas (I created my first company when I was 23 in AI) I feel a little inappropriate to comment your article. But it is very interresting one.