#xcsiro ToD21thCentury 111-120: Australian Worsted Comb Story
Hybrid stepper motor for lathe screw as designed by Clouth42 and used by CRD as mill attachment cut helical gears

#xcsiro ToD21thCentury 111-120: Australian Worsted Comb Story

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC120?#csiro);?

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ToD21c120: Rebuilding our RAID10 NAS server, no activity on my part. We are adding an additional 24TB of storage space, 2x12TB NAS-HDD. Scary time as our Linux server has told us it will take 12h. 1h /TB. I only just recently read about a Japanese University that went through a Hardware upgraded loosing 77Gb of R&D Data.

https://lnkd.in/gUvCqYb5?. In my company CRD P/L, I could loose 30y of research, development and manufacturing data of the only ever Australian worsted comb.?#csiro?#xcsiro. I also worked out that in power failure we could only sustain a backup battery for 4hours before we run out of time - considering that it takes a 12 h to rebuild the data in storage. I am lucky that in Torquay Victoria we have not had more the 2h electricity blackout. I am thinking about building a backup UPS running on Truck size sealed deep charge battery connected in parallel and guaranteeing 24h of NAS server operation. This is an example one of my design projects to use a Solar panel connection for a battery servicing our NAS server. The other approach is to have a break/resume rebuild of our data software when power is off, UPS is running for a system to shut down by itself and that only takes about 10min - better approach and cheaper. PS// option 2 cheaper solution less technology just some more software I guess I will have to write it.

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ToD21c120:?Let sanity in computing prevail, be a computer thrill seeker. >>>The NAS server is still rebuilding itself (its done now 1d later) to accommodate 24Tb of new space. So Why do we need such a large space - could an Australian worsted combing project ever generate that much data. The Answer is surprisingly simple VM, HyperVM, Legacy, Cluster Super Computer, Ghost and Linux. In a busy environment we need to limited our exposure to computer problems - what ever they might be. Legacy - we run our programs and software written since windows 95 through Win 10 Pro, servers and Linux. For instance if we need to test a new feature out provided by our suppliers we can create a VM "sand box". If we need to run a legacy program in WinXP we can run it from an OS VM file accessing all the hardware we have. Each program and OS can take anything from 2-50Gb, they are stored and maintained as gho or img or iso files. We do not run any hardware such as disk, dvd or any other external device - they are created as VM - DVD. When we purchase software from for instance Microsoft OS Win10Pro or Win11Pro x64 they are downloaded as *.iso files with an activation key, once the software is installed they call phone to MS and product is registered for updates, we store that registered files as a VM-Vanilla file and is used to ghost our system back to its optimum and they are sequentially numbered ( 023Green32Win10x64>> 023 sequential no, Green32 Machine name, Win10x64 OS used choice Hardware/VM )as more and more critical software is installed. Take for instance a single computer or VM might have a system backup ranging up to 30 img files from Vanilla to the latest installed program. I also run a file for each OS named after the rainbow - ROYGBEV and serial numbers - most notorious being Norton Enterprise requesting regular SN checks. I am a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, I am in my 60ies and I do not want to spend my time that I have repairing software faults on all of our many computers, life is to short for that - I just want to be a father of the only ever Australian built worsted comb and have my place in Australian Science and Tech History. Facilitate change?#csiro?#xcsiro?from the dumb ar*s path of "management of science" that lesser beings with PhDs in Physics have chosen. My mission is a rescue mission of?#Australia?science as it was pre 1990 to a place that pulsed with vitality of science and technology and attracted me to work there; start from here and read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga?.

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC119#csiro);?

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ToD21c119; Recommended reading on being green by reducing a Carbon footprint and saving money. This is more if you are stuck for decision getting a replacement printer that is cost effective for a small office/lab. Since I run my company for 25y significant amount of my time was taken up with office equipment, tools, CNC +3DP machinery and supplies, perhaps as much as the IT component of my company. I have taken an advantage to replace our A3 printer from my favourite brand Hewlett-Packard A3 printer HP2800 for which we paid $1500 some 12y ago to a new EPSON 16600 Work Force A3 printer/scanner at cost of $1200 ( normally about $1600 ) we got a bargain. I have been going over the last 10y of spending on HP printer and decided that real cost was in cartridges and printheads made the cost of the printer almost irrelevant. The printer would have lasted longer had we not tried out a non genuine printer cartridges. This was a second printer I ruined by trying to save money by buying non-genuine heads and cartridges. My first printer I ruined was HP2600dtn which almost cost $500 in laser cartridges, same problem lack of ink ( in Laser its Tonner - dust gets into everything ) in cartridges and limited print run. As we all know now the HP has a chip implant in a cartridges which tells the printer if we installed a cheaper off the market product and then it does damage. On the other Hand Epson 16600 can be refiled from a large bottle - no need to say any more. I am trying to decide what to do with my HP2800dtn - cannibalize it for electronic and mechanical components or simply sell it for a nominal price. ?#csiro? #xcsiro ?#hewlettpackard? #epsonprinter? ?#environment? #carbonfootprint?#carbonreduction?PS// we still have a HP276dw as an A4 printer scanner but our main work has shifted to Epson 16600. Please note that we shifted from HP to Epson in this product category as HP did not have a compatible product that was green and offered refill ability. Cost effective printer in bottle refill models and price range $1500-2000 for a small office and WIFI connectivity is a must as the printer will move around the office in lifetime of the usage. There is no bargain in market offered printers/multifunction centres and its certainly not something that costs less then cartridges and printheads combined if it needs replacement. Also note when you purchase a cheap printer it comes with only just enough ink to test and start the product.

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Age is not a barrier in TKD, I am over 60+ young and this is my training post. The orb on the top of the post is what I am aiming for, certainly before my motorcycle accident in 1998 and learning to walk again. my kicking height has been reduced from kicking the top of the door?lintel to something around the height of my chin. I can still do splits forward and side but my strength is reduced however my technique has improved. There are 28 Poomsae ( patterns : official, historical and others ) and in TKD, 8 Palgwe 8 Taegeuk 9 Black Belt and 6 kicking patterns. I enjoy them all - about 2h workout ( I like kicking - major component of my training -spinning an jumping however not extradentary 360 kicks I am too old for that and get dizzy with age ear drums do not work as ear drum liquid is more viscous and one gets dizzy easy ). Also note that training is always about maintain a technical distance which you can see from my foot work. When I have a break in visitors I put on my uniform (dobok my choice is Black or Gold ) and I exercise. Do not underestimate the will and determination of a 60y young person. TKD got me through many tough times mental and physical. I will keep going past 100 I hope. NOTE: There is no one superior martial arts, there are only superior practitioners - it is all about you and your effort and nothing more - most from Boxing to Kong Fu are about persistence and overcoming the limitations of mind, thinking and living with a body you have.?#csiro?#xcsiro?Note: I do like Krav Maga for self defence - but through life one picks up what works and what does not - best defence is never get into that position, respect and never underestimate your opponent, defend only as last resort and do not hold back - limitation of those that learn their self defence through sport association. Do not be over zealous only inflict what is need and help the opponent recover some pride it's how we grow as human beings. I also lean towards stick - fighting, at my age it is a valid improvised technique & those are my Oak Trees under which I train.

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After a year on my electric pedal assist bike powered by portable panel which serves as a charging station in my back yard. Top speed of 45km/h in favourable conditions and cruising speed of 35km/h while assisted paddle I was able to get to most of the places between Geelong, Torquay and Lorne. Making a special adopter for the trailer normally intended for a push bike I was able to do all my grocery shopping. With a portable solar panel I was able to create a charging station in my back yard clocking up 6000 km that equates roughly to: a 10 tank full of petrol, my car has a range max of about 550km at cost of $AUD90/tank. At this rate about 2 years will pay the bike back and I gained in health. This is impressive if one does not go out and buy a designer bike and clothing. I do get a thrill in passing a peloton of middle level management & sales (men and women ) types in their designer clothing riding $AUD5-10k setups. My entire setup, solar cell, 2 batteries , trailer & circuit I modified was under $AUD2k.

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What is sad is that peloton tries to keep up with my ebike what is more sad and trill to me is to bate them by just keeping out of their reached while my celery and groceries in my trailer a clearly fluttering in the breeze. Hee Hee... evil Nick?? No heart attacks and pile ups in peloton as yet - That is how you save environment and change carbon intensive habits.?#csiro?#xcsiro?#environment?#solar?I feel need for speed will be building a 48v /1500W as long as I can get light weight battery, I will settle for 24v/1000W Building a bike form Alibaba components is cheap that includes all control elements. I told one of my Dutch friends that I have gone all Dutch on bike riding. I feel smugness and I am more heathier now then I ever been in my life certainly more then when I was at csiro and neglected life in futile expectation of being recognized for success I created there ( that includes mental health ) - I was not their ephemeral poster material. Where to Start: Read from here:???https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR?at bottom of each publication is link (navigation bar) to the next so they can be read in order in which they were intended.

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Link>> Time to Chill...and Binge?"THE EXPANSE", with characters like : Drummer is the Show's Best Character Not to mention rest of the cast making many powerful characters and above all I like the mix of humanity in space. Voted one of the best technically executed SF prop that are accessible today - need an Epstein Drive. The Epstein Drive is a?modified Fusion Drive invented by Solomon Epstein?https://lnkd.in/grd4BrFV The solar system is at war. As Marco Inaros and his Free Navy launch devastating attacks on Earth and Marks, tension threatens to tear the crew of the Rocinate apart. Secret missions could turn the tide, but something is brewing on a distant planet that could cause trouble for everyone. The sixth and final season ...It is like cancelling the STAR TREK in the 1960's.?#xcsiro?#csiro?just as it got interesting - I will now read the books. Unlike csiro characters that are 2D I like are strong regardless of political tropes and an impression that csiro only expect excellence and success in research which they claim will be rewarded - it is not true. World and my entertainment is not about "trust me" paternalistic attitude of csiro , but in the end they lie and cheat the young. You are better on your own - the tech is not a barrier to success.

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Time to Chill... The spin-off of "The Mandalorian" will star Temeura Morrison as Boba Fett and Ming-Na Wen as Fennec Shand. My new Clint Eastwood character is Jake "The Muss" Heke in?"Once Were Warriors" (1&2), a film adaptation of?Alan Duff's?novel of the same name.???#csiro?#xcsiro?I liked both...Binging time.

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC118#csiro);?

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ToD21c118;?$30 of components life time of expereince, you can teach EE and ME but you can not teach at university how to find a useful project or improve a complex project- that is called expereince & insight. No Management of Science?#csiro?BS. I do this for "friends" and enthusiasts?#stem?at $0, but I will not handed it over to those that get & lose obscene amount of money in places like csiro who have gotten top heavy with non-science people and those that manage science in Australia and might have had a PhD in past but last have been seen working inside of the lab in 20th century. I have built a x4 productivity comb according to?#abares?to process Merino wool and add to our economy. This is technology owned by my company. No patents no memorandums of understanding MOUs - just closed door. csiro had 20y in which they promised to take my patent that I had with csiro forward they failed. The NSC Schlumberger incorporated Sokolov cams [Ref:?https://lnkd.in/grqNXQ5]?into their design to make a more stable general worsted comb. But as result of csiro BS post my redundancy they mentioned all the keywords that would allowed them to make a claim should I take out a patent on this key Australian Agri machine. I have never gotten a written release from csiro to exploit my work to the benefit of Australia and of course my company CRD P/L. The Sokolov worsted comb is built from cheap readily available components and technology. Skill to do this took a lifetime. Where to Start: Read from here:???https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR?at bottom of each publication is link (navigation bar) to the next so they can be read in order in which they were intended. . It takes real technology to build first ever Australian worsted comb ?#electricalengineering?? ?#mechanicalengineering?also see ToD21c117. #science ?#economy ?#technology? #productivity In action?https://youtu.be/cArs_29RnaU?hope that solves your problem?. I will add more specific code when I have bit more time.. There is no load on this NEMA17 Stepper motor so current consumption is nominal in mA and voltage is 12v. Control is an Arduino Duemilanove. (rev 2009b - Uno compatible ATmega382P compatible ) suitable for in-circuit usage. Supply 5V when not operated from USB. probes are there to check that I am supplying 12v

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Link to this >> Looking to purchase and in need of repair ( I prefer postage only, not realistic ) >>Used B&K mini shaker - 10N max ( or up to 100N ) , Bruel & Kjaer 2706 Power Amplifier, B&K charge amp , accelerometer ( I have few but non B&K - also I have a HP Agilent sync 20ff 34970A signal gens and HP3570A NSA ). Anything in this list would be appreciated - will pay postage if you wanted it returned and if you are uni - will write you a course notes ). I would like to run some demos on cross-correlation and coherence on my HP-Agilent NSA ( I have model up from what Dave is using, my NSA is HP3570A, 4 Channel fully software loaded and on my IEEE488.2/WiFi Bus - one of my repair projects - in process we learned to burn the SlutROM for that unit) . I seen "Great EE Dave" do a demo on YouTube would like to do some of those tests - Dave is a real scrounger when it comes to equipment, he has friends - this is not a money project for me it is just to demo to my group; usefulness of sweep frequency response in ME see EEVblog 1443 - They Don't Teach This in School! (Coherence). Yes Dave they teach it at "school" ( Dave was rock climbing that week ).?https://lnkd.in/grEPzYvq #xcsiro?#csiro?In csiro I used to enjoy going to a store room EE and borrowing this to play with in my lab and demo to the tech staff. I use to do this a lot - and also teach tech staff - used to drive Barry Budgie ( my group leader - that and setting up chess boards near coffee urn - to play anyone- ended up playing Dr.B.Kirby as we used to take unusually timed breaks) nuts - particularly when he caught me demonstrating sampling to a TA the same TA that cost me 6 months in my experiment by making an error on sampling after he was left to repeat my experiments in High speed combing trials. He did not have a TO technical education...If you are University or Gov R&D Lab I would like to borrow/buy cheap this equipment - I will pay the postage. ( B&K shaker, charge amp, accelerometer-1D and drive amp )

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good news... got the shaker Spectral Dynamics M230 claims to be in good condition with some scratches. Normal price is $USD1400 2nd hand its about $USD700 I got it for $USD73 approx $AUD120 including shipping. Not as good as Bruel & Kjaer - will see.. Next on the list is Bruel & Kjaer 2706 Power Amplifier

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My comment on CSIRO post ( propaganda ) was taken down by?#csiro?apparatchiks of science,( white washed mems and trope peddlers ) truth hurts and reminder of past FU's and people the management of science csiro destroyed is perhaps not in line with "story csiro wished to tell" especially if the story is from someone who has had achievements with CSIRO, not an outsider, not a disgruntled employee BUT someone whose work is contributing to every day primary industry processing without return to Australia but serving NSC Schlumberger. I am a Father of the "Australian Worsted Comb" with patent key element with csiro, I built the only ever Australian worsted comb yet my reward was obscurity & redundancy ( it made a stain on my reputation and the only way I got work was through my former students and university alumna - which I am grateful ). Not suitable to be included in CSIRO diversity and ephemeral decision making. Here read the full story:?https://lnkd.in/gHWXCwga?#xcsiro?at bottom of each 86 publications is link to the next publication. It is how csiro management set and destroyed 21st century that is now 21y old. In first 21y of CSIR and latter CSIRO there were many achievements - but management today tends to refer to those as "picking low hung fruit" of science. This CSIRO is only a shadow of its former self and a political tool. For Dr.Kirby and I; another year without recognition from csiro for technology we developed for processing our merino wool and other like fibres but it is all to a benefit to NSC Schlumberger in Europe and no return to Australia or csiro to hire more scientist - it has not stopped them hiring non-scientist and pseudo scientist to spin a narrative.

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC117#csiro);?

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ToD21c117;?I have limited space on my main -EE (&ME) desk. Those are my current MDF supported boards for associated wiring. Best way to view this image is to open it in new Tab and use magnifier icon to see details. This is what it takes to build drones (Length; 2m at wt 75kg) and Australia's only ever worsted comb (100kg/h, that is x4 NSC Schlumberger productivity rate - Sokolov worsted comb is current world wide tech #abares ) . The equipment is aging but its maintained and calibrated by me - not using state of the art electronic calibrators but know how of physical phenomenon. Frankly I do not have enough space or money to have "everything" I need, but what I have is a systematic approach to work on many projects and maintain an active documentation on each. Each project has to be built to a module level providing all the voltages and components with only two connections power and communication. This makes it easier to debug and implement. Each component with a module can be exchanged with a known working component. If I need more room a module neatly fits in a plastic "toy" box with its documentation and stacked in storage will we wait for components or diagnostics to be called. This is a follow-on from ToD21c116..??#scienceandtechnology???#csiro??#xcsiro???#engineersaustralia?Where to Start: Read from here:?? https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR? at bottom of each publication is link (navigation bar) to the next so they can be read in order in which they were intended. . It takes real technology to build first ever Australian worsted comb ?#electricalengineering ??#mechanicalengineering?Useful tool in all of this is a CNC controlled routing table see ToD21c115. All of this is an organic lab growth - I started with lot less - it took years to get to this level, do not expect your lab to be this in first 5 years. This is real management of science not CSIRO BS - they used to be able to do this ( as I was member of their Research team so I have first hand expereince of management class BS and their obsession not giving due credit ) - certainly the people I associated with did know their technology and commitment. Those were the informal personalities and loose associations that made csiro great in pre 1995 era.

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC116#csiro);?

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ToD21c116; LEDs are ON - it is Christmas season and this is an engineers Christmas tree, Programming for my experimental Hybrid stepper motor programming module used in only ever Australian worsted comb built. This is an Electronic Gear ratio using a hybrid motor and an optical encoder. Ratio of input to output ( see jpg ) is 20:1 (0.05) adjustable. With its origins at?#csiro?but a beating heart of my success and their mismanagement of science. This module also works in my mill to make helical gears and withdrawing fluted rollers.

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This is a follow-on from ToD21c115.. ??#scienceandtechnology ???#csiro ?#xcsiro ??#engineersaustralia? Where to Start: Read from here:??https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR?It takes real technology to build first ever Australian worsted comb? ?#electricalengineering ??#mechanicalengineering?Useful tool in all of this is a CNC controlled routing table see ToD21c114. MyRef: "Mechanical Computer - prime numbers" Published on November 2, 2014?https://lnkd.in/gBteeuW Australian worsted merino wool French type comber. Ref : "Guide to CSIRO Pt.2/12" Published on September 16, 2015 https://lnkd.in/fKD8a6k

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC115#csiro);?

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ToD21c115; My experimental Hybrid stepper motor programming module. When desk or lab space is at premium one needs a modular way of debugging the control system on the comb. I regularly make a MDF based support tables for diverse control systems. This is not taken apart but its used as a stencil to debug the operations of the only ever built Australian worsted comb. Bread board in middle is used to inspire additional circuit modification but eventually the circuits are made into their own boards with minimum of wiring. No wire is cut until, it is fitted and then surplus is spooled using a Velcro tape or bindings in place. "measure twice cut once" approach. Where there is interconnection to the boards it is usually connected with a multi strand cable and smaller interconnections are done with inline plugs.

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In electrical engineering there are many types of plugs best to consult the current carrying chart. But this is all expereince - never rush a project. All my projects are self contained and can be boxed with documentation while I wait for few weeks for the right component to arrive. I have other work I can do - result is always worth the wait. I never order just one component I order many so next time they are at hand. First few years was many projects on hold for component wait - but now I just simply look at our trays and if it is low I order more. My dispute with csiro is never on my mind but if nothing works out I would have had an interesting project that paned out into many skill areas. I have always said "csiro can mange themselves until they go blind or they get hairy palms"- which csiro excel in..?

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#scienceandtechnology??#csiro??#xcsiro???#engineersaustralia?Where to Start: Read from here:??https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR It takes real technology to build first ever Australian worsted comb?#electricalengineering?#mechanicalengineering Useful tool in all of this is a CNC controlled routing table see ToD21c114.

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC114#csiro);?

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ToD21c114; This is our CNC routing table set up to cut 2mm thick instrument grade aluminium. Al is hard to cut in our CO? Laser, I have no problem in cutting various shapes on our CNC machine. Inventor CAD produces a flat folded strategy which is imported into MasterCamX to produce the G code. Our CNC uses a camera and image recognition to find an edge of our work. After the Laser is removed an auto Z motion finds the height of our work piece, we take reference form edge being [x=0 y=0] z is found with a circuit completed between the table and the tool that creates z=0. And we are ready to cut complex shapes. with variation in Z something we can not do on our Laser machine. This is all home brew technology purchased from parts sourced from AliExpress in China. Not all parts are from China some precision parts are from Japan and Germany. If you look close enough to the enlarged region one can see the red laser dot. PS- Laser was purchased and made in the US. The world needs to collaborate if we are to advance science and technology. I have written software for the Chinese firms and it was given away for free as Chinese are oriented towards making money but not developing additional software - that is ok by me. I don't have a problem with sharing building blocks of technology.?#scienceandtechnology?#csiro?#xcsiro??#engineersaustralia?Where to Start: Read from here:??https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR It takes real technology to build first ever Australian worsted comb.

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"Father of the Australian worsted comb"?#csiro?#xcsiro?taking time to work on my BMW R1150GS manufactured in Dec1999. last of the 20th century products. 350,000km ( I travel around and through Australia on this bike, I owned this bike since new. Bike No8, first bike since my motorcycle accident in 1998 Ref:?https://lnkd.in/gg7GtdS4?). This is one of my travels when I was working for a?#bhp?Olympic Dam.?https://lnkd.in/gZAt-2B??#abares?#engineersaustralia?Where to Start: Read from here:??https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR Not bad for a 65y young man I expect to double that before I give up. Not waiting to die but actively chasing a dream. I take those that I love with me on the life journey. The Life Journey comes with its own challenges some made some unexpected. YOLO :-)

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC113?#csiro);?

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ToD21thC112?#csiro.?In my pursuit to build a first and only Australian worsted comb , quality and reliability is all important. I am looking to place our first Australian made comb for merino wool, failed csiro project after they had advantage of a direction and my patent as a csiro employee. Reliability is everything - this is my electrical connector to one of the hybrid motors controlling the comb. It uses Ferrules or Bootlaces to create a more reliable connections. This type of work takes time and quality, something csiro has abandoned in 21th century. In CRD we pride our self continuing quality that once existed in csiro. Great bonus to Australian economy using Sokolov Comb.??#abares.?#xcsiro??#engineersaustralia?Where to Start: Read from here:??https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR

Each wire and plug is correctly rated and made according to IEEE standards. All plugs a checked with FIR for heat signatures of a bad connection. Skill comes with age and expereince. With age also comes wealth to buy the tools one could not get when they were young and mortgage with kids scientist. This is the time to make real money on science and technology and exclude "management of science" and pundits of science and technology and actually get the job done. Now is the time 20y into 21st century -2nd hand market is full of great equipment that places like csiro has purchased but failed to deliver on. The barrier of money at my age to do science is not there, but desire to succussed is still burning strong. No patents or papers only clad hard cash - that is what it took to build my facility that what it will take to have large company defend my work - that is what management of science is not directing the work but defending the commercial aspect of return on investment. Purchase of my company purchases the IP return on which for place like csiro would be many fold, I would be off course happy with a decent return on my investment in time and money. Individual does not need a great deal of wealth to be comfortable and keep the lab running - only employees need to be paid every day - I was that once in csiro I am no longer that.

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC112?#csiro);?

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In 1998 I was there (Parks) to introduce this new way of seeing a signal through new tools in mathematics; "Wavelets" or "ondelette" (French) few years latter Yves Meyer in 2017 was awarded the?Abel Prize?for his pivotal role in developing the mathematical theory of wavelets. Yves Meyer started his work 1990's and in 1995 I was made redundant by csiro, my work in 1998 was my PhD Wavelets - was a pivotal application in using wavelets in non-stationary signal. I guess 2021 for csiro is up to date with current theory. The signal below is depiction of Haar that evolved into Daubechies Wavelets modelling discontinuities and compression. Work done was by Ingrid Daubechies. How important is this work today it is ground breaking way of viewing a signal from such things as Black Holes or simply a gravitational pulse. In my my work I humbly attached a sticky tape to the surface of a cam in a "up y*s" to?#csiro?management of science ( also known as has-beens ) who kept insisting that "no new science" without grand expenditure in funds using an old urban legend in science "sealing wax and string" can not be done in the future.?#csiro?#xcsiro. It only indicates lack of imagination on the part of "management of science" in csiro or simply a grab for money ( discretionary spending on; furniture, visions of future (more like SF plagiarized ), travel, gab fest and signing of MOUs ). In real terms 60y is not along time in csiro .. it is just relativistic to everyday and the "ivory towers" of csiro management.?#parks Ref: Link to the Parks Article "Sixty years after it first gazed at the skies, the Parkes dish is still making breakthroughs" Oct 30, 2021?

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Fitting a new starter motor to my 1999 BMW R1150GS. Motor was made from new parts and has a greater Torque characteristics over the Original BMW starter motor. Why did we go to this much trouble, simply because BMW stops keeping parts after 20years. There are off market suppliers but we opted to cobble something together. Bike is on a Pneumatic Bike lift and safety bar is in position. I am heading into 500,000km on this BMW - also an acronym for Bring Money in Wallet if you want to buy OEM parts - they also need a BMW specific tool. So its all fun. Will be adding a road wide angle camera to see the rear traffic. Why don't I buy a new bike - it takes time for my old 65y old body to fit onto anything new and at 100kW+ from the rear wheel I still feel 25y when I turn the throttle and bike teleports - just keep in mind this is not a BMW stock standard bike this is been fiddled with - starting with re-chipping and cat removal.?#csiro?#xcsiro?#engineersaustralia?Where to Start: Read from here:??https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR

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Fitting a new starter motor to my 1999 BMW R1150GS.?on an old bike which I had since new and have done many km. Changing a starter motor uncovers other needs. This is a macro photo of the cabling behind a starter motor - it is disintegrating - one touch and its powder. My BMW old lady will be off the road while I change this part of the harness. It is not like a shop repair - and they do not repair 20 y old bikes such as my BMW R1150GS, it is a labour of love. That means that if I spot a problem while doing a simple change over it needs to be followed up. Problem with this type of a bike it can lead to a problem that are so many fold that it is hard to diagnose one can say it develops a personality - crabby old personality. This work will lead to now replacement and rebuild of the right hand electric harness..?#csiro?#xcsiro?#engineersaustralia?Where to Start: Read from here:??https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR

Tip of the Day21st Century(ToD21stC111?#csiro);?

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ToD21thC111?#csiro. How long does it take to make a project work? In short it takes months. This is a single Hybrid stepper motor control system with an optical encoder. The control system allows for computer control ratio between encoder and the driver - it is a form of digital gear box. This is a programming board system and differs from the implantation. I do not cut any cables at this stage - what ever manufacturer has supplied is what we use. Excess cable is gathered with Velcro strips and tied to the MDF board we build on our CNC machine. We also work on other projects - this system allows us to pick up the whole sub-system without disturbing the cables and place it in the box if we need the bench space. It takes time to get it right - this board is never disassembled new components are purchased and added to the first and only Australian Worsted comb. It allows us to test the software prior to implementation and we add the system diagnostic built into the comb - much like a photocopying machine - except its value adding to Australian Merino wool processing in Australia at capacity x4 its nearest competitor made by NSC Schlumberger. Great bonus to Australian economy using Sokolov Comb.? #abares.?#xcsiro? #engineersaustralia?Where to Start: Read from here:??https://lnkd.in/g_U4usuR

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Start at the Beginning

Jkk l

Rick Ruggiero

J.P. (Qual), MBA (Exec), Project manager and solution architect - IoT and Robotics

2 年

Your experience at CSIRO reads like a horror story. Best of luck wth the commercialisation of your technology, from my experience it is the hardest part of your journey.


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