Xapiens Participates in the National Forum on Personal Data Protection
In the rapidly evolving digital era, the protection of personal data has become a critically important issue. The personal information we share online has grown in quantity and diversity, ranging from identity data to personal preferences. However, concerns about data misuse and privacy violations have also increased in tandem with technological advancements. Hence, the Personal Data Protection Act (PDP Act) is a significant step towards regulating and safeguarding the security of individuals' personal information, which is also a fundamental right for every individual.
The Personal Data Protection Act (PDP Act) was introduced in response to the need to safeguard individual personal data from potential misuse. The development of information technology has brought about significant impacts on the collection, processing, and exchange of personal data. These data often serve as valuable assets for companies, but they can also become vulnerable targets for irresponsible entities.
The government, through the PDP Act, aims to provide clear legal protection for citizens' personal data. This law regulates the collection, use, storage, and transfer of personal data, while also granting individuals rights over their own data. With the presence of the PDP Act, it is hoped that the security of information shared in the digital environment can be upheld when it comes to personal data sharing.
In the effort to enforce the PDP Act and ensure compliance from various parties, technical support and infrastructure are crucial. Xapiens Teknologi Indonesia (Xapiens) is actively supporting the government in implementing the PDP Act. One of Xapiens' contributions is its participation in the National Forum on Personal Data Protection, initiated by the Ministry of Communication and Information and CBQA Global, which took place on August 30-31, 2023, in Bali.
During the event, Xapiens was a speaker on the second day, discussing the theme "Kesadaran Keamanan Informasi dalam Perlindungan Data Pribadi pada Organisasi & Perusahaan." The talk was presented by Mr. Muhamad Nursahid, Director & CEO of Xapiens Teknologi Indonesia. He also took part in a panel discussion alongside panelists from various companies that attended the event.
At the same time, Xapiens set up a booth as a space for forum participants to engage in detailed discussions about the kind of support that can be provided to companies, particularly in implementing the PDP Act.
With its expertise in technology, especially information security, Xapiens was able to contribute significantly to ensuring that information about the PDP Act could be communicated clearly and effectively to the public, especially to companies that handle customer personal data. In the future, Xapiens remains committed to supporting the development of a safe and trustworthy digital environment for all users.
For more information about the information security solutions offered by Xapiens, please contact us at [email protected] or through WhatsApp at 08118307090.