X Reality: The Bright Future for Humanity

X Reality: The Bright Future for Humanity

No Technological Doomsday

Thank goodness, that "The Singularity" theory is in the trash. Finally, at least in sensible technological conversation which now includes X Reality, if it weren't otherwise already in the landfill somewhere for a long time, perhaps since its very beginning, given that the fundamental flaw in it was the blatant and irresponsible omission of practical technological limitations, leading to bizarre yet frightening doomsday "predictions" or "hypothesized scenarios" suggesting technology's dominance over humanity, as depicted in the Terminator film franchise.

The fact that the idea of X Reality revolves around the human being's will (and control) at the core in totality, which is what sensible forecasters of technology through history would always have seen any technology as doing, implies a future in which the human user is permanently in the driver's seat, in all directions we could possibly head towards, with technology.

We Will Not Be Cyborg Freaks!

One of the biggest stumbling blocks in my career as a Professional Futurist has been the disrepute brought to the profession by those claiming it in co-optation efforts either before me or in my time in the profession, albeit without any credible competency in the field to justify their claims, asserting Pseudo-Scientific or Anti-Futurist ideas or concepts. One such idea is that of us human beings having to, without any alternative option, according to the idea, alter our physical or biological states, by engaging in amputations and implants, to have mechanical limbs and computer chips in our brains, to be able to optimally keep up with and harness technology. Notably, often the loudest voices for such propositions do not exactly have kids of their own.

Proponents of such ideas are probably as practical, in their ideas, as their realities are perhaps, of waking up to having breakfast with alien visitors from Nibiru every morning, before riding to work on unicorns, reporting to Sasquatch bosses, having lunch appointments with Lilliputs, working on weaving flying carpets in the office, having dinner in Neverland with Pinocchio and then going home to Banshee spouses. How such proponents have qualified or have been identified as Futurists, shall forever remain a mystery.

Coming back to scientific practicality, particularly to do with technology, X Reality is about technology serving its purpose of serving humanity, by responding to human needs, in turn by reading the human thought and will, via sensors, remotely, wirelessly, without impedance, without limits and without detriment to the human being.

Prime Deliverable: Happiness

"What the human mind can conceive, technology can execute or produce", is the threshold that will spell the hallmark of X Reality. Literally, devices controlled or driven by human brain waves will constitute X Reality.

The key ingredients of X Reality are the Internet of Things, Brain Computer Interface, the mesh of engineered realities (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality), Haptics and Artificial Intelligence. In combination, these ingredients and more will converge to create a level playing field like none has existed before, where the ability of thought will be the paramount currency ahead.

For none, will a physical limitation, a learning disability, conditions of birth, geography or any form of demographic grouping ever be a bar, again. His or her thought or ability for thought alone will be the determinant of his or her future, career, income capacity, role in society, role in commerce, role in industry and overall place in the world. What we are looking at to this respect, is true fairness and justice.

X Reality, which is where we transcend biology and technology alike at the same time, simply with thought, means that the gaps in the translation from thought to speech or thought to writing or thought to expression, literally, vanish. Human understanding reaches a new height, the paramount height rather, when we can connect with each other's thoughts directly, bypassing the communication dependent on the five senses. We will be able to follow and intimately appreciate each other's thought trains, thought processes and intentions. This opens the pathway to unprecedented acceptance, harmony and peace, if not collaboration, co-creation, co-operation and camaraderie.

Fairness + Justice + Opportunity + Mutual Understanding Assured = Happiness = X Reality

Evil Will Tremble

Much, or probably all, of the resistance to X Reality over the next decade will come from the undemocratic elements in our midst.

When you can traverse all boundaries, physical or virtual, time or space, to get to the root of everything, along with every other human being around you, transparency is guaranteed.

It is difficult to peddle divisions and hatred, when true understanding between peoples cannot be bridled. It is also difficult to condition, manipulate, deceive and mislead, when people are able to access unhindered, thought, intention and process, at will, because all things connected, virtual or physical, at the disposal, of each human mind. Basically, you have an end of exploitation coming.

The good news for the good among us is that any resistance to X Reality is futile, given the current trajectory of technological evolution, which is increasingly becoming difficult to deviate from, by the minute quite literally and actually.

The Future

We will be Omnipresent, virtually able to transcend all distances instantly without limits, being in multiple places at once even, by syncing into devices, systems or objects anywhere and everywhere.

We will be Omnipotent, with no limits to what we can do by syncing into devices, systems, machines, software or whatever else, to produce what we can imagine, with practicality of scientific laws the only limits; which is still pretty much a lot of power to each individual, relative to human history thus far.

We will be Omniscient, able to observe, witness and know anything we could simply ask to.

It is a future far more, than till now most have imagined possible, one where man can have power far surpassing than evil would have asked for itself.

Harish Shah is Singapore's first local born Professional Futurist and a Management Strategy Consultant. He runs Stratserv Consultancy. His areas of consulting and Keynote Topics include EmTech, Industry 4.0, HR, Digital Transformation, Product Development, X Reality, MarketingStrategic ForesightSystems Thinking and Organisational Future Proofing.

Raghu Kaimal

HR Technology | HCM | Employee Experience Tech | People Analytics | Workforce Analytics | Future of HR | Future of Work

6 年

Good read...



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