X Factor
The letter X often symbolizes something unknown, with an air of mystery that can be appealing. You might be most familiar with X from math class. Many algebra problems use X as a variable, to stand in for an unknown quantity.
X as a sign of the cross where Christ was crucified, or for Christ himself. But this symbol, or marker, can also be understood as a “crossing-over” to another dimension: a transcendence, transformation, or transmigration.
In English, X represents the unknown, as in X-rays, which baffled their discoverer, and Malcolm X, who chose the symbol to represent the forgotten name of his African ancestors.
X Symbolism
Osiris (crossed arms) (Satan)
Sun Worship (Satanism)
X-rated (Hardcore sex)
Abundance (Very)
An Unknown Quantity
Death and Negation
Toppled Cross
Skull & Bones
Marks the Spot (Treasure)
Multiplication (Generation)
Roman-numeral 10
A Cardinal Number
The Number of Law
Romantic Gesture (Kiss)
X = 6, the Number of Man over God
XX = Square & Compasses (Male & Female)
YXE 66 (The Dark Arts)
XXX = 666 (The Number of the Beast)
Moonshine booze
Abbreviation for Christmas
Case deemed unsolvable
Blocked Access
According to Porphyry of Tyros, the Egyptians used an X within a circle as a symbol of the soul; having a value of nine.
X originally developed from a Phoenician letter known as “Samekh”. 'X' was the first letter in the Ancient Greek word meaning "Chosen One." The Greeks modified this symbol to represent a sound called “Chi”.
The Chinese word "XI" (喜) carries the meaning of "happiness," "joy," or "delight" in English. It represents a positive emotional state...
Food for thought!