X is for X Factor
Kim Nugent
Passionate about From Prison to Possibilities Peer Educator and Mentorship Reform
I believe exceptional leaders have the X-Factor. These traits for exceptional leaders are distinct from general leadership traits. I think most people cannot describe the traits of an exceptional leader, as they have not had the experience of working for one. Based on my experience, I created these traits that exist in exceptional leaders as follows:
· Authentic: Genuine, real, transparent, and comfortable with who they are
· Depth: Understand the organization across all boundaries and themselves; willing to try new things; take risks
· Eclectic: Come to the position with a varied background of experiences; unique
· Energy of Being: Energy level has what it takes in good times and bad; resilient
· Generosity of Spirit: The ability to connect and relate to human beings; heart-centered; culturally sensitive
· Texture: Brings a sense of creativity when approaching each situation; multi-dimensional
· Visionary: Able to plan for the future and inspire others to achieve the vision, mission, and goals
So, what is your X-Factor? What is your unique talent? How can you positively impact the outcome of the organization in your role?
Can you relate to any of the exceptional leadership traits? Are you authentic? Creative? Eclectic? Have depth? Do you have a variety of experiences? Do you have a presence? Do you have texture? Do you have credibility? Are you innovative? Do you have a generosity of spirit? Are you interesting? Are you visionary? How many of these talents do you possess? Whar are your strengths? What is one behavior you can work on? For more articles, check out www.drnugentspeaks.com