The X-Factor: A Change Gon Come

The X-Factor: A Change Gon Come

“Things do not change; we change.” – Henry David Thoreau

There are few things harder or more necessary than change. It’s so much easier to go with the flow, ride out the phase, or just accept our lot in life than to be deliberate about altering our mind-set and behaviour towards a different outcome. Even with our daily routine, think about it, ‘routine’, we automatically go through the motions taking for granted there’s always time to do this or that – as if we can manage time, when we can barely manage ourselves. Often we wait until change comes to us, forcing us to adjust whether or not we think we’re ready. We can procrastinate as much as we want, we’re only delaying the inevitable. The choice is, do we make it happen or let it happen to us.

Change Close

If only we could change our lives the way we do our clothes. To think that we could decide how we’ll face the world in much the same fashion we choose our daily wardrobe. What if how we dressed was how we acted, meaning just like a costume party we assimilated the persona of our chosen attire? Every day would be Halloween right? That would be funny though. Today, I’m business smart so I act the part. Tomorrow, gangsta lean so I look cross and mean. She could be chic one day and that round da way chick the next. And the fun part is, as long as we don the threads, that’s how we’d tread. Would be interesting to see some people we never see ‘out of character’ in public loosen their belts and bra straps and let it all hang out, well, maybe not literally but you get what I’m going on about. What’s really interesting is many of us have no clue why we dress the way we do, as if this cultural upbringing is indigenous to you. With a country with a motto so rich with diversity, it’s ironic we dress with so much homogeneity – like we’re all from the same people, background and culture. Rarely do we publicly see the colours of our ancestry in full regalia – prints and embroideries depicting our heritage and style. No, all we see is European suits and dresses, all different but the same haircuts and tresses. Maybe if we spent the time to learn and found affinity with who we really are, the journey from identity to prosperity wouldn’t seem so far.

Pocket Change

If you look inside, truly search, it won’t be hard to find, that place where success equals peace of mind. We chase money as the root of happiness and success, but it’s in serving and giving that we shine the best. See people think money fixes all things, but no, it just masks the inadequacies within. So we strive to earn, put money in our pockets, when our souls are bankrupt in our posh houses and offices. The change we claim to seek has always been in our grasp. We just fail to see it, blinded by our masks. The paper chase is a race that can never be one, a futile attempt to ourselves outrun. The funny thing is, I find the more I genuinely give, is the more I get, the more I live. It’s a strange equation that on the surface makes no sense, to give what you don’t have, but never in pretence. See many of us posture and doing it for praise, but there are those who sacrifice in silence for spiritual gains. It’s never been about what money can buy, but what it can do for those we let die. If we change we way we teach about money, then we transform our homes and communities, and honey, wouldn’t that be sweet, sure would be neat. Making money is not as hard as it seems, just look at who has it and you’ll see what I mean. These were never geniuses or people with extraordinary skills; it just takes right knowledge, hard work and will. And even a little bit of the thing we call luck, but really it’s all about not giving a buck, to anything or anyone who doesn’t align with your goals, but to give generously to the weak, especially the young and the old. Printed money was never meant for the few to store, it’s for all of us, so together we can do more. 

Changes Good

So with all this talk about what’s good or not, and we stay up late binging till our eyes are bloodshot. We always know what needs to change in our lives, be it job, situation, husbands or wives. It’s less about being patient or weak; it’s about taking control and getting on our feet. There’s never been a time when going against the grade was easy, but we have to earn that wisdom from experience, believe me. It’s a rite of passage that makes us stronger, and only we can know when we can afford to wait no longer. Sometimes it’s right now, today, and other times we learn to listen to our inner voice and even need to pray. Whatever we face, from there’s life we can change. And we shouldn’t stress over how long’s the time range. All in good time, we had to go through that to get to this place, and sometimes we have to stand still for a while, so don’t always be in haste. The change will come no matter what we do. So what matters most is if the change is in and by you. B+ Email comments to [email protected]


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