Wyze Cam Plus Person Detection
As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m a big fan of Wyze products.
Initially, the Wyze cameras had on-camera person detection but a dispute with Xnor.ai forced Wyze to remove this.
This seemed like a bad thing but it has been good.
Wyze introduced a paid service called Cam Plus. It’s cheap ($1.25 per month per camera) and from time to time, they offer deals. I got an annual package for 5 cameras for $49.99.
In addition to person detection, Cam Plus offers package detection, vehicle detection, and pet detection. It also removes the 5 minute “cool down” period and has unlimited video length.
You can see how this looks in the following event log.
From the bottom to the top, you can see my neighbor pull into my driveway, walk to the front door, carry the package around to the back porch, return to his car, and drive off.
Just FYI, for my last purchase, I got the Wyze Cam v3 ($33.59) and a Samsung 32GB MicroSD card ($8.55).
Originally published at https://blog.benmoore.info.