Wydanie #19 - Amazon zamyka sklepy, wyceny start upów, pricing ChatGPT, jak zdoby? pierwszy 1000 u?ytkników?

Wydanie #19 - Amazon zamyka sklepy, wyceny start upów, pricing ChatGPT, jak zdoby? pierwszy 1000 u?ytkników?


Nowy newsletter wyl?dowa?! Mam nadzieje, ?e razem ze mn? dowiesz si? dzisiaj czego? nowego!

No i oczywi?cie - pami?taj prosz?, o klikni?ciu w przycisk?LIKE?po przeczytaniu. Wspólnie zróbmy tutaj wi?ksze zasiegi! ????


Metody wycen start up'ów

Jak wycenia? start upy? Metod jest BARDZO du?o. Artyku? pokazujacy najlepsz? metody w 2 wariantach: NEED to know oraz NICE to know, w zale?no?ci od etapu dojrza?o?ci.

MVP/Ideation stage (Friends/Family/Folks(3F) round): Pre-seed / Angel round

- Dave Berkus method (N1)

- Replacement Cost method (N2)

- Valuation by stage method (N2)

Early / Growth Stage (Angel Syndicates / Venture Capital): Seed / Series A

- Scorecard Valuation method (N1)

- Risk Factor summation (N1)

- Venture Capital method (N1)

- First Chicago (N2)

- 5x Your raise method (N2)

- Gross Profit x Competitor multiple (N2)

High Growth / Expansion Stage (Series B and Beyond): Venture Capital / Private Equity

- Discounted Cash Flow method (N1)

- Comparable Company method (N1)

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Wirutalni influencerzy - cd

Kontynuuacja w?tku z poprzedniego tygodnia, która poka?? Ci skal? tego zjawiska na rynku chińskim. MEGA ciekawe, jak przyjmie si? to w Europie.

Tech company Baidu said the number of virtual people projects it’s worked on for clients has doubled since 2021, with a wide price range of as little as $2,800 to a whopping $14,300 per year.

Beijing city announced in August a plan to build up the municipal virtual people industry into one valued at more than 50 billion yuan in 2025.

Many of China’s large tech companies have already been developing products in the virtual people industry.

Looking ahead to 2023, 45% of advertisers said they might sponsor a virtual influencer’s performance or invite a virtual person to join a brand’s event, according to the Kantar report.

Jak najwi?ksze apki zdoby?y pierwszy 1000 userów?

Super artyku?, pokazuj?cy strategie, którym kierowa?y si? najbardziej znane aplikacje na ?wiecie. Mo?ecie znale?? tutaj mas? inspiracji dla Waszych produktów lub biznesów.

  1. Just seven strategies?account for?every?consumer apps’ early growth.
  2. Most startups found their early users?from just a single strategy. A few like Product Hunt and Pinterest found success using a handful. No one found success from more than three.
  3. The most popular strategies involve?going to your user directly?— online, offline, and through friends.?Doing things that don’t scale.
  4. To execute on any of these strategies, it’s important to?first narrowly define your target user.?Andy Johns recently shared some great advice?about this.
  5. The tactics that you use to get your first 1,000 users are?very different from your next 10,000. A topic for a different post.

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Co z pricingiem generative AI?

Generative AI wars? Bardzo ciekawy artyku?, pokazuj?cy jak du?y problemem mo?e by? model pricing wokó? us?ugi. Poni?ej streszczenie napisane przez ChatGPT ;)

OpenAI recently announced pricing for businesses seeking to integrate its ChatGPT service into their own products, powered by a system known as a large language model (LLM). Buyers of LLM output are mostly companies that integrate language-related services like chat, composition, summarization, software generation, online search, sentiment analysis, and much more into their websites, services, and products. OpenAI is currently the biggest LLM provider, but there is growing competition from Cohere, AI21, Anthropic, Hugging Face, and others. These companies generally sell their output on a "per-token" basis, with a token representing approximately three-quarters of a word. To give an example, the baseline price of a very powerful OpenAI model called Davinci is 2 cents for a thousand tokens.

Last week, OpenAI released ChatGPT at one-tenth the price of Davinci, leading to a tsunami of new "content" flooding the Internet. However, the reality is that Davinci is one of four LLMs that OpenAI has been selling for a while based on its underlying GPT-3 model. ChatGPT outperforms Davinci in key areas, including math, sentiment analysis, and a very common category of prompt known as "zero-shot." Despite this, most Davinci users are likely to stampede to ChatGPT in the coming weeks. OpenAI may have significantly pruned the model underpinning ChatGPT by carving out parameters that were rarely activated, resulting in a smaller and cheaper model yielding roughly the same output. Microsoft has committed $10 billion to OpenAI, and OpenAI could be in a position to loss-lead terraword after terraword until all of its less-gilded competitors wither away. This specific form of hardball has a long history at Microsoft.


Amazon zamyka 8 sklepów autonomicznych

Amazon Go to najwi?ksza sie? sklepów bezobs?ugowych w USA. W ostatnich tygodniach poinformowa?a, ?e zamyka 8 takich sklepów.

The company will shut two Go stores in New York City, two locations in Seattle, and four stores in San Francisco. The stores will close on April 1, and Amazon said it will work to help affected employees secure other roles at the company.

Co to oznacza?

Zdecydowanie nie nale?y tego interpretowa?, jako brak wiary w technologi? bezobs?ugow? w Retailu. W mojej opinii przyczynami s?:

  1. Z?e lokalizacj? sklepów - sklepy funkcjonowa?y w dzielnicach biznesowych, które po pandemii, nigdy nie wróci?y do poprzedniego trafficu.
  2. Naturalna cykl budowania dojrza?o?ci sklepów - sie? Amazon Go ma ok 5 lat. Najwi?ksze sieci Retail budowa?y doskona?o?? swoich formatów kilkana?cie lub kilkadziesi?t lat. Normalne jest to, ?e formaty ewoluuj? w poszukiwaniu swojego market fit.

Starbucks sprzeda? 2000 NFT w 20 minut

Starbucks to jedna z niewielu korporacji, która umie w Metaverse. Kolejny projekt zakończony sukcesem:

Starbucks launched its first paid collection of NFTs today, a group of?2,000 digital “stamps,”?each priced at $100. Starbucks calls its NFTs “Journey Stamps,” a less technical-sounding term that the uninitiated might use as a way to explain what they just spent money on. And people did buy them —?CoinDesk reports?that the “stamps” sold out in under 20 minutes.

Poprzednia, równie udana inicjatywa wyglada?a tak:

The coffee company first launched its NFT and Web3 push in December,?when it opened up a new membership program?called Starbucks Odyssey. An extension of the existing Starbucks rewards program that gives customers perks like free drink upgrades, Odyssey promises to deliver new benefits and “immersive coffee experiences that [customhttps://www.howtogeek.com/878140/spotifys-new-design-looks-a-whole-lot-like-tiktok/ise, or a trip to a Starbucks coffee farm at higher membership tiers. Free coffee, notably, isn’t listed as a possible reward. Purchasing an NFT gives members additional “points” that they can use to level up their tier.

Nowy UX Spotify zbyt TikTok'owy

Spotify og?osi? jak b?dzie wyglada? nowy design apki. Fala skojarzeń z wygl?dam aplikacji TikTok, Instagram czy YouTube i skutkuje lawin? hejtu. Czy s?usznie? Ci??ko stwierdzi?. Wed?ug mnie decyzja poparta jest mocnym researchem i b?dzie skutkowa? wi?kszym zaaga?owaniem u?ytkoników.


NFT odbija do góry

Wolument transakcji na marketplace przekroczy? 1 mld $ - najwy?szy wynik od Maja 2022.

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Ile jednoro?ców zosta?o przej?tych przez gigantów?

Super post podsumowuj?cy rynek przej?? w?ród startupów, które osi?gne?y najwi?kszy sukces w USA.

  • 177 (30%) out of 595 exited US unicorns were acquired
  • 110 unicorn acquisitions were completed by a single buyer
  • 27 companies acquired 2 or more unicorns (in total, more than 37% of all Unicorn acquisitions), 24 of them are public, 2 are PE funds, and 2 are private companies.

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Historia technologii na jednym wykresie

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Przysz?o?? q-commerce ??

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Dzi?kuje za Twój czas! Przycisk LIKE jest poni?ej ???


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