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We love to tell our customers about our Protection Plans and what they cover. After all we are the experts and we’ve taken care of so many customers who needed a repair or replacement! Even so, our description can sometimes miss what our customers value most, and we’re confused when they leave without protection. That puts us in a difficult situation, but one that we witnessed a Top Performer handle perfectly in their presentation—because they started with this sentence:
“If we offered a Protection Plan on this item, what would you want it to cover?”
We know, we know: it’s scary to lose control of the conversation sometimes, but it worked for this Top Performer. Here’s why:
What’s exciting to learn is that nearly every customer recites coverages that you already have in your Plan! They’re volunteering what they need and your Protection Plan perfectly fits that need (along with some other coverages they probably didn’t think of).
And in the rare instance that the customer mentions a feature that is not covered by your Protection Plan? First, Top Performers answer by noting those features that their Protection Plan does include. Then they explain that the excluded feature is very rare, and inclusion of rare events often pushes the Plan price out of reach. “Our goal is to protect as many customers as possible on the most common failures. And in my experience, we do a great job of that.” This response agrees with the customer while adjusting their perspective with our expertise, keeping the conversation positive.
The next time you feel that a customer might give you a quick “No” to your Protection Plan offer, try the WWYWC approach! It may be the approach that helps you to…Make It Happen!
Quick read: Allowing your customer to tell you what they want covered in their ideal Protection Plan allows you to understand what they value the most in protection. You can then show how your plan fulfills their needs, while explaining why excluding some coverages is beneficial to them.