Good day lovely people, we are excited about being apart of the HomeSmart family. As we transition it is our aim to better serve NYC and its diaspora. For news and updates or thinking of joining our team visit our website (link in the bio ???). Follow us on Facebook also at HomeSmart Cross Island. #realestate #realestateagent #nycrealestate #nyc #queensrealestate #queensproperty #realestatemadeeasy #longislandrealestate #brooklynrealestate #houseforsale #commercialproperties #nybroker #nycbroker #foreclosure #shortsale #shortsalespecialist #shortsales#comingsoon #socialcorner #lookingtosellyourhome #nycommercialproperties #agentsneeded
Professional Experience
8 年Very impressive profile. Keep up the good work Hyacinth