www.HereAndThereSomeHelp.com Part 2
I am happy to see you here with me again. :)
Today we are talking about other cool websites that I use and they help me a lot when I want to solve things fast and get great results.
I am going to talk about them individually and present you how I use them and why I think they are as we like to say around here ”frumiiiii”.
News & Resources
This website contains lots and lots of brandbooks. From international brands, to popular brands, to top brands when it comes to creativity you can find almost all of them here.
Research is very important and it is not a bad thing to know what other brands do or what brand guidelines they follow.
When it comes to digital marketing there are always changes, updates or announcement. Everyday an app can change its formats, colors, guidelines and so many more.
In order to achieve the best results and have a very efficient way of working you need to always know the latest news about digital marketing.
This website can help you to keep them all together in one place. Of course, there can be many more updates, but this one contains the majority of them :))
3. bitly.com
The one and only. I don't even know why I didn't mention it in the first article because this one it's a game changer.
What it does? It's easy. Let's say that if you have a 5 km link you can change it intro a 5 m link :) and also give it a cute name that matches with the information inside it.
Design & content
This one is now necessarily the prettiest one, but definitely one that does the job.
It can happen sometime find yourself into the situation where you need to upload a picture into a website, but the picture is too big or you need to insert it in places with a limitation regarding the storage size.
Well, yuhuu, now you have a shoulder to cry on and after you finish it will also help you with your problem. :)
5. inflact.com
I will cut it short with this one, because I don't need to many words.
You can download content from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & TikTok.
And it is at a high resolution!! <3 <3
I have a bookmark in my chrome profile fillllled with link from different sites and platform so that everytime I need to access some of them I know I have them all there.
It can happen to forget sometimes that you know websites that can help with some of the problems and if you have a list full of solutions you can manage to resolve it faster than usual.
Weeell, I loved speaking with you again and sharing some nice websites, I really want to know what other websites you use for management and news from different industries?
That is my main interest at the moment so I am very open on discovering new tools.
-Cristina, the one with the curly hair