www.Gigs4U.org on New Day NW / King 5
Karen "KZ" Zammit
Community Builder & Doer: Project & Event Management, Administration, Outreach & Promotions
Gigs4U was recently awarded a new 3-year contract to continue managing and expanding the EXPERIENCE THE CITY OF MUSIC program for the Port of Seattle at Sea-Tac International Airport. Today we had a chance to share our success on NEW DAY NW on KING 5 TV.
Host Margaret Larson: "There's a great organization making it simple and affordable to add live music to almost any event. Gigs4U has already brought talented Northwest musicians to Seafair, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac), and loads of other spots. [ Downtown Seattle Association, Amazon, Verity Credit Union, Whole Foods, Pacific Place +++]
Gigs4U founder Ed Beeson explained how the organization works to match performers with venues and events, and the New Day audience was treated to a performance by Seattle cellist Gretchen Yanover."
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