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Lifeweavers Therapy Company
Multidisciplinary team bringing gold standard recovery, retraining, maintenance, improvement and prevention to people
Allied health professionals, including physical therapists and nutritionists, are essential pillars in healthcare. Their extensive involvement in addressing multifaceted health aspects greatly bolsters healthcare efficacy and impact. These experts lead the charge in advancing patient outcomes with their diverse skill sets. Dive into our latest newsletter to keep pace with the constantly evolving landscape of allied health.
Advanced Home-Based Shoulder Rehabilitation: A Systematic Review of Remote Monitoring Devices and Their Therapeutic Efficacy
Shoulder joint issues are common and can greatly affect daily life. Recent advancements in remote monitoring technology, especially in e-health, have enabled the transition of rehab devices to home settings. These devices, like robotic exoskeletons and wearable systems, aid in remote monitoring and assessment of physical activity levels and biomechanical performance. Artificial intelligence further enhances these systems, allowing for tailored treatment plans. However, challenges remain in accurately evaluating exercises performed at home. Integrating home-based monitoring devices with traditional methods improves access to quality care and potentially reduces healthcare costs.
Effects of Serious Games in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment
Researchers and healthcare professionals are exploring innovative interventions to address cognitive challenges in individuals with MCI, aiming to improve cognitive function and quality of life. Serious games, designed primarily for learning and education, have shown promise in this regard. A review of eight research articles revealed that serious games, particularly those incorporating cognitive training and physical exercise, demonstrated superior efficacy in improving cognitive function, activities of daily living, and emotional symptoms compared to usual therapy or conventional treatments.
Home-Based Exergaming to Treat Gait and Balance Disorders in Patients With Parkinson’s Disease
Gait and balance disorders are prevalent in Parkinson's disease (PD), worsening over time and leading to freezing of gait (FOG) and falls. Traditional treatments can become ineffective, posing patient challenges and increasing healthcare costs. Physiotherapy offers non-pharmacological interventions but faces compliance issues due to travel burdens and repetitive training. Virtual reality (VR) and exergaming present promising alternatives, providing immersive environments that enhance engagement. Home-based, tailored exergaming shows potential for improving gait and balance disorders in advanced PD patients.
Exploring the Role of Palliative Care Occupational Therapists in Supporting Compassionate Communities in End-Of-Life Care
The shift towards community-based end-of-life care emphasises public health principles, empowering communities to take a more active role. Palliative care approaches that involve communities beyond professional input are recognized as crucial. The compassionate communities movement underscores the importance of community support for dying individuals and their caregivers. While occupational therapists have established roles in palliative care teams, their potential contribution to compassionate communities remains underexplored. This study seeks to understand occupational therapists' perspectives on their role in supporting this movement.
Moving Beyond Comorbidity: The Effect of Exercise Training in Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) leads to significant hospital admissions globally, with patients often spending prolonged periods in sedentary behaviour. This inactivity contributes to increased risks of mortality and readmission. Early mobilisation and exercise training during hospitalisation have been proposed as interventions to mitigate these risks. A study compared standard care alone with standard care plus supervised in-bed cycling or booklet exercise for CAP patients. While supervised exercise did not significantly impact length of stay or mortality, it showed potential in reducing readmission risk and readmission days.
Impact of Real-World Outpatient Cancer Rehabilitation Services on Health-Related Quality of Life of Cancer Survivors across 12 Diagnosis Types in the United States
Cancer survivors often experience lower health-related quality of life (HRQOL) compared to adults without cancer, with many reporting unmet needs across various domains. Addressing these needs is crucial, as unmet HRQOL domains are linked to poorer cancer outcomes and increased healthcare utilisation. Integrating supportive services like outpatient cancer rehabilitation (physical and occupational therapy) into oncology care workflows is proposed as a solution. A large retrospective study involving over 1400 cancer survivors across 12 cancer types observed significant improvements in HRQOL domains following PT/OT intervention, suggesting the potential benefits of targeted rehabilitation services in improving survivor well-being.
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Till the Next One!
Allied health remains dynamic, marked by constant innovation and ongoing progress. Lifeweavers, a leader in home therapy services, spearheads this evolution by providing innovative alternatives to conventional treatments. Our dedication to flexibility and the incorporation of state-of-the-art methodologies sets us apart, guaranteeing that we excel in delivering inventive and impactful healthcare solutions.
We welcome direct referrals to our therapy services and are delighted to engage in discussions about your cases.