WWOAH 24:09

WWOAH 24:09

Physical Activity and Behaviour Change for Women Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer

For women living with breast cancer, physical activity has long been acknowledged as beneficial. However, most health services and research focus on early-stage cancer, leaving a gap in promoting physical activity for those with metastatic breast cancer. Recent evidence suggests that physical activity is safe and effective for improving health outcomes in women with metastatic disease. To integrate this evidence into routine care, it's crucial to understand unique challenges impacting physical activity behaviour. This thesis outlines a research program employing behaviour change science to explore strategies for promoting physical activity.

Lymph Drainage Massage as a Measure for Correction of Lymph Flow Disorders After Mastectomy in Women With Breast Cancer

Lymphedema, often occurring post-mastectomy, is a complex condition resulting from lymph flow disruption. It requires ongoing management to prevent complications like inelastic scarring and reduced shoulder mobility. The gold standard treatment, complete anticongestive therapy, involves two phases: education on skin care, manual lymphatic drainage, compression bandages, and exercises, followed by ongoing maintenance and self-management. This study stresses that manual lymphatic drainage, a specific massage technique, reduces lymphedema by enhancing lymphatic duct function and flow.

The Impact of Aquatic Therapy on Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

Postural instability contributes significantly to the prevalence of falls among individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD). Studies indicate that approximately 60–70% of individuals with PD experience at least one fall annually, with 39–50% experiencing recurrent falls. This study finds that adherence to an aquatic therapy program may yield various benefits, including improved balance and mobility, reduced fear of falling, alleviating pain, and increased social participation. Additionally, aquatic therapy offers a novel and meaningful occupation while encouraging physical activity, thus supporting individuals with PD to maintain their independence for extended periods.

A Comparison of Strength Training and Coordination Exercises to Improve Quality of Life and Functional Independence in the Elderly

As the global population ages, preserving the functional independence and quality of life of elderly individuals has become increasingly vital. This systematic study delves into the effectiveness of strength training and coordination exercises in enhancing autonomy and well-being among older adults. A comprehensive review evaluates various outcomes such as muscle strength, balance, mobility, fall prevention, and overall quality of life. Additionally, the study explores the synergistic effects of combining coordination and strength exercises while addressing practical considerations.

Recent Physiotherapy Advances in Stroke Patient for Upper Limb Training: A Literature Review

Various advanced rehabilitation techniques enhance arm and hand function, which is crucial for independent daily living. This paper reviews these methods: virtual reality, robotic devices, constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT), and mirror therapy. Newer technologies tend to be costlier and more complex, limiting accessibility, especially for remote patients. In this context, telerehabilitation emerges as a practical alternative, leveraging telecommunication networks to make therapy affordable and accessible to a broader population.

Three-Year Follow-up of the Fall Risk and Physical Function Characteristics of the Elderly Participating in a Community Exercise Class

In Japan, numerous local governments organise various community exercise classes to enhance the health status and quality of life (QOL) of elderly individuals residing in the community. While these activities may not specifically focus on supervised exercise programs for fall prevention, they offer opportunities for regular physical activity, social interaction, and overall well-being maintenance. By comparing changes in fall risk and physical function between high and low-risk groups at the onset, improvements in fall risk were observed in the high-risk group. This improvement may be attributed to preserving walking ability and strength within the high-risk group.

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Allied health remains dynamic, marked by constant innovation and ongoing progress. Lifeweavers, a leader in home therapy services, spearheads this evolution by providing innovative alternatives to conventional treatments. Our dedication to flexibility and the incorporation of state-of-the-art methodologies sets us apart, guaranteeing that we excel in providing inventive and impactful healthcare solutions.

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