WWIII Begins without a Single Shot being Fired

WWIII Begins without a Single Shot being Fired

Making Sense of It All – The Coronavirus Blog, Part 5 ? 2020 – Jim Grapek, MMH, CBP, Pavilion Founder & CEO

“Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.”  
~ Meshawn Maddock, MI protestor  

General Rob Spalding is the author of, “Stealth War: How China Took Over While America’s Elite Slept.” He is also the chief architect for our widely praised National Security Strategy, and recently wrote in American Military News, “Discussion of the illness was prohibited by the Chinese government, and the doctor who tried to warn his colleagues through social media – was detained. …The samples were destroyed before the results could be made public.” Thus, “the first global war of the 21st century began in December without a shot being fired.” Doing my own research, as a Newhouse trained journalist, I’ve come to agree with Spalding. With all of our focus purposely drawn to the coronavirus -- and evidence of collusion among many high officials in our federal and state governments, stealth is indeed the operative word here. But, I encourage you to do your own research and read through the articles I’ve curated.   

Somehow – and I say this as a former Democrat (now independent) – there’s been some massive changes in the party, and they don’t at all seem ‘democratic’ to me. It is in the biggest BLUE states and cities -- California, Washington, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, NYC, LA, Illinois, and Seattle – where we seem the most extreme responses to COVID-19. Responses which seem to go way beyond what is reasonable.  

Did you know that Michigan’s Governor Whitmer forbid the sale of all plants, seeds, paint, and American flags?  (Ha! And those Michiganders thought they’d be able to touch up their homes or plant a garden in a crisis like this!?  What were they thinking?) Whatever they were thinking, thousands took to the streets to call for these extreme measures to be dropped.

It is one thing to create these strict guidelines. "It is quite another [for public officials to] contend that their suggestions and intimidations and guidelines somehow have the force of law behind them. 
They don’t.”  
~Judge Napolitano

After learning about the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) website’s “TOP LINK” material though, I think I better understand the Governor’s thinking.  Since it looks like the global communist/collectivists are planning to eliminate our flags and gardens anyway, she simply wanted to start acclimating people to what would be coming.  (But, why would she do this? Is she somehow being unduly influenced?)  

The Top Link section of the website – which I’ve seen but have yet to figure out how to access -- is daunting. First, it details how this Coronavirus will be the end of life as we know it. (We hearing this same phrase echoed by Gates, Fauci, WHO, and the media.) No longer, they say, will you and I be free to travel or ‘gather.’ We will all need implanted RFID chips or ‘passports’ to even cross state lines, and it will take a strong global government to save humanity. No elections. No individual rights. (Hmm… if there were ever a threat to humanity, it sounds like it’s them.) The password protected TOP LINK section has more than a 100 levels with thousands of pages of documentation. It must have taken YEARS to put it all together. They didn’t just whip this up in December when the coronavirus hit.   

By 2030, WEF’s papers tell us, people will not be allowed to grow any of their own food or plants, or take anything from nature. This means no nature-derived foods, no fish, no meat, no eggs, no poultry.  The goal is for all food to be “synth” -- laboratory produced. I guess that means no more Pho, Italian, Starbucks, or Happy Meals.  And definitely no BACON or BBQ. Personally, I think this will be their downfall.  We Americans will not give up our love of food! 

From a health perspective – especially now with new COVID cases dropping and WAY fewer deaths than were projected (not to mention fudged numbers) – these severe lockdowns are anything but a “normal” response and if continued, seriously overstep our Constitutional rights. Reminiscent of the Nazi SS, the LA mayor is asking people to snitch on neighbors. In Washington (state), you can now use a police app on your phone to snitch electronically.  In North Carolina, they’re sending up police drones to look around people’s properties to see if they are “gathering.” Wait a minute. Aren’t our elected officials sworn to uphold the Constitution? Oh, right, if you are a Mason (which most are) or a member of Skull and Bones, your oath doesn’t really count. Their own oath – which carries a penalty of death if you break it – comes first.  

Turning to the news media for a moment, why did they resort to using footage from overflowing ERs in Italy to represent “busy New York hospitals?” Could it be because the New York hospitals were NOT busy? Why was CBS caught airing footage of a pleading nurse -- who was in fact a professional actress? Did the news tell us about the 250-bed army field hospital in Seattle that was dismantled before treating a single patient? Or that the state returned 400 ventilators?  No. Because legally, they can air whatever their owners want.  

So, are we to lock ourselves inside until a ‘miracle vaccine’ comes out, complete some biometric markers so authorities can track us and employers and businesses can see if you are “cleared” to travel or be with other people?  That’s the plan, and it is all out there and easy to find. Do we NEED a vaccine? No. Wearing my ‘health professional’ hat, there are FOUR effective therapies now curing the disease: Vitamin C, Chloroquine, Ozone, and Chlorine Dioxide. All of these have been successfully used by many doctors and health professionals and are extremely safe – yet they continue to be discounted by the authorities. Could it be because they don’t fit into their plans?  For those eagerly awaiting the vaccine that Gates and the WHO are preparing, I highly recommend you research how many children in India and South America were paralyzed by his polio vaccine. And don’t forget the millions of African women who were “accidentally” sterilized by the WHO-Gate’s supplied tetanus vaccine. The WHO later admitted it had put a sterilizing agent into the vaccine and didn’t tell these women.  Are you okay with that? 

As hard as it is to hear or believe, I am convinced that you and I have been played for decades now by a large and well organized secret political faction -- the same conspirators that killed President Kennedy and probably Lincoln, too. (Both wanted to abolish the ‘not-so-federal’ Federal Reserve, btw.) As Kennedy and Eisenhower both clearly told us, this is indeed a conspiracy at the deepest levels. It is not just a theory.  (Not possible? Read the articles. If even just half of them are true, I’d say we’ve got a serious problem.) 

Today, you and I have become the pawns in a global chess game to control the world, and this “cabal” has the U.S. in their sights. Why? Because we represent the largest and most powerful threat to them in the world. We have a Bill of Rights… and the 2nd Amendment, which to me is looking ever better, means we are ARMED, baby!  Look at it this way: Players in the intelligence community, the news media, top industry leaders, politicians, and the heads of the UN, WHO, World Bank, IMF, CFR, and WEF, are all part of a big CLUB – and you and I ain’t in it. (George Carlin. Very funny.) 

Below I put together a compilation of independent news clips for you to serve as a resource (and also available as a PDF).  Please review, share, and discuss these issues with your friends and family. It’s time to join together and push back.  Besides, I believe this is our “official” duty as Americans. Otherwise, as SD Governor Kristi Noem said, ‘this is how we can lose our country.”

Jim Grapek is kind of funny, kind of frustrated, award winning producer and advocate of 21st century (quantum) health and science solutions. He is also a board certified biofeedback practitioner and founder of The Pavilion -- an immersive, World’s Fair-like wonderland and community hub that delivers the best that (honest) new science, integrative medicine, and the humanities have to offer -- to enable people to live happier, healthier, and more meaningful lives.  He would love for you to join him in creating a legacy future, and can be reached at [email protected]



THE Headlines.

Medical: Opinions, studies, and things you should know.

86% of New Yorkers Who Have Died With Coronavirus Had Other Illnesses  

Italy: New Explosive Information Shows 99% of Those Who Died from Coronavirus Had Other Illnesses  

12 Doctors and Scientists Express Doubts and Concerns over the Draconian Response to COVID-19   (Statistically, one of every 1,000 people infected will die. Each individual case is tragic, but often – similar to the flu season – it affects people who are at the end of their lives.” [And often these people have many other concurrent illnesses.] 

Imperial College Scientist Who Predicted 500,000 Coronavirus Deaths in UK Adjusts His Estimate to 20,000 or Fewer (Okay, well, I guess an apology would be fine. They only locked down our countries.)  

Outrageous: Authorities are Hiding Fact That 74-78% of American COVID-19 Patients have Health Problems other than the Virus   

Dr. Says CDC Manipulates COVID-19 Death Certificates (They do. No proof of COVID is necessary. Does NOT have to be the cause of death.) 

Hospitals to List COVID-19 as Cause of Death Even if no Tests Verify it  

The Data is In: Seasonal Flu is a Thousand Times More Harmful than COVID-19 

US: Hospitals Get Paid $13K to List Patients as COVID-19 and $39K to Put Them on a Ventilator (Wow. “There’s gold in them there hills,” as the expression goes. At that price, wouldn’t you have your administrators writing up as many as possible as COVID cases for the reimbursement?) 

Britain Quietly Downgraded Status of Coronavirus as No Longer Highly Dangerous Before It Announced Lockdown (So why the lockdown?) 

New Data Suggest the Coronavirus Isn’t as Deadly as We Thought (Wall Street Journal) (No, we don’t “get sick and recover” as he states. We’re merely exposed. A healthy immune system is able to keep all kinds of viruses and pathogens under control… every day, so we stay well. Imagine that!) 

Gov. Newsom Said 25 Million Californians Would Be Infected with COVID-19 – But Today it’s 15,247  

Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (and Other Supporting Studies) (So maybe our “go-to” flu shot has some big downsides?) 

Misguided (bought?) Politicians Push World Tyranny Safety 

Former UK PM Gordon Brown Says It’s Time for ‘Global Government’ to Tackle Coronavirus (Ah ha! The plan-demic reveals itself.) 

Authorities Say 6 More Waves of COVID-19 Expected- Which Is Proof It Is Planned

(Authorities predict we will have to constantly stop and start work, school, and lockdowns, for the next 18 months, at least. I predict they are wrong. J ) 

Michigan governor bans sale of seeds (not weed), plants, paint, and U.S. flags   (Former SS officer?)  

NC Mayor To Deploy Drones Over Backyards To Enforce Social Distancing (Is it really okay to us in our backyards?) 

Chicago Mayor Warns, Those who go Outside to Exercise are Subject to Arrest  (Sure. We all know that fresh air and exercise won’t help you stay healthy.) 

New Jersey Attorney General Announces That People Who Violate Stay-At-Home Orders Could Face Six Months in Jail or Fines (Maybe these politicians aren’t getting … enough… if you catch my meaning.)

Philadelphia Police Will Stop Arresting Criminals in Hopes of Combating Coronavirus. Los Angeles and County in Ohio Releasing Prisoners on Same Excuse  (Makes you feel warm and fuzzy being home alone under lockdown. Have these people lost their minds? Tell me this is ‘normal’ and nothing here is being done in “lock-step?”  This can’t be a coincidence.)

Police App Encourages People to Report Neighbors Who Violate Stay-At-Home Orders 

Martial-Law Lockdown in France: Citizens Must Fill Out a Form Every Time They Leave Their Home (1984 materializing. Are you okay with that?)

The Players: Can You Trust the ‘Authorities’ or Media?

CBS Exposed Using Footage from an Italian Hospital to Describe COVID-19 Condition in New York

People Questioning Crisis Stories Visit Hospitals and Find Empty Emergency Rooms  

CBS Accused of Using 'CRISIS ACTRESS' Nurse In Tearful Plea For COVID-19 Supplies  

Video Showing Pandemic Crisis at Elmhurst Hospital in New York was Produced by Simulations Expert Leading to Questions of Authenticity  (Busted! Listen to “Dr. Colleen Smith’s” presentation… then watch the video above where independent vlogger Polly exposes that Colleen isn’t a doctor… she is a “simulations expert!”  Footage of the hospital taken by citizens shows a mostly empty hospital and no lines.) 

WHO hyped 'WHO-China Strategic Partnership'  (… to establish a new vision for WHO-China strategic partnership thru 2022 and beyond.) 

The United Nations Wants 10% Global Tax to Respond to Coronavirus Pandemic  (Part of which to be used for contraception and reproductive health. And that has what to do with COVID?) 

Was There Foreknowledge of the Plandemic? Corbett #059 

Pelosi closes Congress, warns Trump not to reboot economy  (As she leaves, DC, Pelosi says she hopes the “scientific community” tells Trump he can’t re-open the economy anytime soon. Can someone tell me why this person is still in office or deserves to be?) 

Is the ‘Fauci / Gates / WHO Vaccine the Answer?

Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Bill Gates, ID2020 & Vaccine Microchips 

Need-To-Know Connection Between the Rockefeller Foundation, Johns Hopkins University, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Resources and references included) 

UN/WHO/Gates Tetanus Vaccines in Kenya Sterilized Millions of Women without their Consent (Millions sterilized – tricked into thinking they were getting a tetanus shot. Still think a WHO vaccine is the answer?) 

Gates Foundation charged in Indian court for “serious breach of trust and medical ethics amounting to child abuse and 'a clear cut violation of the human rights of these girl children.”  (More human rights abuses. Millions more.  Would you trust them to inject ‘the real thing’ into your arm or your child’s?) 

Bill Gates Revealed, the Real COVID-19 Agenda (Balanced, in-depth article from leading health authority Dr. Mercola) 

Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and the 'Global Vaccine Action Plan'?  

Pushback is Happening

[“My brother just died at home yesterday.. Cancer.. Did we practice social distancing?  Heck no! Did we hug each other?  You better believe it!”  ~ from a YouTube comment that moved me.] 

Barr warns elected officials on exercise of 'dictatorial powers'

Senator: The WHO 'needs to stop covering' for communists  

Sweden Continues To RESIST Lockdown as Infections, Deaths DROP 

Protests Against Quarantines Happening Globally but Downplayed by Media 

Anti-lockdown Protests Spread Across America  (Right on, America!)


Chief Enlightenment Officer - ROFLMAO - your article - or whatever you call it - is unadulterated garbage pretty much from beginning to end. you may find some useful idiots to further purvey your thoughts.

Janet Kira Lessin

Counselor/Hypnotherapist at School of Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Spiritual Growth Counseling

4 年

There are as many timelines aka realities as there are people. The one outlined in your articles is too warlike, unconscious and disrespectful. We are creating all of this. I’m shifting timelines till I move to the win for all timeline I was shown when I was 4 on board ship.


Did ya all miss when Dr. Brix mentioned this virus has RNA markings of HIV in it ?

Janet Kira Lessin

Counselor/Hypnotherapist at School of Counseling, Relationship Counseling, Spiritual Growth Counseling

4 年

Hi I’ve heard this perspective and it’s one way to view the world. But I prefer to put my energy into a positive timeline as it’s all fake news with no way to prove anything these days. Most in the UFO field like the conspiracy narrative. But I’ve reached a different conclusion and see us coming through this mess with an invitation to join the Federation and shift to star trekkian technology.



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