WWEM monitoring conference

WWEM monitoring conference

Our Asset Intelligence and Innovation team have been on stage at the Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring Conference in Birmingham today. Alongside our partners we presented on some of the projects that we’re currently developing including AIoT, Zero Spills Hub and Net Zero Digital Twin.

AIoT Transform Project - James Ballard presented on the OFWAT fund Transform Project a collaboration that aims to leverage Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) technologies to optimise the operation of sewage pumping stations. This will move away from using assets as point solutions and towards a ‘systems thinking’ approach to reduce spills and protect the environment. Through our progress to date, we have learned a lot about the role of data and modelling, and will be sharing some our challenges and successes. #Aitkensrealis #Southwestwater #Southernwater #Thameswater #Rockwellautomation #blackburnstarling #8power #microsoft #bt and #universityofexter

Zero Spills Mindset - Gary Kinley: We believe that by harnessing the combined power of Artificial Intelligence for separation and treatment , we can deliver innovative alternatives to traditional storage solutions in the waste network. At our Zero Spills Hub in Nottinghamshire, we’re going to build a catchment demonstrator to apply a ‘Zero Spills Mindset’ that brings together digital, data, physical and biological technologies. #Jacobs

Digital Twin - Ziye Dai: As part of the Net Zero Hub OFWAT Transform Project, we are working in a collaboration to explore how we can build a sustainable, scalable Digital Twin of a Sewage Treatment Works that can optimise treatment processes whilst ensuring high quality final effluent. #aitkensrealis #Xylem #Siemens #Sandtech

To meet the demands being faced in the water industry, strong partnerships both nationally and internationally are critical to our success.




Khuzema Saleh

Partner at S.R.Saleh Brothers

1 个月

excellent ??



