WVLN Membership Meetings - Theory of Constraints and More!!!
Doug Ellenberger
Industrial Engineer, Owner/Founder Sign Art Etc, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Operations
January Meetings: Lafayette IN January 16, 8AM - 11AM.
Valparaiso IN January 30, 8AM - 10 AM.
Note that construction around the SIA Training Center is complete and we are able to park near Training Center.
Start the new decade out by attending the Lafayette or Valparaiso meetings in January......or attend both events. Presentations are based on helping you drive improvement in your organization using lean tools and principles.
Join us on January 16 as Doug Ellenberger presents Theory of Constraints based on the book "The Goal." Many rankings consider "The Goal" to be the best selling business book of all-time.
The Theory of Constraints is a methodology for identifying the most important limiting factor (i.e. constraint) that stands in the way of achieving a goal and then systematically improving that constraint until it is no longer the limiting factor. In manufacturing, the constraint is often referred to as a bottleneck. All organizations and systems have constraints/bottlenecks.
Join us for a lively and enjoyable session on TOC. No matter if this is new to you or if you have read the book a dozen times, you will benefit from this presentation.
We will also continue our on-going series on statistics, our world famous un-conference breakout sessions and have time for networking and sharing before, during and after the meeting.
Link to Eventbrite Registration WVLN Lafayette January 16th
*** First WVLN meeting in Bloomington has been moved to March ***
NWI always has an energetic meeting. January will be no exception as we have two great topics, two distinguished speakers at Valparaiso University.
Brian Hudson from IU Health will get us started with "A3 Problem Solving and Presentations." Learn more about using the A3 tool in your problem solving and presentations.
John Moloney will share, "The Lean Journey - As a Book." Ever wonder what a lean, process improvement program could do for your organization? John will present an overview from of one company's lean journey.....the highlights and the pitfalls.
And as always, time to network before, during and after the meeting with folks fighting the same battles as you.
Link to Eventbrite Registration WVLN Valparaiso January 30th
As fabulous as the presentations are in providing new ideas and training that we can actively use in our organization and personal lives, the profound power of the group is the opportunity to meet, engage, and network with highly motivated individuals and leaders driving improvement in their organizations.
And there will be time for networking, discussion and sharing before, during and after the meeting.
Non-members of WVLN can attend one or two of our meetings as guests (at no-cost), so feel free to invite a friend/peer who might have interest in attending this special program.
Note: We are always looking for member companies to present an improvement project. Do you have a project you would like to share with the group? Do you have a subject you are passionate and knowledgeable about and would like to share? Drop me an email and we will fit you in during an upcoming meeting.
Check out www.wvln.org for more information. Want to see a list of member organizations? Not sure if your organization is a member already? Not sure if you are current or past due on your membership dues....check out our membership and current/past due list.
Ready to join the group......
Contact Doug Ellenberger –[email protected]