WUSTO - A Leap From A to B
WUSTO - A Leap From A to B
Whirlybird Und Supersonic Travel Only!
Flight Shamer II Manifesto is a commitment more suitable for the older generations. Joe Biden has promised to back the return of commercial supersonic jets by 2029. Meantime you will not catch me on a subsonic one. So until 2029 by propellers, boats and tunnels only.
The App will feature a paid fantasy premium level to plot your global travel with the addition of possible supersonic luxury global leaps. Otherwise it is back to a "slow travel movement" like the "slow food movement". However faster boats across The Atlantic or even the return of flying propeller boats might be on the cards.
Designed to bridge the gap between generations and between all of us and the past. Furlough previously meant a religious missionary, such as Church of Scotland in Malawi as my great grandfather was, coming home for a whole year's break. That is because a two-way trip by boat would take up a month or so!
The slow travel movement is designed to put the fun back into travel. The grace of it, rather than the speed. To savour and read about destinations rather than dashing to them. This requires more stop-overs and closer to detail attention on the planned travel itinerary, to connect up local travel providers around the world as you seek to travel but avoid the subsonic jet. The App is designed to match up accommodation and slower travel options if you decide to keep to your Flight Shamer Manifesto II commitment.
The jury is still out on whether supersonic passenger travel will return. Dedicated runways are probably required for safety issues. Routings are restricted by sonic boom noise pollution. However environmentally it is not how fast we travel but how often we think it normally to fly by jet. A conscious choice to travel just transatlantic once every couple of years is going to be kinder to the environment than travelling by normal jet half a dozen times per year.
WUSTO is just one fun option to consider and our special focus is upon South American jungle adventure tours where light aircraft and riverboats bring excitement and adventure. The slow travel movement also focuses upon possible innovations such as speed boats across the Atlantic (Richard Branson's previous interest), the return of flying boats, new tunnels and even monorail pontoon helium balloon bridges. The return of some ferry services, such as DFDS from Newcastle to Sweden, that were cancelled through lack of demand.
The slow travel movement is also about understanding why we travel with a special focus on explorers and administrative or clerical greats of the past who wrote books to describe their travel. As business people need to travel less because of remote working, while some sun worshippers will always want their quick fix, WUSTO App community will look to encourage a greater depth of appreciation to the purpose of leisure travel by taking up the Flight Shamer II Manifesto challenge. Hot air balloons included.
To return to what furlough means I illustrate my commitment to WUSTO with the French translation of my great grandfather's book written as a Church of Scotland missionary in Africa first published in 1911. He took a few furloughs over his decades of service to come back home, as all our missionaries did across the world in other places such as China and South America.
The pace of modern life is in transformation following global lockdown and virtual lives on the screen. WUSTO seeks by launching the slow travel movement to re-establish a better harmony between the fast pace and the slow place. There is no point rushing to go somewhere if you do not truly know why you are going. As Seneca quoted Socrates "The trouble with travel is you take yourself with you".
This is one of the environmental aims behind WUSTO and The Flight Shamers II Manifesto. Out competing ourselves to visit destinations to show ourselves as happy on social media is not the same as good travel because we chose wisely. The nature of lockdown and possible future controls means we believe the slow travel movement as first inaugurated by the example of Greta can be bettered and accommodated.
This is by a new philosophic approach combining slow travel with the occasional high-speed supersonic boost. Seat belts on! This is WUSTO. Flying boats and sonic booms. Free to plan on unless you want to access the fun fantasy level of linking up your slow global adventure to the futuristic availability of a maybe once in a lifetime supersonic leap from A to B.